The Grossest stuff Ever

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Iono, I'm gonna claim BS on that.


Mebbe it's just becuase I want to pretend that the blood on the ground can't be red .. since the pics can't be fresh. It's all so I can further justify that I didn't see real pictures. If it's fake, eww. If it's real .. ugghh.

(BTW, the report says the guy fell ... i doubt the decapitation would be that clean, and I doubt the body would be on the side where his face is pointing .. it shoudl be behind him ;))
Yeah, i'm gonna have to go with photoshop. There is alot of real things like that if you really search the web and find websites like But if you look at the pictures on the fence up close and the picture of the face from a distance, the hair is laid different in both pics. I could be wrong, but if you haven't checked out, go see some nasty stuff for yourself, its all TRUE, work warning as well on that.
actually, its real. It happened near atlanta- and the dude who posted it heard about it from his buddy who was an EMT on the sceen.
Real or not, that image will never leave my mind. If it is real, how did he land so that his head would be perfectly mounted like that? LIke if his head hit like through his ear, then his body just ripped off, that'd make more sense. But how'd he pull that off?
i also call BS. his body should be on the other side of the fence. the only way that could have happened is if the fence went through the back of his head. even if this happened, his head would be angled up and not down. and the way i see it, for that scenario, the body is in the wrong position as well. theres only 2 positions the body can be in IMO. face up, top of body near the fence; and face down, top of body away from fence. just my .02
I hate to break it to you guys,but it is real.Going through EMT you see a lot of nasty stuff like that.Trying to apply physics to the fall isn't going to work,since the human body is going to flop around when musculoskeletal control is lost.That's a pretty bad scene,especially for the works coming out of their offices to see what's going on. :blink:
that's great. whenever i see the shit on it usally makes me feel sick, but this shit just made me laugh, i mean... what are the odds? it's just funny shit.
Originally posted by kylemarhx@Mar 1 2003, 05:49 PM
that's great. whenever i see the shit on it usally makes me feel sick, but this shit just made me laugh, i mean... what are the odds? it's just funny shit.

Dude? His head fell off!?
you guys have weak stomachs..i never understood the big problem with stuff like just doesn't bother's a pic of a dead guy with his head on the fence..who cares? why try to prove or disprove the photo? some guy got decapitated..whether it happened or's a pretty interesting photo
Originally posted by Zerosk8r455@Mar 5 2003, 04:05 PM
you guys have weak stomachs..i never understood the big problem with stuff like just doesn't bother's a pic of a dead guy with his head on the fence..who cares? why try to prove or disprove the photo? some guy got decapitated..whether it happened or's a pretty interesting photo

are you in med school by any chance?

a paper cut makes me queasy
Seeing pics of dead people and stuff does not make me sick but when i get blood drawn from me, I get all dizzy and pale and feel like i am going to puke. I just kinda think the pic of his head on the fence looks kinda funny.
Originally posted by gupta_p@Mar 1 2003, 12:54 AM
and I doubt the body would be on the side where his face is pointing .. it shoudl be behind him ;))

my thoughts exactly
Originally posted by Zerosk8r455@Mar 5 2003, 04:05 PM
you guys have weak stomachs..i never understood the big problem with stuff like just doesn't bother's a pic of a dead guy with his head on the fence..who cares? why try to prove or disprove the photo? some guy got decapitated..whether it happened or's a pretty interesting photo

:werd: :withstupid:
That blood is way too red on the ground that is fake for sure, and that is a lot of blood in way too large of a pool. Plus that blood is in a puddle that is too constrained, the photographer must have been right around the corner to nab those shots... btw i work as an EMT, and even though i have never seen a decapitation i have seen mass blood on the ground...
Originally posted by MaaseyRacer@Mar 5 2003, 11:45 PM
That blood is way too red on the ground that is fake for sure, and that is a lot of blood in way too large of a pool. Plus that blood is in a puddle that is too constrained, the photographer must have been right around the corner to nab those shots... btw i work as an EMT, and even though i have never seen a decapitation i have seen mass blood on the ground...

I have also been through EMT,in the Army and have seen a few people shot,there is nothing unbelieveable about that picture.I saw a kid get hit by a train,and his rib cage was a good hundred and fifty feet from the rest of the parts,the blood was very red,it does take time to oxygenize(sp).Also if the guy jumped off and his feet were in front of him,would have landed on that side of the fence,and it could be a cop that took the pics.Another thing,that isn't a lot of blood.get a one liter of coke and spill it on the ground,now times it by wo or three and that is a LOT more than is in the picture.