Brad's CRX Build

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^Wow^ couldn't imagine that.

Hopefully this will ride better. I'll see if I can get a parking lot picture or something. I also moved the steering wheel. I just have to wait for my parents to come home so I can try it all out.


Thanks boys.

I hate my wheels tho. I at least want my stocks back.

My parents are camping for a couple of days and I can't drive without them so imma do my Mini-Me swap. Actually its a bit pointless bc I haven't hit over 4k, it will be for looks. :)
Fuck...Just took off the head but when I took off the timing belt it was super loose! Like the "mechanic" didn't touch the tensioner. Its a good thing I'm taking this apart right now but I'm now worried about my bottom end, the "mechanic" took it apart too. :ph34r: :(
You have owned too many clean EFs, this one being my favorite. :thumbsup:
Notice I got rid of the fire-wall MAP. After this thing is running reliably I'm going to wrap the header.

And yes my bay is dirty, I heard Simple Green is good.
or greased lightning..looks like your going to get it running before i do

Timing was way off at first but I got that straightned out. After that it started right up. I didn't let it warm up because I still have to get a longer IACV hose. It also sounded like I had a vacuum leak still from my Y8 manifold but I'll get to that after I get some coolant in there and its actually ran for awhile.

My parents took the camera so I'll have to get a video up later.

So far I found:

A loose timing belt
A bolt missing from the water pump
Drivers motor mount was loose, all three bolts
Crank pulley bolt was loose

The damn thing was about to self-destruct.

Timing was way off at first but I got that straightned out. After that it started right up. I didn't let it warm up because I still have to get a longer IACV hose. It also sounded like I had a vacuum leak still from my Y8 manifold but I'll get to that after I get some coolant in there and its actually ran for awhile.

My parents took the camera so I'll have to get a video up later.

So far I found:

A loose timing belt
A bolt missing from the water pump
Drivers motor mount was loose, all three bolts
Crank pulley bolt was loose

The damn thing was about to self-destruct.

Holy balls, almost sounds like it would be worth it to do a mild tear-down and check everything, whoever worked on it last was obviously a hack.
lol the mount.crank pulley bolt and loose timing belt would all be from him..he had to change the timing belt
wait//what timing belt did you use???

Z6, what I'm supposed to.

Holy balls, almost sounds like it would be worth it to do a mild tear-down and check everything, whoever worked on it last was obviously a hack.

Yeah, I'm glad I took it apart but I'm worried about my bottom end, especially if I'm going to hit 7000 RPMs.

lol the mount.crank pulley bolt and loose timing belt would all be from him..he had to change the timing belt

Yeah that and there is a new water pump in there so it all makes sence.

Got a longer hose, put some coolant in, set the timing and went for a 1 hr ish drive. I kept it under 4k until we were righht by home, then I hit 5.5k...It was my first VTEC experence.:)
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