Presidential Canidate Quiz

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I'm even against gun registration. History has shown that registering guns just provides a list of people for corrupt governments to take them away from.

That conspiracy theory is downright insanity in my opinion.

Gun registration aides in investigating crimes involving firearms.

***Don't just spit at me that many of the firearms used in crimes are unregistered. Fact is many are still registered or were registered and stolen.
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That conspiracy theory is downright insanity in my opinion.

How so? About 10 years ago there was a guy in Australia who went nuts and killed like 35 people with semi-auto weapons... The Prime Minister pulled the carry laws and ran a mandatory handgun buyback operation that carried prison terms for non-compliance. Afterwards, assaults and burglaries in the big cities went way up in the following years as criminals had less to fear; they still had their guns, but they had fewer consequences to face as their victims were unprotected. Similar things happened in Britain during their gun crackdown as well. Hitler also went and took away all the registered weapons belonging to every Jew in Germany, and that didn't go over very well.

The number of guns in the world is staggering. Incredible. Mind blowing. If gun production completely stopped right now and never started up again, I guarantee no one anywhere on the planet would notice for at least 100 years. Gun registration may help solve a few criminal cases, but there are so many out there it just doesn't matter in the grand scheme. Every registered gun could vanish and it wouldn't affect the worldwide supply in the least. The only ones who wouldn't have protection would be the law-abiding.

An armed populace is not easily subjected to tyranny. The negatives of gun registration outweigh the positives in an increasingly dangerous and politically unstable world.
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