Space Shuttle Blew Up

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Originally posted by gupta_p+Feb 1 2003, 04:47 PM-->
...they make people more scared about retarded terrorism stuff...
how is it "retarded terrorism stuff"? they took down two or our country's landmark bulidings as well as killing thousands of innocent american citizens. post 9/11 are tough times, he can't help but wondering...

@Feb 1 2003, 04:47 PM
...why don't they mention that one of the astronauts was an Indian?

cuz indians aren't know to blow shit up.
Watch yourself.

Not all Isrealis or Muslims or Arabs blow stuff up either. Be careful before you generalize like that. Besides how in the hell is a terrorist going to get at a shuttle when it is traveling a Mach whatever 40 miles abouve the earth???
i wasen't sayin' that all muslims blow shit up. i'm not that much of an ass. i'm not racist or anything in the slightest way. but there is a reason why all this is going on. THEY (terrorists) KILLED THOUSANDS OF AMERICANS!!!
There is no evidence to support a connection between terrorism and the space shuttle's destruction. So don't jump to comclusions. No need to get excited before we have any reason.

I feel for them and for their families.
there is no way our government has the capability to take out a shuttle when its 39 miles in the sky doing mach 18. which means its virtually impossible for any terrorist to even consider doing anything to an aircraft at that speed.

it was likely due to a missing heat shield that was lost during the launch, which led to a problem on the left wing when temperature sensors in the left wing stopped sending data. then the tire pressure in the left wing stopped sending data, and then the rest of the shuttle experienced a problem like 10-15 minutes later.

its my opinion that there was a missing heat shield, which exposed aluminum (which is only good to 300 degrees) and not able to withstand the 3000+ degrees fahrenheit which caused the tire to burst because of extreme heat and minutes later the fuel tanks combusted and led to the explosion that thousands of people witnessed.

from what i've heard, this appears to be the most logical explanation. now obviously its pointless to speculate when there is so much to be learned. i mainly got this information from a guy i auto-xed with today who worked at nasa for like 5 years. he is an engineer and knows an incredible amount about thermodynamics.

but in the end, 7 people are dead which brings the total to 21 dead. this is over the course of 115 missions with 3 astronauts burning to death in i believe 1967. this was before takeoff during a failed launch attempt.

i guess thats a good record, but 21 people is still a large number, and all astronauts are amazing people with amazing accomplishments. graduating from navy, army, air force academys, having doctorates, etc.
not trying to get off the subject, but about those 3 dying in 1967, they say the goverment killed them. Something about them knowing too much about the hoax lunar landing. Till this day they say they never knew what caused the fire.
I'm with Chet, that's what most of the statements from NASA for terrorism, only way that would have been possible is if there was a bomb/explosion inside the shuttle, or someone intentionally botched something, which IMO I highy doubt...On the lauch video, you can see part of the heat shield getting fried. Whatever the situation, it was a tragedy, much like the Challenger. It's a shame the were just minutes away from landing, too.
dan rather was on the phone with someone who said they found teeth in their yard.
that's gotta suck
how did that not vaporoze in the atmosphere? I thought calcium would disintegrate in the atmoshephere.
imagine, this entire Unit exploding, sending pieces in all directions. not everything is going to vaporize instantly, although i'm sure some things did. it wouldn't surprise me if a skull was found, maybe a few bones etc, only because the explosion probably sent some pieces outward at such an incredible rate that it didn't have time to vaporize.
kylemarkx ... I'll respond to what you said.

Firstly, yes, Indian's are not violent by any means, in fact we're widely regarded as pacifists (sp?!), but I'm suggesting that if they care so much about the race of the people on board, they should care about everyone evenly. Moreover, you can extrapolate that I'm suggesting that this bias ... sorta lowers the meaning of the 6 other people on board.

About my comment about "retarded terrorism stuff," I was implying that the 9/11 idea has been beaten so badly .. it's losing some of it's meaning. Everything isn't a terrorist act, gawd. 9/11 was VERY saddenging, but please, there needs to be more respect for the meaning of the 9/11 tragedy.

The media is full of itself. They want war for ratings, and they've been asking for war for months. COUNTDOWN TO IRAQ!!! If that's not a .. war propoganda .. technique, than I don't know what is. I was annoyed that this shuttle tragedy was becoming more "evidence" for the US to go level some random country.

I don't mean to stop on toes, but let me make it clear, I'm not in support of idiotic remarks concerning terrorism. I think people need to level themselves from time to time.

Okay, my iraq ideas will be kept for another thread (which I will not start).
Originally posted by chet@Feb 2 2003, 12:22 AM
imagine, this entire Unit exploding, sending pieces in all directions. not everything is going to vaporize instantly, although i'm sure some things did. it wouldn't surprise me if a skull was found, maybe a few bones etc, only because the explosion probably sent some pieces outward at such an incredible rate that it didn't have time to vaporize.

who gives a flying fuck? They died and that's horrible, I really don't care if they found a tooth, a skull, or a copy of Oprea's new book. It's a bad scene, I don't care if they found Jimmy Hoffa, and I hope their families don't have to suffer though the media bastardizing the event.
Originally posted by lsvtec@Feb 2 2003, 12:40 AM
We have plenty of those (threads on Iraq) floating around this forum. :)

lol, when one resurfaces, i'll be sure to throw my 2 pence in.
Originally posted by Silverchild79@Feb 2 2003, 12:44 AM
who gives a flying fuck? They died and that's horrible, I really don't care if they found a tooth, a skull, or a copy of Oprea's new book. It's a bad scene, I don't care if they found Jimmy Hoffa....


yea its sad. they were only 16 minutes from landing. they showed a burnt out helmet laying in some grass on one of the news programs this morning. real nice! yes, it was one of the astronaut's helmets, and uh no, you could clearly see there was no head inside.
I've typed tons about this on other boards... so I won't here- but I'll just say that this has really touched me, since I was involved in some of the Challenger aftermarth, and this is just sad to live through. My condolences to all the families. I worked with the Challenger widows, and my best wishes go out to the families of the ones lost on Saturday.
very sad indeed. on an eerie note...the baby daughter of the isreali astronaut cried "i just lost my father" as as he said good bye to them for the last time. her mother tried to tell her that he will be back.

FYI: the speed of sound/mach 1 is 768.18mph (measured at sea level at 60 degrees farenheit) the shuttle was going approx. mach 15.76!?!! on the news i heard that the temp of the wings during the shuttle's re-entry reaches about 3,000 degrees!