turbo timer ?'s

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turbo sol

I need some ligaments!!!
what the hell is a turbo timer and what does it do?
it basically lets your car idle (to keep oil flow to the turbo) for a little bit longer after you turn it off. Its smart to have one and really extends the life of your car.

If you are asking if you should buy one, i would suggest it, but it is NOT required.
is there a certain brand you would suggest to use? I want to get one but don't know which is the best for the money. oh and about how much do they cost for a decent one? thanks bro. i'd go search now but i'm in skool tryin to take a stupid test and don't have the time right now. thanx again.
greddy, blitz and apexi.

they run 100-200 bucks.
i have a apexi timer in one of my cars, but i would suggest in getting a blitz timer because its got a boost gauge built in too. Just incase you dont got one. On the other hand the other brands are little cheaper! $100-$150
do you like the apexi? has it done what it was designed to do efficiently? i've always been partial to apexi cause i've bought some of their stuff and haven't been dissapionted yet. but on the other hand i know greddy puts out good stuff. are they adjustable?i'm sure these are stupid ?'s but i'm new to this stuff.
I kinda like the apexi one because its small, shows volts and minor air fuel ratio. :thumbsup:
But since I have a sleeper I'm planning to get a blitz timer so I can get rid of my boost gauge!