Almost Got Arrested

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2 litre EG

Senior Member
sorry i just had to post my story after being reminded when i read the other topic about being arrested.

I decided to go kick it with some friend's and be the designated driver [since i dont drink]... while they got faded at Red Robins [restaurant in the mall]... when we finally do decide to leave the restaurant, there are two guys staring at us like they wanna start shit.

now if any of you guys really knew me in person, im more the type not to fight if its not necessary... my friends on the other hand are completely opposite!!! they are the type to start shiet outta nowhere!! so when we are walking in front of the restaurant, my friend ray and philip decide to flip the guys off. i try to calm them down waving some green leafy substance in front of them and it works for the time being.

we're smoking in my ride just chillin, when the guys walk out and notice what we're doin... they go to the back of their truck and open up the tool chest. One grabs a pipe, the other grabs a hammer... they block my car in so we cant jam and they get out yelling "now wassup, lets go around the corner you fuckin pussies!!"

thats when we all got pissed, philip decides to act stupid and pull out his knife, my homie devin pulls out his maglite, me and ray get out of the truck etc etc... everyone starts yelling. phil yells saying is that all you got is a fuckin hammer and blah blah

me being the calm one says, "are you guys dumb enough to fight us 4 against 2, just cause you have a hammer and a pipe?!?! also are you dumb enough to hit us with those wespons which are no longer concealed, in front of all the families watching behind you!! do you think your gonna get far."

so they say lets go around the corner, and the cops roll up right as they get in their truck and bone out, the cops tell us to stay put and have security watch us while they chase after the other guys...

thanks God for teh families who were watching and told the cops... those boys didnt do anything, it was the others in the black truck [my truck is silver]... hahaha... cops told me we could arrest you but nothing really went down and everyone here seems to be on your side, so we're gonna let you go

wooo hoo :woo: :woo: we got lucky :worthy:
Originally posted by 2 litre EG@Mar 12 2003, 10:27 AM
i try to calm them down waving some green leafy substance in front of them and it works for the time being.

Lucky Bastard. I'd probably get raped by the cop, in some Rodney King incident.

Rememer, all middle eastern people want to hijack planes. They'd assume my weapon was enroute to a plane.

;) lol, or I just like loving being a minority ;)
wow..lucky guy..cops hate me..i get pulled over at least once every other couple of days. usually not tickets though..just warnings for my windows being tinted or accelerating too quickly, a.k.a "exhibition of speed" according to law. I gotta get rid of my exhaust.
I myself don't drink much unless its for dinner even then its not often

if my friends did what yours did with fliping off and such I would say grew up or get lost I can't stand people who act 12

just think if a fight did break out and they bashed your car up
reason being... your dumb ass friends flicked some one off thats something to be proud of on top of who knows how many people getting hurt/busted by cops.....

man- those guys have some fuckign balls- I've seen pics of you and your boys. you guys look straight out of the WWF or some shit! haha I wouldn't fuck with you
Originally posted by jeffie7@Mar 13 2003, 01:13 AM
I myself don't drink much unless its for dinner even then its not often

if my friends did what yours did with fliping off and such I would say grew up or get lost I can't stand people who act 12

just think if a fight did break out and they bashed your car up
reason being... your dumb ass friends flicked some one off thats something to be proud of on top of who knows how many people getting hurt/busted by cops.....


oh i do agree my friends are pretty childish, but either way there my friends and i know they got my back IF I EVER NEED IT :)

yeah Ray was dumb enough to flip them off but he doesnt like when someone stares at him in the manner those guys were staring... they were staring like they wanted to start something anyways... yeah we "sunk down to their level" rather than being the more "grown up person" and let it slide... the thing is you gotta understand my friends before you cal them completely childish.

once in awhile yeah they act like they are 12, but the fact is, they are damn good friends... one thing i forgot to include in the story is this:

as soon as they saw that those guys were pulling out weapons, Ray originally asked me to start the car and leave cause he didn't wanna go back to jail...

im sure if you were eating dinner with a bunch of your guys friends and someone started staring at you out of nowhere, you wouldnt take it all too lightly. im 23 years old and i know what its like to be in that childish state your talking about, and i dont think my friends acted childish at all... they stood up for themselves
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Mar 13 2003, 01:17 AM
man- those guys have some fuckign balls- I've seen pics of you and your boys. you guys look straight out of the WWF or some shit! haha I wouldn't fuck with you

puahahaha B... you must be talking about the picture with my bro and my old employer Abe... Abe is a crazy lookin bastard :lol: :lol:
man, I would have ate that green as soon as the cops came. that is luck.
thank god for the green stuff.
lucky man, watch out though u never know bout next time...