Stray Cats

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Originally posted by Guy+Jul 26 2005, 05:56 PM-->
*ahem* actually its a quote from a song by a fat lady in a gold suit about shooting zombies. And if you want to get technical its explicit in instructing to shoot in the head so as to end it with one shot.

Perhaps theres a bit of confusion here, im not a vegetarian. I understand that animals have to die to become the meat that makes up such a big part of my diet. But that doesnt mean that i think that the animals that contribute their meat to my food should be mistreated before they are killed, or killed violently. Thats why i spend the extra few bucks and make sure my eggs and chicken are from free range hens and i try whenever possible to buy meat from the local butcher, so i know that the animals that went into it were treated properly when they lived.
[post=531548]Quoted post[/post]​

So because they were treated properly, it makes it alright...

I value your opinions because you usually have quite the intellectual and omnicient point of view, but I'm just not seeing eye to eye on this one.

@Jul 26 2005, 11:32 PM
better to be put down humanely than turtured by the slow death accompanying the infection associated with a pellet wound.
[post=531728]Quoted post[/post]​

...and cost the taxpayers who don't agree with your views, the same amount of money as you. :)
Originally posted by New2TheCarScene+Jul 26 2005, 09:47 PM-->
Battle Pope
@Jul 26 2005, 03:38 PM
Accidents happen. Sure sometimes cats and dogs get hit by cars, etc. etc.

A cat running in front of your car and repeatedly tormenting it with a pellet gun are two different things.

It's a stray, so fuckin what. If you don't care about it, leave it alone.
[post=531477]Quoted post[/post]​

Stop eating hamburgers and steaks. Stop eating poultry. Stop killing other animals. Stop this, stop that.

Get off your soapboxes people.
[post=531743]Quoted post[/post]​

Make me. :P
Originally posted by Battle Pope@Jul 26 2005, 11:58 PM

Make me. :P

I would if I could figure out where the hell Southern Oregano is.

hick. :ph34r: :ph34r:
I welcome you to try. Using a map too difficult for ya? Apparently understanding the location of one of the 48 mainland states is. ;)
Originally posted by Battle Pope@Jul 27 2005, 12:04 AM
I welcome you to try. Using a map too difficult for ya? Apparently understanding the location of one of the 48 mainland states is. ;)
[post=531754]Quoted post[/post]​

I don't count it as one.

Alabama, Kentucky, Misery (missouri), idaho, iowa, arkansas, all don't count either.
I fail to see what Oregon has in common with any of those. Or do you just dismiss it because it's a "blue state"?
Originally posted by Battle Pope@Jul 27 2005, 12:16 AM
I fail to see what Oregon has in common with any of those. Or do you just dismiss it because it's a "blue state"?
[post=531759]Quoted post[/post]​

Well it has hmm and hmmm and hmmmmmmmm. I'm busting balls and of course you have to get in an uproar about it and try to be a hardass.

Seriously, after living in an area where many of the fortune 500 companies are within 10-15 minutes of me, you realize that the rest of the country has far less to offer if you're a white collar guy. Even Cali has its worthwhile businesses and landmarks but after living in the Tri-State Area (NJ, NY, and PA) its easy to dismiss Oregon.

Montana is amazing, the parts of Idaho that I ventured into were went felt like a throw back to a 1950ish era but it was still "cozy" if you were interested in living a "basic" lifestyle. Up and down the east coast is great, although Florida wasn't all it was cracked up to be.

Oregon, Oregon? Yeah, it just doesn't fit in there.
Trying to be a hardass? I thought you were supposed to be good at reading people or something. All I ever thought of it as was "playful banter".

Have you ever BEEN to Oregon? As in, spent ANY amount of time here? Didn't think so. Don't knock it till ya try it. :)
Originally posted by Battle Pope@Jul 27 2005, 12:43 AM
Trying to be a hardass? I thought you were supposed to be good at reading people or something. All I ever thought of it as was "playful banter".

Have you ever BEEN to Oregon? As in, spent ANY amount of time here? Didn't think so. Don't knock it till ya try it. :)
[post=531766]Quoted post[/post]​

"I welcome you to try. Using a map too difficult for ya? Apparently understanding the location of one of the 48 mainland states is. ;)"

Hmmm, playful banter attempting to take a low blow towards the intelligent department that we've battled on ever so constantly. I deem this "trying to be a hardass", attempting to "one up" me.

Also after seeing pictures of you and understanding you're a fairly big gentleman, its easily understood that you're cocky confident that you could take the average guy thats why you "welcome me to try".

I'll knock it, because I feel its where we should dump our garbage. :lol:

As I said, I'll keep Montana but have no interest in Oregon.
Oh come now, like you yourself have never taken low blows. What's that I hear about a pot and a kettle?

Sure I'm a fairly big guy, but I normally don't use it to any advantage. After all your talk about how you've enhanced your physical attributes, I'm sure my size wouldn't matter anyway - that is, assuming your talk isn't just talk.

And that's funny, I seem to think the same way about New Jersey... Come to think of it, most of the North East seems to agree. ;)

Montana is some beautiful country, but the people don't impress me at all.
You and your slippery slope. You act as if this information is concrete. If you abuse/shoot/torture animals, you won't always grow up to be a spousal abuser or social degenerate in general.

Young males, wetting the bed after age 5 anywhere into young adulthood is one of the top three characteristics attributed to serial killers. With this reasoning, you can be 100% assured that the now almost 16 year old I know that pisses the bed is going to be a serial killer?

Its called a "psychological profile'. People who act a certain way have TENDACIES to possess certain characteristics. They're characteristics, not hardfast causes.

get the fuck out of my thread...

wtf does your above quote have to do with kittens?

and are you trying to say that shooting at strays with a pellet gun is acceptable in your high and mighty tri-state society?
no? then shut the fuck up...

and oregon is a very very nice place... i've been there, nice not to be around holier than thou white collar fuckers..

oregon has a coast with nice beaches...
montana is just an extension of canada...
Originally posted by reckedracing@Jul 27 2005, 09:09 AM

get the fuck out of my thread...

wtf does your above quote have to do with kittens?

and are you trying to say that shooting at strays with a pellet gun is acceptable in your high and mighty tri-state society?
no? then shut the fuck up...

and oregon is a very very nice place... i've been there, nice not to be around holier than thou white collar fuckers..

oregon has a coast with nice beaches...
montana is just an extension of canada...

The fact that you put forth misinformation like concrete doesn't phase you at all?

It has to do with the fact that at age 25 you still reason like a 5 year old. Actually I won't give you that much, because at age 5 is was never as idiotic as you.

Is it acceptable in the Tri-state area? Well, I'm sure that will bring about mixed views, just like it did here. Personally I don't think its the "right" thing to do but hey as someone already pointed out, neither is smoke pot or eating a cow. Just because you like these small and furring things, doesn't mean you have to become a hypocrite. "Don't hurt animals, don't hurt animals, don't hurt animals." *Que you with an idiotic grin on your face and dribble coming down your chin and Peter-esque appearance, from Family Guy, , eating a steak*
people that abuse/shoot/torture little animals have a proven track record to grow up to be spousal abusers, or just social degenerates in general... so good luck to your brother...

The FBI’s investigation into the childhood of serial killers, and their discovery of juvenile animal abuse in most of these cases, drew the public’s attention to this link initially.

Less well known is the fact that many of the recent school shooters also engaged in animal cruelty before turning their aggression against their classmates, teachers, and parents. Kip Kinkel was reported to have blown up cows and decapitated cats; Luke Woodham tortured Sparkle, his own dog, to death, describing her dying howls as a "thing of beauty"; and Andrew Golden reputedly shot dogs with a .22 caliber rifle. Golden’s own dog "mysteriously" suffered a wound from a .22 just days before he assaulted his classmates. Serial killers and school shooters supply dramatic
currency to the link between animal abuse and human violence.

They identified 153 men who had been prosecuted for animal cruelty and compared their criminal records to a group of "next door neighbors" — men who were similar in age, ethnic background, neighborhood, and economic status. Their findings were convincing: men who abused animals were five times more likely to have been arrested for violence against humans, four times more likely to have committed property crimes, and three times more likely to have records for drug and disorderly conduct offenses.

One could conclude from these studies that animal abuse is associated with other types of criminal and anti-social behavior and that childhood animal abuse is an important warning sign; not all children who abuse animals become juvenile offenders or adult criminals, but they are more likely than their counterparts who do not abuse animals to do so.

eat shit and die...
History is full of high-profile examples:

Patrick Sherrill, who killed 14 coworkers at a post office and then shot himself, had a history of stealing local pets and allowing his own dog to attack and mutilate them.
Earl Kenneth Shriner, who raped, stabbed, and mutilated a 7-year-old boy, had been widely known in his neighborhood as the man who put firecrackers in dogs’ rectums and strung up cats.
Brenda Spencer, who opened fire at a San Diego school, killing two children and injuring nine others, had repeatedly abused cats and dogs, often by setting their tails on fire.
Albert DeSalvo, the "Boston Strangler" who killed 13 women, trapped dogs and cats in orange crates and shot arrows through the boxes in his youth.
Carroll Edward Cole, executed for five of the 35 murders of which he was accused, said his first act of violence as a child was to strangle a puppy.
In 1987, three Missouri high school students were charged with the beating death of a classmate. They had histories of repeated acts of animal mutilation starting several years earlier. One confessed that he had killed so many cats he’d lost count. Two brothers who murdered their parents had previously told classmates that they had decapitated a cat.
Serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer had impaled dogs’ heads, frogs, and cats on sticks.

More recently, high school killers such as 15-year-old Kip Kinkel in Springfield, Ore., and Luke Woodham, 16, in Pearl, Miss., tortured animals before embarking on shooting sprees. Columbine High School students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, who shot and killed 12 classmates before turning their guns on themselves, bragged about mutilating animals to their friends.
proven track record does NOT imply concrete 100% of the time...
but it does however imply there is a BETTER CHANCE for an animal abuser to grow up to be a spousal abuser or otherwise social degenerate...

and there is a huge diffrence between the slaughter of a cow for food, and the shooting of a cat, which suffers and dies from infection, and is not used as food...

if you don't see the diffrence then you are truly as dumb as you sound...
Is there any evidence of a connection between animal cruelty and human violence?

Absolutely. Many studies in psychology, sociology, and criminology during the last 25 years have demonstrated that violent offenders frequently have childhood and adolescent histories of serious and repeated animal cruelty. The FBI has recognized the connection since the 1970s, when its analysis of the lives of serial killers suggested that most had killed or tortured animals as children. Other research has shown consistent patterns of animal cruelty among perpetrators of more common forms of violence, including child abuse, spouse abuse, and elder abuse. In fact, the American Psychiatric Association considers animal cruelty one of the diagnostic criteria of conduct disorder.
Hey guys? Can we, um, keep this a little more on topic? I'd hate to lock recked's thread before he has the chance to post pics of his little bugger. :P
Hey guys? Can we, um, keep this a little more on topic? I'd hate to lock recked's thread before he has the chance to post pics of his little bugger.

god damn it, lol

the little lady took pics lastnight, but i didn't bring the camera this morning...
have to keep my older cat locked in my bedroom at night cause the new cat books after it with a rage...
so the old cat just stays in my bedroom knocking shit off my dresser, scrathing my bed, jumping in and out of cardboard boxes, sitting on my face, biting my feet if they stick over the edge of the bed, knocking over my laundry bin, knocking over the garbage can, ripping up paper towels, and moving the curtains to look out the window so it gets bright as fuck in my room, so needless to say i got very little sleep...

but pics tmw fo sho...