Anyone remember me getting fucked by Outlaw MS?

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I bought the motor in May of 03 for $700 cash. There never was a receipt for this, it was an ebay auction that he ended early for me.

I brought the car to him in October of 03, and paid $500 up front for a B16A2 head and for him to wire the car up.

In December 03 or Jan 04 (i forget), he was evicted from his shop, and I had to pay the landlord $500 more to get my car back.
Here's an email that I wrote. I haven't sent it yet, everyone please make comments/suggestions before I send it.


I bought the motor from you in May of 2003. I paid you $700 in cash, and I still have the receipt. It was from a listing on Ebay that you ended early, because I drove up there to get it.

I did not 'only get a head'. The reference to the head was referring to October of 2003. In October 2003, I spoke with you on the phone, after unsuccessfully attempting to install the B16A motor into my Civic. You told me that what I needed was a 'custom wiring harness', which you could make for me. You also said that I would need a B16A2 head from a 99 Si (which, consequently, is NOT true. all I needed was the intake manifold from a B16A2). You told me the total cost would be $1000, or as you put it, 'it'll be about a G'. I remember your words EXACTLY. I towed the civic to your shop in Dallas, where you were supposed to meet me. After sitting outside for 3 hours, and talking with you on the phone, with you telling me 'I'll be up there in 10 minutes' over and over, I left the car parked behind the shop, and left the key and $300 in the mailbox.

A few weeks later, I came back to Dallas, with Elizabeth Chisholm, who I was seeing at the time. I came by your shop, and paid you another $200, after which you prepared me a receipt, reading the following:

'B16A2 head - $500
Install B16 - $500
Total - $1000
Deposit - $500
Owed - $500'

Which has both yours and my signature at the bottom. The car was in the shop at this point, parked in the far-rear-left corner (facing from the front of the shop), and covered in bird droppings and dust. Nothing on the motor had been touched.

I'm surprised that you don't remember this, Jake. You don't remember when you told me that the car would be finished that day, and that I could come pick it up, and my friends dropped me off? You weren't there, you told me on your cell phone that you would be there in a little bit. I sat in front of your shop for three hours waiting on you, with NO RIDE HOME. I had to call a relative to come and get me, Jake.

A few weeks later, word got to me that you had been evicted, and I would have to pay the landlord, JR, to get my car back. I spoke with him on the phone, and we arranged for me to pay him $500 so that I could get my car back, and you would provide me with everything necessary to get my car running. What you did give me was a 98 GSR wiring harness, a cracked 95 Integra LS intake manifold (which I still have in my posession, with your JB weld on it), and a 99 Civic EX ecu. At the time, I did not know much about Hondas, and going against the advice of my father, my lawyer, and all of my friends, I trusted you and took your word that what you gave me was all I needed to get my car running.

Guess what Jake. That is NOT what I needed. The car was totalled in May of this past year, so don't think I'm trying to get anything back because of that. I have tried everything I know short of hiring an investigator to find you, and ran across this email address a while back. In fact, I think I still have an email that you sent me regarding my Civic.

At any rate, all I am looking for is one of two things. I want the B16A2 head which I paid $500 for, or I want my money back. Not the full $1000. I paid $500 to JR, who was a VERY nice and reasonable person, to get my car back. He in NO WAY ripped me off. He's a businessman, and he did what he had to do to get his rent money that you failed to pay him. I believe it was because you bought a house, am I correct?

But yes. All I want is the B16A2 head that I paid for, or my $500 for that head refunded.

Another thing, to say that Phillip put me up to this is absurd. The only time I EVER mentioned your name to Phillip was because Intercrew is not too far from where your shop was, and I commented to him that I was a bit familiar with the area because I had delt with Outlaw Motorsports before. Phillip's response was 'Oh.'

As previously stated, I am not trying to make any extra money. I am just trying to get what I paid for, or my money back.

Thank you,

William Kitchens
Mobile: (936)465-3629

p.s., It would be more convenient for the both of us if you would contact me by phone at the above phone number, or provide me with a contact number where I can reach you.
notes - there was no receipt from the May 2003 transaction. I'm hoping he says something like 'I didn't give you a receipt when you bought the motor', thus showing that I did, in fact, buy a complete motor from him then.
Originally posted by CRVTEC@Dec 3 2004, 09:13 PM
Here's an email that I wrote. I haven't sent it yet, everyone please make comments/suggestions before I send it.

A few weeks later, I came back to Dallas, with Elizabeth Chisholm, who I was seeing at the time. I came by your shop, and paid you another $200, after which you prepared me a receipt, reading the following:

[post=426132]Quoted post[/post]​

Take out the reference to Elizabeth having been your girlfriend. It's good that you have a witness, but her being your gf at the time is not important and actually detracts from her being an objective witness. Are you still on good terms with her? Would she be a witness for you in court?
Talked to Liz again today...She reminded me that I paid for $100 of the transaction with Jake on October 17 with an American Express credit card! I looked through the credit card bills, and it's on there! Also, my brother went through all my shit at my parent's house and




w00t! I'm takin this motherfucker to court!
good luck but if in fact he is in bankruocy then you will have to do it soon
Good luck. I'm glad you put in that bit about Phillip- you don't want to start a fight between the two of them.
Got an email from Jake today, in reply to the last letter I posted in this thread:

That sounds reasonable to me,I have been under a lot of stress with my family and everything else.I do not still remember the incicdent quite like this but I am familair with what you are talking about.It wshould not take me to long to put this kind of cash together.I just want everything to be kool with everyone.I should be able to put this together b4 Christmas or at the latest next month.I will provide contact information at which time i have funds ready available so we can arrange the transfer.Sorry about your problems,Will.

w00t! I guess emailing him a copy of the receipt that he wrote me up when I paid him the cash got him off his ass.

That, or he's just bluffing to get me to not sue him.

Dammit, I shoulda tried to get the full grand :shrug2:
Originally posted by CRVTEC@Dec 6 2004, 06:12 PM
Dammit, I shoulda tried to get the full grand :shrug2:
[post=427241]Quoted post[/post]​

Well.... you should have thought it out a bit more before shooting him off those emails. Good luck and hope that he does what he said he's going to do.
I didn't actually think this would work...I kinda planned on him saying something like 'Yeah, it happened just like that, but I'm not gonna pay you', then blam...sue him.

Dammit. Oh well. $500 will cover my Hondata install plus tuning at Intercrew.

That or B's axles. Hrm....
Originally posted by CRVTEC@Dec 6 2004, 06:38 PM
I didn't actually think this would work...I kinda planned on him saying something like 'Yeah, it happened just like that, but I'm not gonna pay you', then blam...sue him.
[post=427254]Quoted post[/post]​

It's just a good life lesson and if it cost you only $500, that's not too bad. It's all about thinking carefully before you act. Especially in a business situation and since you were composing emails, you had plenty of time to consider and reconsider your position and to choose your words carefully before hitting that send button. You should have stuck to demanding that $1000 all along consistantly. That consistancy would have helped you in court later on. Once you go lower at $500, you can't change your mind and goback up to $1000. It's better to ask high and negotiate back to a lesser position (the one that you really wanted). That way both sides compromise a little and everyone goes away a winner. <--- I learned that while selling cars. lol.
Ehh...$500 is more than what I've got now.

And really, Jake doesn't have the other $500. The landlord does.

Oh well. Life goes on. And besides....

I'm gettin paid n*****!!!!!!
I ain't gettin shit.

Haven't heard from Jake in a month or so now.

Anyone know some way to locate a person that actually WORKS?