What was Driver's Ed like for you?

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I took it over the summer when my counselor told me that I wasn't able to take it during the school year and I had to either take it over the summer or junior year.

Oh well... just 3 more weeks before I get my license.

But those Crown Vics were kinda fun to drive
I had to drive a supercharger buick regal. Kinda fun to drive, but my instructor looked and sounded exactly like Elmer Fudd. Here's two quotes I have of his directed to me:
" You don't respect your life when you drive"
"You're an accidently waiting to happen"
"You're a danger to other drivers"

I only have had 1 minor 5mph accident in the 2 1/2 years of driving and no tickets at all. Just two warnings on illegal lighting.
i think the worst thing my behind the wheel teacher said was she told some girl that she should drop out because she simply can't drive, and she started crying

Originally posted by Prowler@Oct 23 2002, 07:21 PM
I had to drive a supercharger buick regal. Kinda fun to drive, but my instructor looked and sounded exactly like Elmer Fudd. Here's two quotes I have of his directed to me:
" You don't respect your life when you drive"
"You're an accidently waiting to happen"
"You're a danger to other drivers"

I only have had 1 minor 5mph accident in the 2 1/2 years of driving and no tickets at all. Just two warnings on illegal lighting.

lol in the words of iceman from top gun....

"you know what your problem is mav.... youre dangerous!" (snaps teeth together)

i took drivers ed in school as a class. i got an A thats all io remember and that was nine years ago
budget cuts in the education plan nixed my schools driver's ed program so we had to pay for it, and all i remeber is my driving instructor constantly tapping on the passangerside break pedal to keep me from going over 40 in the 45 zones which totally pissed me off.
hell, i had a tight drivers ed class, i had to take it over summer too, but our instructor was a dumb ass redneck, and mumbled. One dude in my group was talking all this shit then turns out he couldn't drive for shit and the instructor would just yell at him, then the first day the guy watched me and the only thing i got told, repeatly i must add, "ten an tu put ur ands at ten an tu!" (and yes thats how he talked). After the first day he just read the newspaper while i drove. easy shit easy 100.
Driver's ed was great. Friendly teachers, not too much time in the classroom, and I had the same driving instructor every time... who went to my church, just let me and this hot girl (who happened to be with me every time I drove too) drive home every time instead of having to practice (after the first 1-2 sessions), and didn't really say much until we were 20mph+ over the limit. I guess that's just how they teach everyone to drive in Houston.
my drivers ed was a joke as was the driving test at the DMV all I remember about learning to dirive is we only owned manual cars and I have to learn on a 95 dodge dokata extended cab with a 5.9 and a manual trans it was quite scary
drivers ed was kewl.. we drove pontiac sunbirds.. they were really gay. and it was fun to watch stupid people try to learn and the teacher get mad at them and yell.. this one girl almost hit the teacher and some other girl ran the car off the track and into a little ditch... ahhhh high school was fun...sometimes..lol
had to drive a focus in a closed of parking lot never leaving it, not allow to press the gas pedal, easiest thing ever but people still failed it
if u guys are talkin bout traffic school (a.k.a. drivers ed here in cali)..then well...it sucks! its an 8 hour detention basically. i went to a comedy one and it was funny, but still i lost a whole saturday.
i haven't taken it. we don't have to in arkansas so i just skipped strait to the driving test(after the written test). the guy who rode with me was a freak. he didn't speak he just staired at me like i was making him mad. i had to drive my moms cady that thing was a boat. i passed, it was easy all we had to do is drive around one block of a nieghborhood that my friend lived in.