Trouble with the law

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Alright the girlfriend and I where driving back from home depot around 10 this morning. We get pulled over, and Im thinking no big deal its probly for your tabs. She has current tabs but the top bit peeled down and fell off no big deal they can run that shit and see she already has new tabs. Shitty part was is she went out drinking last night and left her license at home. I expected her to get a ticket for that but this is where the fucked up part comes into play.

As the officer was walking back to the car he nocks on her window to open the door. (her window dosnt roll down) He waves my girlfriend out of the car for absolutly no reason, he just starts rambeling on how she was going to get a 600 dollar warning and all this shit. I was furious at this point it seemed to me that this was all just some pussy ass scare tactic. He didnt show her what the problem with her tabs where he just got her out of the car to talk to her. Do you guys consider this to be intimidation?

Also on her ticket there are two check boxs for "ID on person" well the dumb ass check both yes and no and the damn ticket is for "No ID on person" Could there be any legal loop hole here. Its 101 bucks that I cant really afford to spend but I have the cash in hand to take care of it.

This is funny when all of the other cop realted stories get posted I always talk about how great all the cops I have incounted. Now I see everyone elses viewpoint.

Girlfriend got pulled over
No ID on the girlfriend
Cop pulles my girlfriend out of the car for no reason
On ticket for "No ID on person" He check both yes and no in the field at the top that says "ID on Person" Wondering if any thing can be done about it.
Alright thanks Ill see if I can get ahold of someone. It really blows that this is a saturday so im pretty sure I wont be able to get ahold of anyone. :(
regardless send it in not guilty

if they make you go to court then all they will want to see is that she did / does have a license

after that it will most likely be thrown out

worst case is she will still have to pay... but the fine will almost always be lowered
So do we mail it in or drop it off at the office? Im trying to talk her into taking it into the court partly because the cop check both yes and no in the ID on person box. I was also thinking this would be along the lines of a "fix it" ticket. I have been pulled over twice without current proof of insurence in my car and I just took it to the judge and he dropped it. I am hopping this is the same kind of deal.
if the ticket was given in town, bring the ticket and the license to the PD. talk to the supervisor on duty... they might drop it right there

if not then send it in not guilty... they might look at the double marking and drop it... they might look at it as a BS ticket and drop it... they might make her go to court

if she has to go to court there is a 99% chanse that it will be dropped as soon as she shows her license...

worst case senario she will still have to pay, but the fine will be dropped to something cheesy like $20
Yeah- fight it. She HAS an ID, and you can probably get it dismissed because the cop was a retard and checked both boxes.
I agree with everyone else, but i just want to know why you said that HER fine was 100 dollars that you dont have. screwe that its her fine to pay. shit, help her to get it thrown out, but don't pay the fee for her. girls never want to be responsible about shit for their car like tags and stuff, my opinion is she should pay, its her car, she was driving, and she is the one who hasn't replaced the tags
:withstupid: :withstupid: :withstupid:

i pay no tickets or fines for my wife.....but i do pay for the tags and most of the insurance...
Originally posted by senate_9427@Sep 17 2005, 02:53 PM
I agree with everyone else, but i just want to know why you said that HER fine was 100 dollars that you dont have. screwe that its her fine to pay. shit, help her to get it thrown out, but don't pay the fee for her. girls never want to be responsible about shit for their car like tags and stuff, my opinion is she should pay, its her car, she was driving, and she is the one who hasn't replaced the tags
[post=555953]Quoted post[/post]​

Yeah, that was my first thought as well...why are you paying the fine when it was her car and she was driving? Yeah, help her fight the ticket but I don't see why you would pay it for's not like it was your fault!

And maybe I missed something here, but why did she leave her ID at home if she was going out drinking?
and that is why I have prepaid legal. cops being a dick and get on my cell phone to a lawyer in any state that I am in 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year
Shiiiit. I got worse problems. lol

Just tell her to take ID to court with her, thrown out case instantly.

Here's my issue. Oops.

Nah, got one last reckless driving ticket in the Civic... LMAO.

Cops were PISSED, but I got off with just reckless driving and a tags violation sicne I hadn't gotten my tags changed over to MS yet.
I say take it to court too, here in Az everyone i know repeatedly scans the ticket for discrepancies because if the officer makes any mistakes the ticket is thrown out.
My friend got a speeding ticket for going 45 in a 25.
The cop wrote down he was doing 45 in a 45... but the ticket was for speeding..
Of course you can know that a regular residential street speed limit is 25, and the courts knew that too, but the officer was an idiot.
I think you win.
Alright thanks for all the advice guys. The girlfriend gets off of work at two today so we are going to take care of it. And about my "paying" for the ticket that was ment more figuritvily. She dosnt get paid untill thursday at which time she is going to be paying me back if she has to pay the full fine. Also we are living together so its kinda the "community pot" thing. Agian thanks for all the advice.