So i'm thinking about getting hypnotized...

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These snozzberries taste like snozzberries...
About 3 years ago, the girl i was with cheated on me with a really good friend, or so i thought he was. Let me start from the beginning. I got with this girl that was super hot. And from the moment all my friends met her, they plotted on trying to fuck her. They tried to take her out, told her i was cheating on her, told her i was a bad know the routine.

When I first got with her, she was a virgin. She turned into a freak and I knew it. But it was fun. I trusted her though. But with all the shit they fed her, she finally broke and fucked my friend. She said some shit a couple times that made me wonder, but it was when we would fight, then she would deny it all. But i believed her because it sounded like it could be true. So anyways, we broke up, and a few months later my friend john says to me, "hey, i heard she fucked XXXXX and she's a freak."

God dammit. not what i wanted to hear. well, 3 years later, it still bugs the shit out of me. i have had several relationships and slept with tons of girls since then. but it still effects how i handle relationships and i can't get it out of my head this guy fucking her.
So, my manager use to be a therapist and can hypnotize me to help me deal with it and just move on. Should I do it? Would any of You?
Ex cheated with my friend,
still bugs me,
should i get hypnotized so it doesn't bother me anymore. i.e. office space.
Hypnotizing you won't solve the problem, but may be an aid in solving the problem.

In all honesty, try it, but seek therapy and a true want and desire to better yourself from this situation.
Celerity said:
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

Watch it.

it won't erase the whole process. this will just help me cope with it better so it doesn't effect future relationships.
You know what ?

Fuckin deal with it. Life is full of little minefields. You'll hear a song on the radio, see a vista even open the newspaper and something, somewhere, will remind you of a painful situation.

If you ditch this and go on blissfully, you will have suffered through all of that for naught - and worse yet, you will probably make the same mistakes and relive the pain.

That's why we have Regret. To prevent us from doing really stupid shit a second time.

My favorite lines from Star Trek: The Final Frontier -

"I don't want you to remove my pain. My pain is what makes me who I am"

It's true. It's good to relief yourself of the misery, but don't ditch the feeling. You gotta hold onto that so you can remember, in vivid colors, what it was and how it went down.

you're not entitled to feel good about yourself. None of us are.
wait till he's on his second wife...before you mention pain....

Ohh wait...I'm the only one here thats been devorced before....and then re-married....

I'll fill this board up with so many pages....if I was drunk...and lately...I've been cutting back on the booze....
dude it was THREEE YEARS AGO!!!! How long were you together?? You get one month for each 6 months you were together.
Seany-izzle said:
dude it was THREEE YEARS AGO!!!! How long were you together?? You get one month for each 6 months you were together.

well it wasn't 216 months ago. i'm not in any type of mourning phase. it's more annoying than anything. maybe i think about it now because i'm recently single. the worst part is, i didn't have the opportunity to fuck up the guy who did it. then again, it was the second time he got my sloppy seconds. he got with this other girl i went out with a couple times but wasn't really interested in. he just always wanted what i had and he didn't.
I agree 100% with Cel on this. But it seems you acknowledge that that whole thing screwed you up. Just remind yourself that not every girl is going to be the same. Im sure you have done things that have hurt others. Its part of life and you should take it in and learn from it. Pain is what makes the highs high and the lows lows. Without the pain the good will never feel as good.
yeah dude. i hear ya on that. there is still stuff of sabrinas here and when i think of the guy shes "with" i get a bad feeling in my stomach.

theres more to this story, but latter details will be released at a later date.
get_nick said:
well it wasn't 216 months ago. i'm not in any type of mourning phase. it's more annoying than anything. maybe i think about it now because i'm recently single. the worst part is, i didn't have the opportunity to fuck up the guy who did it. then again, it was the second time he got my sloppy seconds. he got with this other girl i went out with a couple times but wasn't really interested in. he just always wanted what i had and he didn't.
I agree with Cel as well. You need to be able to remember and protect yourself from it again.

How I handled a similar situation:

Found out an ex had cheated on me when she wasn't yet the ex. Found out who the guy was. Thanked him for showing me she was nothing but a slut and then asked if he had kissed her. Of course he said yes. I asked him how my dick tastes. Went on to hook-up with a few girls in front of her just to get a few last jabs in. One of them happened to be my current gf of 8 months which further pushed my feeling that everything happens for a reason.
amen brotha. I've done that to one of the two that have cheated on me. Boy was she pissed, so she tried hooking up with my best friend... yeah he shot her down in front of a party full of people, "NO I WILL NOT MAKE OUT WITH YOU!! AND NO I WONT SLEEP YOU, YOU SLUT" Laughter soon followed.
Wow. Girly men up in here. Your friends suck. Get new friends.

And get over it, christ, it was forever ago! Am I a cold hearted bastard?? If a chick cheated on me I would beat the crap out of the dude (assuming he knew) dump the chick, and get on with life. I dont get emotional over shit like that. Certainly wouldn't be screwing with me several months later. Reach down, make sure you still have nuts, and get on with your life.
listen to the people! lol...3 years is long over due for you to move on with your life...the next love you find will be 10x better than that slut you dont want to erase the memories...those memories you have helped to make you the person you are today...and they will help with any future relationships you have...its all good man...dont let it get to you...
phyregod said:
Reach down, make sure you still have nuts, and get on with your life.

I checked last night. they are still there. no bumps or rashes either, so that's a good thing. she was a whore after I was gone. I think it just goes back to me being annoyed i'm single again. I didn't think like this while I had a gf. I guess it's just the transition period. fucking women. can't they just be trustworthy and fun? probably not.
reckedracing said:
trustworthy AND fun?
uhm... no
but i don't trust any women...

see, that's the problem. i trusted one a long time ago and it didn't turn out bad. i just want to be able to trust again.