The Prophecy is upon us !

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Well-Known Member
There is a little Cel !

Yeah, I'm having a kid.
Is Obamacare gonna pay for the birthing or do you have real insurance?

Time to unretire.

Should have pulled out.

Congrats. Are you going to teach him/her to have tolerance for all races and religions?

yes, prophecy depends to who believe their are lots of events that somebody say that they know already before that happened, but it depends to those who believe, if you believe that guy is a prophet so be it.
Is Obamacare gonna pay for the birthing or do you have real insurance?

Time to unretire.

Should have pulled out.


No obamacare. Just fines.

I had already planned to work my first 6 month contract of 2014 as a "3 workday week" without limits to daily worked hours. What I've been doing is coming to town (2.5 hour commute), working from 6 till midnight. I do more work from home.

This will continue until I get my hire to take over the bullshit, then it's work from home at same pay.

The other thing about a start-up is working for equity. My 2013 contract had me contributing 100% of my pay to equity - so I made no money. January 1st I start to put money in my pocket.

And I'm saying "Wat?" to all of these posts.
Having a kid is a serious mindfuck. Good luck bro, don't expect to hold onto any of your old ways of thinking, they become less and less relevant as the kid grows.
No they dont. They become more exaggerated as you preech them to someone who has no fucking clue what your saying.

BTW, congrats. Parenthood is a pretty cool experience that get better everyday.
No they dont. They become more exaggerated as you preech them to someone who has no fucking clue what your saying.

BTW, congrats. Parenthood is a pretty cool experience that get better everyday.

just bc they get more exaggerated doesnt mean that they are not less relevant.

typically the more exaggerated they get, means they are less relevant. exaggeration is most peoples attempt at keeping the interest up, making it even less relevant than before.
just bc they get more exaggerated doesnt mean that they are not less relevant.

typically the more exaggerated they get, means they are less relevant. exaggeration is most peoples attempt at keeping the interest up, making it even less relevant than before.

The relevance of a train of thought is irrelevant when dealing with small children.