The Prophecy is upon us !

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sooo turrble name, home schooled, racist father who is only gonna pass along his ignorance. Yeah this kid has a chance in hell of ending up normal.
Also, thanks for taking this thread as a place to spout off shit about me. I appreciate that.

I hope the best for your offspring too.
Eh, the ignore feature still works.

Surprising too.. I met Mike a long time ago, drooled over his Neon.
No, actually. It happened kinda fast.

We've been trying for years. Thought it just wasn't going to happen. Then she showed me a test a week ago, and we made appointments and stuff. She's losing weight but gaining a belly already. I swear she's showing.

Sometimes girls get pregnant without knowing it well into the whole process. But Friday is our first appointment to get more info. So I think she's far along, she doesn't seem to think so.

And she's been totally addicted to spaghettios for like 3 months. That shit is nasty too. I hope that's not her craving.

Right now we're dealing with the whole not-smoking thing which is a total hell. Two people quitting at the same time, cold turkey. Pregnancy, hemorrhaging money, I have to work more and more out-of-state and the snow which she can't drive in is all just adding up.

But overall I'm glad I moved out of CT to start a family. That's really taken a lot off of my stresses.
Lol, well you makin the effort to quit will be a big help for your (sorry, I dunno) wife or girlfriend.

Gettin ready for a kid is a lot of work. My girlfriend and I tried to get everything ready before our son came, but even then we were still goin to the store a lot for odds and ends. That lasted a while too lol.

Once the kid comes, everything will settle out quickly.
I bet she's about a month or two along already! :)

no matter how ready you think you are, you're never ready.

Good god, this. This times a bajillion.

I was a spoiled brat, I couldn't function without 8-9 hours sleep a night. I haven't gotten more than 3-4 hours of sleep at a stretch (at the very, very most) in the last 5 months since Kenneth was born.

Say goodbye to sleep.

But say hello to the best thing to ever happen to you.

It's worth all the sleepless nights and poopy diapers.



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I feel like everyone says it'll be such a positive thing for you, because it was for them, especially compared to the amount of worry it creates. So I guess the more you worry about it, the easier it will seem. I think most high functioning adults have all the skills and instinct necessary to care for a milk sucker. Speaking of, breastfeeding? Please don't raise it on Chinese "formula".
Thanks all for the words of encouragement.

I think I'm at an advantage at my age. at 37 I have, and have had, a few people that rely on me. They rely on me to be my best and solve problems rapid fire. I take care of my aging mother's finances and lifestyle, I have a housewife, medical issues, and then the business that I've been independent on for over 10 years (And 6 years before that little break at Yale.. the last "steady" paycheck I ever saw)

Everyday I wake up and have to find work. I have to make that happen, no one else does. And I've been doing it for so long that it's not even a stress on me anymore. Furnaces breaking in the middle of winter, storms knocking out my PA home for weeks on end with no utilities or wood (And a Mustang convertible to get 8 miles to the nearest town). Challenges are just rapid-fire in my life.

So I think I'll be able to handle this better at my age than were I younger.

As far as the breastfeeding / overall child rearing, that's gonna be tough. We don't know if breast feeding will or won't work until the last minute. I'm doing a LOT of homework these days about native and primitive child rearing. And I, as always, lay down the groundwork for post collapse life. When it comes to ALL baby food items, it's all a bunch of shit. every baby product on the market is just terrible. And with the market strangulation of Chinese knock-offs around every corner - it's easier to just start with a holistic and natural process from the get-go.

Luckily, I live near many farms. I'm learning to make baby foods now (YUCK) and am pretty much doubling the budget for real food items and real doctors (Wanna talk about a challenge ? Try finding a delivery staff that won't force injections and registration paperwork on you. Try it.) (Luckily, I live near an Amish community so that may play a role)

But I bought my first crib this week. And that will go soon as well because I can't believe what these companies consider "safe". This safety gear is just terrible. I'd be better off with legos.

Finally, when I was a kid my car seat was zip tied to a roll cage. And after looking at the modern seats - I totally see why. This modern baby gear is just utter bullshit.
congrats! one thing is for sure, your life will never be the same again. Also I always like to use the inmate, warden scenario for describing kids. They will get into shit, it's how they learn. They have nothing to do but sit around all day and study your movements routines habits and emotions and then use that knowledge to exploit you to get what they want. As the warden it's your job to keep them safe and enforce the rules. You'll see and if you watch astutely it starts much earlier then you would think.
My wife didn't produce enough milk to breastfeed, at the absolute peak she was making maybe 1 oz every 4 hours. We were fortunate that the hospital he was born in was really pro-breastfeeding, they tried really hard to help and didn't give him formula until they absolutely had to (he went his first 3.5 days with just a bit of colostrum, I was getting really concerned at the end). We had to supplement with formula from the get-go. Not Mom's fault of course but that's the one thing I'm not happy about at all.
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congrats! one thing is for sure, your life will never be the same again. Also I always like to use the inmate, warden scenario for describing kids. They will get into shit, it's how they learn. They have nothing to do but sit around all day and study your movements routines habits and emotions and then use that knowledge to exploit you to get what they want. As the warden it's your job to keep them safe and enforce the rules. You'll see and if you watch astutely it starts much earlier then you would think.
i like this analogy alot
I've seen Nootracs method first hand. He's got a good kid.

I'm a boring dude. And I've learned long ago that if you don't give kids something to do, they'll find something to do. It usually involves breaking things.