Vista Speech recognition tool gone wrong

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A lady at work got one of those things. She started talking away without looking at the screen and it was missing a ton of crap. She started to curse the thing out and it all came up on screen. She printed it for us, it was a good laugh to say the least :lol:
Back in 92, when most of you were just born, I attended a dos-based voice recognition demo at a PC Users group meeting in CT. The guy sets up the projector, loads the OS with the speech recognition

Begins to deliver the speech. Now we all expected it to get funky results, and it did. While he was talking to us it did all sorts of funny shit. .But they were dos commands. So you would say "make directory" and it would just do "MD" at the command prompt.

So the demostration is under way

"Change Directory back back" = cd..

Then some clown in the audience:

"Format see colon, Return!"

Joined by another

"Why return Why !"

c:/format c:
Formatting 1% complete.....
dragon naturally speaking.

when yelling at real people isnt enough.

voice recognition has taken forever to work...i dont see its future as being too bright.