r.i.p. crx

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i am, i know its my fault, i decide to turn hard on my tires cold.... and i knew better then to getclose to the paint.... yes its my fault for not taking these things into consideration when driving agresivly... and i didnt say it was out of my control... i said it was somewhat. once i hit the paint i couldnt do shit to get it back.... yes i know i was stupid about it and im slapping myself for it.... it happened a week and 1 hour ago NOW!!! and its asshats like you who rub it in when i already hate myself for it.
this isnt nascar dude..im damn sure your car was not setup to do this..
so take your lying/contradicting ass out of here

EDIT!! oh and the paint strip isnt smooth,its the same contour of the road.so dont blame this on the paint,its all in your hands

actually, a local driver/worker from brainerd international race way, called and asked to use my car to set a fwd n/a record on the new short course, so i feel it is got an ok setup to turn hard, no 65-70 is not excesive... and no where near nascar speeds.... this is not a 90 degree turn this is not an extreme turn, the speed limit was only 10 under what i was doin, and idk where your from, but where i live the paint is slick, and slapped on top of the pavement..
ask ANY driver who drives proffesionally.... any slight difference in road condtion/temp can through you off on even the easiest, slighest turns. so dont go calling me a liar, cuz once agian im sure you were there....
ask ANY driver who drives proffesionally.... any slight difference in road condtion/temp can through you off on even the easiest, slighest turns. so dont go calling me a liar, cuz once agian im sure you were there....
dude dont come preaching to me about shit,i drive in the nascar local tracks division,

actually, a local driver/worker from brainerd international race way, called and asked to use my car to set a fwd n/a record on the new short course, so i feel it is got an ok setup to turn hard, no 65-70 is not excesive... and no where near nascar speeds.... this is not a 90 degree turn this is not an extreme turn, the speed limit was only 10 under what i was doin, and idk where your from, but where i live the paint is slick, and slapped on top of the pavement..
again contradiction..you said.it was and i quote "i was holdin a pretty hard left hand turn on a banked road" obviously it was too sharp for the speed you were going,with the amount of experience you have.
your backstepping now,because we are calling you out on a dumb move.
heres what you need to do,dont blame the crash on the paint(if the paint was so unsafe it wouldnt be there in the first place)
admit you were driving to fast for the condition,chalk it up as a loss,and dont do that shit again..lesson learned?
its cool think what you want, i know what happened. sure maybe i was driving faster then the limit but not fast by any means
and its asshats like you who rub it in when i already hate myself for it.

If you don't want anyone's take on this story, don't post a fucking thread about it. Easy as that.

No one's rubbing it in, they're correcting you. You have some contradictions in your story and they're pointing it. Better get used to it.

And I agree. While I didn't total my car, I had a similar experience with it sliding, except I was going about 15 (under the speed limit) and around a corner on a slippery road. So I'm pretty sure doind excesses of 60-70 mph, or thereabouts, you are the one to be held solely responsible for it. Not the paint.

Note: Road paint dried within minutes of it being put to pavement. Just thought you'd like to know. Even if it rained out, there's no chance it would become that slippery again.
no, it wont become wet agian, it is much slicker then the actual surface... whatever. here do this everyone who questions it, buy a ticket to mn, ill pick ur ass up from the air port, show you where the road is, you can see what angle the turn is, you can view the skid marks. and ill drive you back... pm me if your coming..... haters
its cool think what you want, i know what happened. sure maybe i was driving faster then the limit but not fast by any means

Are you fucking serious? Anything faster then the speed limit is technically too fast. And I'm with INJEN on this one, if the fucking paint was unsafe they wouldn't put it on the road. Cars cross painted lines on the road all the time, for passing, turning, etc. If the painted areas made the road slippery to the point where it was unsafe then why would they be putting it on the roads???

You're still just making excuses for yourself and trying to push some of the blame off on some other factor. No dude, you fucked up. Period. Done.
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Why would we go to MN?

Drive us back in....?

No one here's a hater.

You know I can't think of what to say...weird. That just mean this is completely retarded.
If you don't want anyone's take on this story, don't post a fucking thread about it. Easy as that.

No one's rubbing it in, they're correcting you. You have some contradictions in your story and they're pointing it. Better get used to it.

Mutha fuckin' :werd:

Were you looking for sympathy when you posted this shit? If you don't want to be criticized, then don't post a damn thread on an Internet forum talking about how YOU crashed your car and then attempt to pass off the blame on the lines painted on the road...
no, it wont become wet agian, it is much slicker then the actual surface... whatever. here do this everyone who questions it, buy a ticket to mn, ill pick ur ass up from the air port, show you where the road is, you can see what angle the turn is, you can view the skid marks. and ill drive you back... pm me if your coming..... haters

How the fuck would this prove anything? No one gives a shit about the skid marks on the road or the angle of the turn. You were driving too fast. You fucked up. Done. Stop making excuses.
and this is taken with a shitty cell phone,,

thats right in front of my house.


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ok yea basically u dont know what your car can handle or u cant drive for shit lol. ive had 2 88's and taken turns in both of them at two and three times the recomended speed for the corner and not had any problem. so i think im leaning more twards the second choice, either way, yea u fucked up buddy lol.
i was holdin a pretty hard left hand turn on a banked road. doin 65-70 (no bs) and the front left hit the center line paint and it slid and started twords the bottom of the bank,

personally im confused by this, ill explain why and then someone can clear this up for me. now... on a hard LEFT turn, the weight of the car will be shifted to the right side, SO, that would mean that given the weight transfer, his right front wheel would be his primary wheel for traction, so (for all intents & purposes we'll say the paint is the culprit here) if his LEFT FRONT wheel did track over the paint... 1) why would it really matter? 2)consider it does matter, why would it begin to slide to the bottom of the bank? if your making a hard left on a banked curve at 70+ then obviously the right side of your car will be facing the TOP of the bank, so if you lose traction, basic knowledge would tell you that your car is going to automatically slingshot to the top of the bank, this story makes no sense to me... now i could totally be retarted, reading/understanding this wrong, iunno... feel free to correct me accordingly... i just dont see how the wheels could slip, and you begin to slide to the bottom of the bank as if you were slowing down, unless by some act of god your left front wheel suddenly gained some amazing type of kung fu, chuck norris type grip on the road and ripped your car to the bottom of the bank... which is also highly unlikely.:ph34r:

Edit: also would like to include that the lines on the roads here are painted with the same paint he is talking about, its curb paint, which is very thick and very smooth, and is painted over top of the pavement, so it does create a EXTREMELY minute difference in road height.... seriously talking like make 1/16 of an inch or less. so i have experience with this type of paint... and have never witnessed it being slippery... ever.
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haha, he said whip.

and owned on the simple physics.
i have to agree with mikey on the whole thing. your shit dont make much sense.
all in favor of AFFIRMATIVE that this guy is putting the blame on something other than himself/contradicting/lying and all douchebaggery say I!!!
i'm not completely unbeileving that the paint had some bearing on this incident.

first of all injen, that's an old shitty road. no offense to you, i just feel bad for your car's suspension :P

if the car has an open differential, then the power would be going to the inside wheel (left in this case). if he was accelerating hard through the turn, then when the left wheel hit the paint, it could spin, losing traction and therefore losing acceleration. meanwhile, the rear wheels are still accelerating, and that makes the rear of the car come around the front.

having said all that, it's still obvious that if you don't keep it off the line, then you're either not paying attention, or you're going too fast.

edit: modern road paint, for instance the white line at stop lights, is put on really thick, and is slicker than the road surface. i've been in minivans that can burn out on those white stop light strips on a dry day.
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