What do you want?

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Senior Member
People... tell me what you want for the next group buy, and I'll see what I can do on it!!!
Skunk2 parts (anything for the head)
actually, i can get the teins for $900, still a great price, considering other places want $1000 :blink:
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Oct 16 2002, 05:27 PM
:( that sucks. why did you chnge vendors if prices are more?

I changed venders, because they always seemed to have an excust on why my parts weren't in. They would never answer their phone when i called. and they never answered their AIM when I typed them.

So, I would rather give good service and not make much more money..

And for the people that have bought parts from me, know that I'm easy to deal with, very easy going, and I give great service.
Originally posted by ALLJDM@Oct 17 2002, 02:15 AM
And for the people that have bought parts from me, know that I'm easy to deal with, very easy going, and I give great service.

right on

:worthy: alljdm.com
Those prices are good for the Skunk2 IM. Now all I need is to come up with the cash...
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