Throttle Body Cooling

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My Cooling system is messed up, because i had used a A6 Intake manny, and a Z6 Block. i won't get into it. But My question is, is it completely neccessary to keep the Cooling part of the throttle body hooked up? Does It help that much? What happens if i don't cool it??
Throttle Body cooling?

The throttle body doesnt get cooled, one of the intake runners does on some engines. This is called the cold idle system. Not necessary.
false. there is a coolant line running through the honda throttle body.

i would keep it there during the winter, but i took it off for the summer and per hondata dataloggin lowered my intake temps near 3* at 55 mph
Thanks, I'll probably take it off then. I was just wondering if it was completely necessary. Only because I am having a little bit of a cooling problem. I am using the A6 intake, and The Z6 block, which has one more cooling hook up than the intake does. So now i have no outlet for the TB. Thanks a lot guys!
Originally posted by pills_PMD@Feb 11 2003, 04:56 PM
false. there is a coolant line running through the honda throttle body.

right on. if its winter/below 40 at a low where you live, run it. otherwise, its unnecessary