Tennis elbow

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power hungry
Anyone else have tennis elbow? or had it in the past? Its really frustrating and has been plaguing me for the last 5 months or so :mad:. I have tried several different things but it just keeps getting aggravated (mostly at work). I have tried doing several specific exercises that are supposed to help it. I even bought a special device called a theraband to try and improve it. At this point about the only thing i havent tried is icing it daily, so im starting that today. I work as a boat mechanic, which can be pretty physical and involves working in strange positions and lots of force at times. Also i lift weights 3 times a week, but I have modified my workouts to not bother the elbow much.

Anyone else in here have experience with this? any advice, or even just how long it took you to recover?
have you gone to a doctor yet?
I never had tennis elbow, but had tendonitis and carpal tunnel in my left hand and I have carpal tunnel in the right hand. I had surgery for the carpal in my left hand but not the right or the tendonitis. I had cortozone for the tendonitis and didn't do the surgery. Things cleared up for it. Now I need to get the right hand done for carpal surgery, jst have been putting it off.
Yes, I did go to my primary care physician when the original flare up happened. She diagnosed it as tennis elbow, and told me to rest it (not really possible), and ice it. She told me it often takes months to get better. I have researched it, and it seems that surgery is very rarely done for tennis elbow. Maybe i should go back to the doctor and see if a specialist could help, or maybe cortizone shots. Ive had those before for a foot injury... fun.
I would try a specialist. IMO primarys have too many areas an don't know too much in depth about certain issues. I hate my primary, they are too into getting you in and getting the next billable in 2 seconds later. Mine has misdiagnosed too many things.
Anyone else have tennis elbow? or had it in the past? Its really frustrating and has been plaguing me for the last 5 months or so :mad:. I have tried several different things but it just keeps getting aggravated (mostly at work). I have tried doing several specific exercises that are supposed to help it. I even bought a special device called a theraband to try and improve it. At this point about the only thing i havent tried is icing it daily, so im starting that today. I work as a boat mechanic, which can be pretty physical and involves working in strange positions and lots of force at times. Also i lift weights 3 times a week, but I have modified my workouts to not bother the elbow much.

Anyone else in here have experience with this? any advice, or even just how long it took you to recover?

I get it from time to time. All that really helps is rest when possible, ice, advil and wearing one of these: Picture - Tennis elbow strap Elbow Support Cubital Tunnel UK You would be surprised how much it helps. I work construction during my summer and in my shops during the school year. When mine flares up this is all that really helps. The key is to wear it past when the pain stops so that you don't aggravate it again.
Stop playing tennis?

M uncle used to wear this strap with a patch thing on it... looked like a big gel pack of some sort. did you try one of those?
Stop playing tennis?

M uncle used to wear this strap with a patch thing on it... looked like a big gel pack of some sort. did you try one of those?

Its not really from tennis, its from pulling and twisting stuff at work all the time, and then i really aggravated it lifting weights... that was what made it get serious. I did play a lot of tennis up until my early 20s, but it was never more than a minor twinge of pain back then. And yes I have two different strap type braces... they do help a good bit, but i need it to really get better. I need a lot of strength in my right arm for work, and the daily pain sucks.
Its not really from tennis, its from pulling and twisting stuff at work all the time, and then i really aggravated it lifting weights... that was what made it get serious. I did play a lot of tennis up until my early 20s, but it was never more than a minor twinge of pain back then. And yes I have two different strap type braces... they do help a good bit, but i need it to really get better. I need a lot of strength in my right arm for work, and the daily pain sucks.

the only way for it to really heal is rest it completely if you can't do that than wear the straps on a daily basis and it will get better...
try switch hitting? (lol)

I use my mouse with my left hand at work some times. and i'm not referring to 'left handed websites', E lol)
it takes the stress off the primary arm all the time so you don't come out looking like quagmire after he discovered internet pr0n.
My dad has tennis elbow from swinging a hammer for the last 30+ years. He wears the above strap and ices it occasionaly. I once had a flairup for about 3 months when I was in the business and I learned to use my left arm more and iced mine daily. It got way better by just not using it. Very hard to do in carpentry.