Wall street protests

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Protest the protestors.


I wish I had a protest to laugh at :p

LMFAO at the chick holding the "honk if you have student loans" sign. overeducated my ass. the least she could do is research so she has her facts straight and avoids looking like a fucktard.

looks to be a bunch of people that don't want to work hard so they're standing around bitching.

:whogivesafuck: :movealongnothingtoseehere:
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cnbc in my ear all day and I heard about this shit last week.

They showed some college girls protesting and shes just saying like totally the banks and wall st are bad....how so? well they just are....

cnbc in my ear all day and I heard about this shit last week.

They showed some college girls protesting and shes just saying like totally the banks and wall st are bad....how so? well they just are....


It might actually mean something if some even one of them could form a cohesive mission statement. So far I've got "people with money are bad", "people that loan people money are bad", "work sucks", "schools too expensive, but I'm going anyway, even though I still can't form a complete sentence", and "working people should make more money".
they need to get their shit together or else they just look like a bunch of fucking retards with no particular clear message other than i'm here cause i'm a lazy hippie fuck and have no where better to be. protesting for the sake of protesting doesn't help the image and it just makes people view this as some anarchist movement looking to bring down the economic and political system because it doesn't suit their particular wants

how about our elected representatives should represent the people that elect them, not the corp's that contribute the most to their campaigns? no more lobbyists.
or banks should not use poor lending practices to make bad loans, and then the taxpayers have to pay to bail them out?
I bet that most of these people are being paid to protest. The bad people with money are funding these protests.
Probably the most logical statment ive heard from these people. The fed and centeral bank arnt doing any good. But look at everyone around him. Its all fuck the war, rich people bad. These problems dont boil down to simple signs and slogans. But we have way to many selfish uneducated idiots that truly belive they deserve a gold star for showing up
eh, its the only video i have seen where somebody is actually making full statements and not stammering around and making no point at all.
Free college is a bad idea - just listen to these mushbrains talk.
dont want student loans?
dont go to college.

thats how it works.
the government paid for the shit education that was received through 12th grade.
i wouldnt want them in charge of anything after that. they are already too involved which is why more and more schools are starting to suck
eh, its the only video i have seen where somebody is actually making full statements and not stammering around and making no point at all.

Pretty sad huh? Hundreds of people, probably hundreds of cameras rolling, and so far one video that contains someone speaking that can form a complete sentence, even if half his sentences don't make sense.
eh, its the only video i have seen where somebody is actually making full statements and not stammering around and making no point at all.

Thats my feeling on the video too. And it does show that these protests are not what folks are making them out to be. There is some stuff going on in Spokane and Seattle too i guess. Ill see if i can find any gems there
the government paid for the shit education that was received through 12th grade.

Yep, and the liberals push programs like student because 12 years just isnt enough time to fill you with utter hatred for your country.

Utter hatred for business owners who exist for no reason other than to screw customers, hoard their wealth, underpay their employees and fly around in corporate jets. Utter hatred for the principles our country was founded on, like individual responsibility and work ethic. Utter hatred for the idea that the individual is best able to provide for themselves and not the herd.

The mushbrains coming out of modern american universities have had 16 years of leftist indoctrination, first at the hands of the Teachers Union (k-12) and then at the hands of socialist professors who dominate the education landscape. The students are taught to believe that “rich people” ($250k on a joint tax return = $125k yearly per person.. this is Obamas definition) should support their every want and desire; free healthcare, free college education, guaranteed employment, guaranteed wages (living wage)... the list goes On and On.

The Liberal agenda moves forward each and every day in this country. Here is an example from the recent healthcare legislation. Now they want you to be classified as a dependent on your parents heathcare until you are 26. Think about that - a country of 26yr old, mush brain, crybaby dependents! With current unemployment among the mushbrain population at an all time high, none of them will be able to get jobs or pay for their own heathcare until they are 30. The dependent age will have to be risen again! Go back to grad school, more indoctrination since you cant get a job, delay REAL LIFE and stay in OUR world for few more years so WE can prepare you to think and act the way we want.

The liberal agenda is a continuous agenda. It does not stop.

:cliffs: If you finish 12th grade, 16% of your life will have been subjected to liberal indoctrination. At a 4 year university, thats 21%, and if you go to grad school thats 25%. They want as much of your life as they can get. Thats why incentives exist for you to spend MORE TIME in the American education system. (assume a 75 year life)
The students are taught to believe that “rich people” ($250k on a joint tax return = $125k yearly per person.. this is Obamas definition) should support their every want and desire; free healthcare, free college education, guaranteed employment, guaranteed wages (living wage)... the list goes On and On.

I'm not in that uber wealthy category myself, but a couple family members are, and anyone that thinks $125,000, or $250,000 a year is wealthy is a fucking clueless idiot. Well off? Sure, doesn't have to worry about what, or how they are eating every night? Sure, wealthy? Hell fucking no.
Asked about the protests during his appearance before Congress’s Joint Economic Committee, Mr. Bernanke said people are blaming “with some justification the problems in the financial sector for getting us into this mess.”

Ben Bernanke on the protesters.
This guy keeps saying "Go back to a gold standard!" But what he doesn't realize, is that the bulk of gold's value is intrinsic. We as human beings have placed an inflated value on it. Sure it has practical applications, but those applications are not why it costs more than $1600/ounce. Saying money isn't worth anything, then saying that gold is, while completely neglecting the fact that we place value on any object, is stupid.
Yep, and the liberals push programs like student because 12 years just isnt enough time to fill you with utter hatred for your country.

Utter hatred for business owners who exist for no reason other than to screw customers, hoard their wealth, underpay their employees and fly around in corporate jets. Utter hatred for the principles our country was founded on, like individual responsibility and work ethic. Utter hatred for the idea that the individual is best able to provide for themselves and not the herd.

The mushbrains coming out of modern american universities have had 16 years of leftist indoctrination, first at the hands of the Teachers Union (k-12) and then at the hands of socialist professors who dominate the education landscape. The students are taught to believe that “rich people” ($250k on a joint tax return = $125k yearly per person.. this is Obamas definition) should support their every want and desire; free healthcare, free college education, guaranteed employment, guaranteed wages (living wage)... the list goes On and On.

The Liberal agenda moves forward each and every day in this country. Here is an example from the recent healthcare legislation. Now they want you to be classified as a dependent on your parents heathcare until you are 26. Think about that - a country of 26yr old, mush brain, crybaby dependents! With current unemployment among the mushbrain population at an all time high, none of them will be able to get jobs or pay for their own heathcare until they are 30. The dependent age will have to be risen again! Go back to grad school, more indoctrination since you cant get a job, delay REAL LIFE and stay in OUR world for few more years so WE can prepare you to think and act the way we want.

The liberal agenda is a continuous agenda. It does not stop.

:cliffs: If you finish 12th grade, 16% of your life will have been subjected to liberal indoctrination. At a 4 year university, thats 21%, and if you go to grad school thats 25%. They want as much of your life as they can get. Thats why incentives exist for you to spend MORE TIME in the American education system. (assume a 75 year life)
While I agree that some people come out of college very liberal, I'm on the last class of my masters and I'm far from liberal. I believe in personal responsibility. Although, I am getting my second degree in accounting. If it was French literature, I might fall in to your argument. But I still believe it's too generalized. If we are bombarded with the left for years, where are all the conservatives coming from?
Apparently Jeff Mangum is set to play a free concert for this. :shrug2: