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Anyone know where the website was that talked about in TX (?) where some cops arrested over a hundred people gathered at a KMart with their imports?
Thanks, that was the incident I was referring to. Trying to find more information, not just on what happened to the cops.
I'm sure suspended without pay would become fired (at least at an attorney's point of view), and if after investigation, the officers were found NOT to be at fault, the PD would just be sued for wrongful termination.
Originally posted by Prowler@Jan 6 2003, 05:22 PM
Thanks, that was the incident I was referring to. Trying to find more information, not just on what happened to the cops.

nate, check out the left side of that page. there is a HUGE shitload of info there about the raid (click on the blue letters). i doubt you'll find more info than that. :D
that one guy is suing for like a hundred million dollars, unless they fuckin tourtured the guy then set him on fire, 100million is way too much
Originally posted by asmallsol@Jan 6 2003, 11:33 PM
that one guy is suing for like a hundred million dollars, unless they fuckin tourtured the guy then set him on fire, 100million is way too much

no, fuck it. This isn't a police state, you can't arrest 400 people for having Ice cream at sonic, I don't care how bad there ice cream is. Those Facist honkee pukes should be locked up, with there entire pentions split between everyone arrested to make an example of them to the rest of the dick cops in the world.
Originally posted by Silverchild79+Jan 7 2003, 12:37 AM-->
@Jan 6 2003, 11:33 PM
that one guy is suing for like a hundred million dollars, unless they fuckin tourtured the guy then set him on fire, 100million is way too much

no, fuck it. This isn't a police state, you can't arrest 400 people for having Ice cream at sonic, I don't care how bad there ice cream is. Those Facist honkee pukes should be locked up, with there entire pentions split between everyone arrested to make an example of them to the rest of the dick cops in the world.

that would be great!
the cops in my home town r gay like that they tried to arrest 28 of us for having breakfast at dennies as we where leave they came up and told us we where underarest for loitering. We all ad to go to court and fight it and won but the cops just got a slap on the wrist. :wtf: :wtf: :fuckyou: cops :fuckyou: cops :moon: :moon: