What Tranny to get???

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Alright here is my swap plan as of now. I am building a b16a2, 89 honda civic DX (yes i am converting to OBD1 and I am fully aware of the wiring nightmare that i am going to incounter). I finally got my swap!!! Here is what i am thinking, i still have a long way till i put it in my car, i do not have to money to buy mounts or shift linkage yet :( so since i am broke and still have tons of time to put my swap in, even though i am anxious as hell. I want to know if i shoudl keep the tranny that came with it or sell it and get a different one? I do not care if it is Cable or hydro. Here is what i plan to do, I am not into drag races, but i want to be able to excelerate hard, and every now and then smoke some lame ass phuck in a riced to all hell car. My car will probably never see the track, and it is going to remain a daily driver.
So all help is really appreciated.
i am going to have to ask my dad or a buddy who is living at my house while i am here at schoo, it arrived today, and I have not been home to see it. btw i am leaving here on thursday night to go home and see it. all i know is that it is hydro, and came from a 95 JDM Del Sol, so it is what ever that was. I will ask later tonight when peak hours is over.
And if i get another tranny i will hit you up.
If it is Hydro I can't use it, but thanks anyway.
well. if you aren't worried about track use... an LSD is no use to you.

do you drive on the highway??
b16 tranny with a fat LS 5th would be excellent
yeah i do a lot of freeway/hi-way driving, i drive 200 miles every other weekend. so do you think i should get an LS tranny, because if that is the case i can get a cable LS tranny, and save some cash. my friend says that i should get a B17 tranny, what do you guys think??? or can i re-gear the currnet tranny with an LS 5th gear??? i eventually would want to get an LSD, but I have no real use for one.
sorry sir 2 b16 second gen, the guys at Hmotorsonline called it a b16a2, so that is what i have been calling it... So i have a sir2 b16.
Update- I have a Y21 tranny.