Anyone here legal savvy ?

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Im going to end up having to take the body shop to court over the civic, shop closed down and ive got to pick the car up saturday from the landlord, cars 1/4 done and just had spray can primer sprayed on the bare metal ... I paid for a paint job, shop closed and owner is filing personal and buiseness bankruptcy , I paid for a paint job
how much was the total?
your state have small claims?
also good luck collecting on it if he's going through bankruptcy.
$5550 , I have receipts through the shop for everything, and I figured as much with the bankruptcy , this shop has been amazing customer for over 3 years, I decide I want to do business with them and to be a outstanding customer to them andddd I get fucked , luckily I had not paid for the engine fabrication yet, kinda bummed pretty hard from this im going to go pick the car up saturday, andd ive got to pay somebody to finish the body work and to do the fab again, obv lesson learned on paying upfront but guaranteed this will be the last time my kindness gets taken for weakness and yes we have small claims
Good luck trying to collect. You and a bunch of other people fighting for his money.
maybe he'll give you some of his stuff to hold to make up the difference?
shitty situation.
I never trust people to pay in full up front. Burned too many times.
maybe he'll give you some of his stuff to hold to make up the difference?

  1. Contact your insurance company ASAP. show them the receipts etc. Get an insurance case started.
  2. Call HIS insurance. That's another route to start immediately.
  3. When you go pick up your car, try to negotiate some sort of payment or off site labor to be done. Maybe you can get some value there.
shops been outstanding customer for 3 years now I felt obligated to be the same but its a learning lesson and wont happen again, and thanks for the input l, I contacted him yesterday offering to let him horse trade me guns for the difference and hes supposed to get back to me, am meeting him saturday to get my car and stuff out of the shop and im going to be very stern and will also have my best friend and brother there to help me soo hopefully 3 large gun toting dudes will be somewhat intimidating , we will see how it goes saturday, how would I go about finding his insurance and contacting them ?
be careful bringing guns into this issue, that quickly becomes a felony charge.
its not worth the legal fees and possible jail time.
no threats of violence, or use of force. no flashing the weaponry.
Get your things, say what you have to say. You can't make someone pay you. Be smart.

having witnesses is good, but audio recording or video recording of the meeting might be beneficial to your interests.
dudes a marine and has a insane gun collection is only reason I made him the offer and Its something tangible he has , and im not saying im going to go in there flashing my gun etc and act like im going to bully up on him thats not how I roll and yes that can get illegal real fast , I was hoping the having brother and best friend with me face to face would be better off esp to be taken seriously , but yes will get audio recorded if not video I think my brother still has his google glasses as a matter of fact , I hope this shit works out EVERY SINGLE TIME I pay out of my own pocket for work to be done on one of my cars I end up fucked regardless
This is why you always pay with a credit card with built in fraud protection. And with 1% rewards, that's $55 you missed out on for the free protection.
It's a serious Learning lesson for me I realize it I was not worried or even crossed my mind that this was going to happen and this is the last time my kindness will be taken for weakness, same note I am one of the lucky ones a lot of cars in there have nothing on them but bare metal and owners probably don't even know yet
$5500 gone now ive got a rolling shell and a lot of good body work that had nothing wrong with it sanded off


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So georgia has small claims court limit of 15k.
In NY its 5k or 3k depending on where you live.
That could be an option, but like I said being, if he's going through bankruptcy there is a good chance you would be listed as one of his creditors with unsecured debt.
Is he personally going through bankruptcy or his business?

I'd still file a claim against his business insurance.

There should be a criminal victim fund in your city or state. You might be able to file a case there.

Recked can verify this, but you can also get a "crime victim tax deduction". If you file charges of some sort, I don't know what you would do, but you could get a tax discount.

Last thing, can you really file bankruptcy on labor charges? If so, there should be a sort of disability insurance through his business license. You really need to get his business info.
I kept my cool, went in and got my stuff and loaded the car up and left, dude was there with his family all working ragged to get the shop emptied, the cars going to his previous lead fabricator/painters new shop in the process of openeing, they all have been generally straight up with me and swore would come finish whats paid for at the new shop, figure giving him a month to make good on his word is same as losing my shit and burning bridges today
if he's working to make it right... stay the course. research the statute of limitations on small claims/ bankruptcy filing though so you don't miss it.
yes I need to find out who I need to get in contact with to do such , but yes something told me saturday wasnt the day to show my ass and it will be at the shop where he is supposed to work off debt owed in under a month soo we will see if he makes good on it but again im not holding my breath, his tools etc already got moved to that shop soo that is promising