This is shitty.

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no, you haven't. its never too much.

it is never too much. i spent 2 years, she had a miscarriage, we had an apartment together. people who are married 40 years get divorces. people change. i understand you are bummed out, just relax and focus on the good stuff. things will get better. always remember, there are 3.1 Billion women in the world, she's just 1.
We didn't break up. We didn't even fight. She just is putting me off, and its the rejection factor that bothers me.

I'll be fine. Like everyone said, girls are scum.
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We didn't break up. We didn't even fight. She just is putting me off, and its the rejection factor that bothers me.

I'll be fine. Like everyone said, girls are scum.

not all girls are scum. you are human so it's going to hurt for a little while. i understand you didn't fight, but taking time off is a precursor for being dumped. cut your losses and heartache. do what you gotta do to be happy and not worry about it.
you'll be fine, so i'm sorry for that,
let her go, thats not a woman you need in life,
if she can't accept you as you are, at leaset she needs to have a valid reason for this break, not just "i need this" bull crap.
on the plus side, it will give you more time to take care of your mom and give you the time to find a new job!
even better yet, in my experience, when i'm not looking for a relationship, they always come around, good luck bro and Godbless,