24 Hours Of LeMons driver Jailed for his car

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The 24 Hours of LeMons Forums / Jailed over Duff Beer LeMons car.

This kinda scares me. Especially since our car isn't even titled in the state of VA, much less able to pass a VDOT inspection.

EDIT: to clarify, we don't drive our car on the street because it's not legal to do so. This guy's car is street legal, they just take all the glass, lights, etc. out of it when it's not on the track.
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the car has no tailights, blinkers, headlights, and probably not wipers either. it is not street legal. who ever posted that is a moron and deserves to be in jail for being pulled over/etc because the car is clearly NOT street legal, insured, plated, or otherwise.

As none of us where there at the inspection station, we have no idea what was said to 'bribe' the guy in any way, which is a crime. So, i have no pity. he did a stupid thing by driving that car on the streets anyway.
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the car has no tailights, blinkers, headlights, and probably not wipers either. it is not street legal. who ever posted that is a moron and deserves to be in jail for being pulled over/etc because the car is clearly NOT street legal, insured, plated, or otherwise.

As none of us where there at the inspection station, we have no idea what was said to 'bribe' the guy in any way, which is a crime. So, i have no pity. he did a stupid thing by driving that car on the streets anyway.


The car has everything required to be street legal when it's not on the track. Had you read the whole post, you would have realized that they drive it to and from events. I've personally seen this car and watched them take off/out all the lights, glass, etc. before sending to tech inspection.

ALSO, the owner maintains a security clearance and works for the government. He'd lose his job on top of everything else if he bribed anyone.

EDIT: The car IS titled, tagged, and insured. Maybe you just looked at the pictures... It's not *that* uncommon for a LeMons car to be street legal.
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VA inspections are such a joke how did he run into issues?
If you go to a random shop yeah but ask any guy with a modded car and they can point you to many shops that will just pass it.

Last time Linh had a VA tagged car the guy checked the tire pressure and write down the VIN # then passed it.

total joke.

Seems there's more to this then whats listed. If you have a car that isn't street legal they just fail it.
Jeffie, VA is pretty stringent on having to maintain the factory seatbelts. That and the exhaust is are the only reasons we can't pass a VA inspection.

More photos of the duff car are here:
Pictures and Video - Team Drinking and Driving

Anyone ever tried to get a car inspected with a full weld-in cage? I had to go to three places before I found a place that would even pull the car into the bay, that was with a subaru impreza L.
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Most counties that see a honda and then the owner calls it a race car will land the owner in jail and the car impounded.... temporary insanity is the only possible cause.
My wife is from VA and we go there weekly in fact we were in reston yesterday and get to got o chantilly tonight yay me!

If hes got NC tags why is he getting it inspected in VA? VA shouldnt have anything to do with it. If its tagged in NC he should have to go back to NC to get it inspected if not move his tags over to VA.

The problem with VA inspection stations is damn near every gas station does it, it's not state run but state monitored.

This just seems weird.
most places I've been...if it's not Mopar, Chevy, or Ford....it cant's possibly races...,..nuf said

Cletus, Arrest that forefinger!!!!....
lol, I know that guy!

And it probably was a dick inspector; 95 and older just get safety inspection along with a check to make sure all original emissions equipment is in there.
Sounds like he really should handle his business more carefully if he has a top secret clearance. I know some people with them, and you have to tread lightly to keep it.

And honestly it seems like its his fault. Why not just license it as an orv, and keep it that way?

Guys, it's a STREET LEGAL car! It passed the second inspection along with the police's inspection. He doesn't drive it around(goes only back and forth to races) and it was parked when they came for him.
looks like they arrested him as a scare tactic trying to get him to give them dirt on the shop that passed him
pretty obvious from the "shock and awe" style tactics they employed they were more looking for a reaction than to actually get him charged with anything
it was all theater
they had nothing on him
as he said the charges were dropped
and if his lawyer is worth half a shit he should be able to get his legal fees covered and possibly come away with some cash for wrongful arrest etc...

aside from his personal inconvenience, it looks like little more than your basic shitty cops trying to be hard asses story
and other than coming out of pocket a few bucks he came away unscathed... and as i said he should be able to at least get his fees paid for possibly come out ahead on $$
He's the admin of a local Honda board, and there's quite a few police officers on there. I wonder what they have to say about the incident....
In NJ I've literally failed and pulled right around again and passed. Hope it didn't set off any bells or whistles. Luckily NJ has budget problems and dropped all inspection except emissions. Means I won't have to replace the chipped windshield or loud ass exhaust when I have to go again this year.
it seems like if he didnt run his mouth to the cops when they came to his house he would have been fine
they were watching inspection station #2 already
he just got caught up in it and then ran his mouth off to the cops and ended up in cuffs