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I'm trying to find just the tranny & lower engine hasport mounts for 92-95 civic B-series swap. Let me know ASAP!

the link i posted up has the individual mounts
LOL Ok, I knew they sold indivual mounts. Thanks anyways. I was just seeing if could get them for cheaper than $140 a mount. My swap came with a driver side hasport mount so i figure to get the other 2. Do you guys think it will make a difference if I use my factory civic mounts then with the hasport driver side?

Oh yea and BUMP B)
i would use at LEAST the 2 side mounts
the rear is kinda up to you
you could usr the stock one

but at least use the 2 sides
rgr, I was wondering which ones handle the most stress. Thanks for the info, if I can get a good deal for the two i'll just get both.
I have the tranny HAsport mount I'll sale for $ 75 +Shipping just got to see if I can find it. Never used just tossed around the garage.
WOW wal-mart 9.99 works wonders. Thank god I got a new one needed to write a report for school. LOL