There is a god...that doesn't like us.

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West West Yall
2 1/2 feet of wet snow and wind = fail.

The S2000 was untouched:), the Mustangs roof is done:mellow: and the Jeep just had the fender dented in:(.

Our boat and my dads friends boats winshields were done in aswell as the tops.

We got $22,000 from insurance to rebuild the shop and more for the boat and Jeep but I don't know how much.

90% of the shop is completly fine to put back up.

We might rebuild it to two levels, I could live up there with my car right underneath me.;)











Wooooof my god. Sorry about the mustang.

Insurance ?
Not on the stang.

Over 5 grand into bodywork and paint.

We could chop the roof off and make it a convertable, but it would need a ass load of reinforcement underneath.

We don't know what to do with it yet, I guess get the big beavy green thing off of it first.:rolleyes:

Its kinda funny, the whole car is slammed on the ground, it looks dope.
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the mustang's roof is easily repairable. I would go for it.

As far as the jeep, as a Jeep wrangler owner, that jeep has served it's purpose. Good job, Pig. Good job.
Ok, sure, NAWT!

Even with bald-ass tires right now its great in the snow and off road.

There is a old rock quarry about 10 mins from my house that filled with rain water. The only way in is over a series of rock climbs and dirt humps, its so fun to bomb around the quarry then take a swim, I don't think we'll ever sell it.
You Are Very fortunate, and unfortunate at the same time......

mustang = bummer
s2000 = YAY!
as to how your s2k is still alive is crazy....

but really, keep the mustang. and no chop top. i dont like convertables. :-)
Thats a bummer! Sorry about the stang, why its always good to have insurance on nice things like that :)
so lesson learned. Take your small expensive car. and stick it between two cars that are bigger than it. I wonder how low you ef is squating with all that snow on it as well.

btw. sucks for your boats to, being i know they dont have insurance.
Well my dad bought storage insurance for our boat so we're fine but my dads friend doesn't have insurance. He just bought a new top too, cost $800.
Who gives a damn about any of those cars or boats.

Just think what it would have been like to be inside when it went...

that alone is worth more then the 800 top on that boat.
Check your home owner's insurance for the 'stang. I bet its covered.
If not, you can always swing down by ohio and drop it off. What's in the bad boy anyway? I agree, the jeep really took one for the team. good job jeep.

P.S. I'll pay for your passport, and we have like, a foot less snow here! itll be like vacationing in cancun. on a much, much smaller scale.