These Guys Are Cool.

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That kid's reaction time was horrible. Was he sleep walking ? How could the fat kid get a hit on you at ALL ?!
those kids sucked ass, when I was 14 I was wailing on people in single fighting stick competitions and tournaments in taekwondo, stop playing FF7 and actually learn how to use it. Kids like that are tards
wow, that was cool. did anybody notice the fat chick in the back playing all by herself. she was the prize to the winner.
......whoa....and what the fuck 'buster' sword of doom at the begining.
i love the part of the girl sitting down and the fat kid swinging at her.

OMG they have like 2342334 more "swords" on the ground.... wow.......

their parents must hate them..

I think Cloud needs to build his Limit Break a little more before he rush that fat kid with lighting fast reflexes.