Some Lady HIT my Civic

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I hate some people, i was driving home from the mall and the was a little bite of stop and go traffic. i was driving prefectly fine and traffic started to move so i moved and then it stopped to i stopped. well the lady behind me thought that she could get where ever the hell she was going but just plowing start through me rear ending me, at least it was a car and not an suv. but i called my parents then was calling the cops when she said she called her bf who was a cop. the whole bumper of my civic is freaked up and the trunk lid and some other miner things are crap now and the cop didnt give her a ticket and put the accident only costing $500 to fix, it will cost more. my friend and i looked at all the shit. we are having insurance look at it and give us a quote. but that just f*cks up someones night right there. :angry:
Dumbass bitches.. F*CKING SUVS.... i was parked at a light when i heard brakes SLAMMING behind me. It sounded further away from me than i thought it was.. but no, some kid in a pathfinder had to ram my trunk. Cant even escape SUVs when you are parked.
shit what is up with all you guys getting hit. Today i got about a foot away from broadsiding this one darango. This LADY pulled out of a shoping center without looking and i had to lock up my breaks not to hit her, i left 8ft skid marks too.
i believe the cop was just giving a rough idea.. they do that sometimes. i have no idea why, they did it to me once..its not an estimate or anything..BTW the cop was way off... was there any frame damage??
The police have to estimate the damage only for the purposes of drafting a police report- around here it's a minimum of $250 worth of damage that requires a report to be filed by law. If it's anything under that, a report is not required, but can still be made.
it was dark outside and still is, tomorrow morning i am going to go underneath the car and look at it all and take pictures

the lady needs to get a ticket, i know her son and he is a fuckface
yea! im 19, been driving for 4 years and have never been pulled over once. i drive a constant 40 in a 30. I always get a feeling when there is cops and i am super observant. Almost f*cked up a few times even once today. STILL NO TICKET! HA!
Originally posted by sgfa@Dec 18 2002, 02:12 AM
yea! im 19, been driving for 4 years and have never been pulled over once. i drive a constant 40 in a 30. I always get a feeling when there is cops and i am super observant. Almost f*cked up a few times even once today. STILL NO TICKET! HA!

same here, never been pulled over, radar dectector saves my ass SO much! I did get a careless driving ticket for running into a tree with a corolla, tho
Originally posted by DazedCivic99@Dec 17 2002, 11:09 PM
I hate some people, i was driving home from the mall and the was a little bite of stop and go traffic. i was driving prefectly fine and traffic started to move so i moved and then it stopped to i stopped. well the lady behind me thought that she could get where ever the hell she was going but just plowing start through me rear ending me, at least it was a car and not an suv. but i called my parents then was calling the cops when she said she called her bf who was a cop. the whole bumper of my civic is freaked up and the trunk lid and some other miner things are crap now and the cop didnt give her a ticket and put the accident only costing $500 to fix, it will cost more. my friend and i looked at all the shit. we are having insurance look at it and give us a quote. but that just f*cks up someones night right there. :angry:

bitches in Destin blow, but I get almost every night by these soccer moms in their Explorer and Expeditions, fuck all SUV's!
she rear ended you so no matter what her story is, she is at fault in the eyes of the law. i know this from someone i worked with who rear ended somebody. so anyway, you don't have to worry about that part. if you really want to be a prick, figure out how to go about getting compensation for whiplash/neck injury. you may have to fake it by wearing a neck brace, but it could be worth a pretty penny. i have heard of people doing that :)
I said it before and I'll say it again: Women Drivers Suck (90% of them).
Hopefully you'll come out on top with the insurance deal like so many people here in MT do. They get $2k for insurance, fix their car/truck for $300, pay the $500 deductible, and then have some spending cash.
you better say you got whiplash and milk that lady for all she worth. you dont even have to wear a neck brace just talk to a lawyer and they set u up with doctor apppointments. or you could just wak in to a clinc and get some therapy but i would have a lawyer set that up.
The cop wasnt even allowed to be there, seeing as how he was completely biased. If a person is related to/married/in a relationship with an officer, they CANNOT go to a collision. That would be like getting your mom for a judge when you commit a crime, just can't happen.
Originally posted by rixXxceboy+Dec 18 2002, 06:30 AM-->
if you really want to be a prick, figure out how to go about getting compensation for whiplash/neck injury. you may have to fake it by wearing a neck brace, but it could be worth a pretty penny. i have heard of people doing that  :)

my friend and i said to the cop we were alrightso dont think we can pull that one, i asked the lady if she wanted a cookie since i just got some from the mall and the were really good she looked at me funny

@Dec 18 2002, 11:41 AM
The cop wasnt even allowed to be there, seeing as how he was completely biased. If a person is related to/married/in a relationship with an officer, they CANNOT go to a collision. That would be like getting your mom for a judge when you commit a crime, just can't happen.

she called her bf who was a cop he was not the one doing the paper work it was some other dude that he knew the county cop wouldnt stop but he radioed the dude that did cop

there isn't that much suspension problems i went underneath the car tis morning and the steel under the bumper is a little compressed as you would think would happen, probably about 1/4 of an inch from where it normally lays. the fiberglass bumber is hanging slightly on the left side of the car and the trunk lid is slightly moved to the right. there is also a miner gash in the middle of the bumper from her front plate. needs new paint job, and i want to go surfing but i cant cuz my dad doesnt want me driving the car and some dude is coming by to estimate the damage sometime today.

there are some pics in the gallery of the damage, i think they are a little large trying to figure out how to make them smaller
thats doesnt mean anything. it doesnt matter if you told the cop your ok. whiplash doenst kick in and start to hurt until the next day anyhow. i know ive been crashed before and i was ok the first day when it happened. the next few days my neck was in pain! so milk her milk her!!!!!!!! i got my car fixed plus 2500 compensation and my girl got 2g just for being the passenger. we also had to go to physical therapy for like a month to get massages (that was sweeett). so take advantage before its too late.
oh and i wouldnt go surfing if i were you. then that definately shows your ok! i seen the pics hopefully the frame isnt bend.
haha, my friend was racing a pontiac on a two lane road, they were side by side, they both had hit about 2nd gear when a cop,seriously, jumps out of NOWHERE, pulls a gun on both of them, screams at them to put their keys on the car, and then when the pontiac guy got out of the car to put his keys on the hood, the cop like points the gun at his head! they both got the same court date, but the cop didn't have shit on them, cuz it was an unmarked backroad, so the "side by side" thing didn't matter, AND he didn't have them on radar, so he couldn't tell if they were speeding or not...har har har...goodtimes...