The Prophecy is upon us !

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Congrats Cel!

This however does remind me to look into my company's insurance about a vasectomy.
Lots of laws around that. You have to already have 2 or 3 kids in many places. And I'm SURE New Jersey is one of those places.
Lots of laws around that. You have to already have 2 or 3 kids in many places. And I'm SURE New Jersey is one of those places.
I don't want children. I'm nearly 28 and have felt this way for awhile. Besides, if I change my mind I can always adopt/foster.
Look at how much you've changed in your time here on the Swap. I'm 37 and really started to look forward to having my kids when I got married to the right girl (After a 14 year wrong-girl scenario (Nothing against her, she was a peach but it just didn't come together).

We have been trying for years, actually. And doctors told us it was going to happen. We were starting to look at adoption - But found a house of horrors.

We're anti-vaccine, and just about EVERY kid in adoption systems is seriously fucked up in the head.
This however does remind me to look into my company's insurance about a vasectomy.

The insurance at my old company didn't cover it. Need to check with the new policy. But its not terribly expensive to pay out of pocket.

I expect to get mine sometime in the next few months. Two is enough for me. :)
Look at how much you've changed in your time here on the Swap. I'm 37 and really started to look forward to having my kids when I got married to the right girl (After a 14 year wrong-girl scenario (Nothing against her, she was a peach but it just didn't come together).
I'm extremely selfish. Also absent-minded. I've been a terrible boyfriend my entire life, what makes me think I would be a decent parent? I also like dropping everything and going on a trip/adventure. Hell, that's why I don't have a DOG. Besides, both my sisters want big families. I'll be the fun uncle. Kids are cool when they go away if the cry/get hurt. Besides, being lassoed to a woman for 18 years scares the crap out of me with my previous choices.
The insurance at my old company didn't cover it. Need to check with the new policy. But its not terribly expensive to pay out of pocket.

I expect to get mine sometime in the next few months. Two is enough for me. :)
I'm assuming I'll have to foot most of the bill. Got to love a society that will pay for an abortion but but not a vasectomy. Why take away the bullets when we can operate on a gunshot wound?
My company pays for 100% of preventative health care. They include all forms of birth control including vascetomy as this. :)
They should start giving them for free to people with more than two baby mamas. Much cheaper in the long run.
If the gov't gave them out for free, it would save a ton of money on having to support a bunch of fatherless kids, or kids whose fathers have too many other kids to support. Say a thousand for the procedure would save millions in benefits.
Every see the show paternity court, some of these mothers don't know which out of 3-12 guys they were sleeping with at the time is the father. Also the Maury show with the guys with 4 baby mamas and 4 kids around the same age. We are paying for all this shit. Then when these kids grow up and repeat the cycle again.
Why take away the bullets when we can operate on a gunshot wound?

One of the saving graces when my son was born was a breast pump. His mother couldn't produce enough milk, so she would pump between feedings and it helped a ton. They can be pricey, but well worth the investment.

Congrats to you and Beka. I'd like to see the little squirt when he/she arrives.
honestly, if we could go back and do it again, i would buy a cheap manual pump. we bought an electric pump with a gift card, and never used it.
thankfully my wife was able to breast feed exclusively, so neither was really necessary, but i think had we had a simple, small manual pump, we would have used it.

the electric ones are a big pain in the ass mess of wires and hoses.
You can milk her by hand and she can milk you by hand... If you know what I'm saying...
Gross. I milked cows and goats. This terminology in my wife is intolerable.

I've also milked Scorpion venom before, and super-ovulated a cow. Biology classes and xeno-biology classes have surely ruined my libido. Permanently.
Many insurance plans will pay for the pump.

Breastfeeding for the win. Nothing to clean, always ready to go, and the wife MUST do it unless she has some pumped and saved. :P