breaking news--- airmarshall fires weapon on plane!

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yup thats one of a whole shit load of items like that out there
i own composite bladed knives... 100% non magnetic, and they still hold a good edge
i gave one to my friend who is in the guard and was stationed at the airport for security for a while.... he showed his supervisor... she went up to the terminal and walked right through the detector with it... she almost shit herself
if you want something a little more serious they make ceramic bladed knives... once again non magnetic and holds an edge better than most metals

like i said you wont stop it from getting on the plane... the only chance is having people trained and prepared to deal with it when it does end up on the plane... and allowing them to do their damn job

nice and easy, and everyone is happy
planes are safe, and people are not being forced to submit to unreasonable personal searches
send people through metal detectors
send them through explosives and drug sniffing machines
scan the shit out of their luggage

thats enough to keep most people from carrying something onto the plane

then have people on the plane who can shoot (or otherwise subdue) anyone who gets shit past security and decides to get stupid
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He was mentally disabled and hadn't taken his medication. I hope they get the shit sued out of them for wrongful death...though I know that's not going to happen.

Shoot first, shoot to kill, and who gives a shit about questions. What a great country we live in, today. What is it that makes this a civilized country again?
where did you see that????
i havent seen that anywhere.. and ive checked about 10 different sources

The 44-year-old U.S. citizen, whose name was not immediately released, claimed he had the bomb in a carry-on bag and tried to run away from a team of federal air marshals after they ordered him to the ground, according to the Transportation Security Administration.

One of the air marshals opened fire as the man reached into the bag.

a threat was made (guy threatened to blow up a bomb that he had in his luggage)
the marshals identified the threat and attempted to subdue the threat (ordered the man to the ground)
the guy tried to run
the guy then reached into the bag where he had previously claimed to have a bomb
marshals shot and killed him

seems perfectly reasonable to me

i dont see where anything was done incorectly on the part of the marshals
if the guy didnt make the threat, this never would have happened
if the guy didnt try to run, this never would have happened
if the guy didnt reach in the bag, this never would have happened
that looks like at least 3 different ways that this situation could have been avoided

i dont give a flying fuck what his mental condition was... if you cant behave in public you shouldnt be in public

if the fucker did have a bomb, and did blow the fucking gateway up, you would be screaming about our complete lack of security

and i dont want to hear any bullshit about "well they didnt have to kill him"... yes, they did... people trained in the use of firearms against other humans are not trained to wound or injur, they are trained to kill... a wounded or injured person is still a threat... often a more severe threat... a dead person is no longer a threat

if the situation allows for less than lethal force, by all means i am all for it
but when someone has threatened to blow up a bomb, resisted when marshals tried to apprehend him, then reaches into the bag that the bomb is allegedly in, you have to kill them

this situation cost one fucking idiot his life
this situation could have cost several innocent people their lives

no one is to blame here but the dead fuck
are you fucking kidding me
i know people who are diagnosed as bipolar
i even know a few people who are medicated to treat their condition
bipolar disorder means that you have drastic mood swings
it doesnt make you make bomb threats
it doesnt make you unable to comply with gun weilding air marshals
it doesnt make you make threatening motions twards others

i have plenty of respect for human life...
i have enought respect for human life to know that if you have to kill one person to save a gateway full of people it is perfectly justified

the marshals shot him because he posed a threat to the people at the airport
most people would say they were "protecting the lives" of the people in that terminal
i guess you are saying that they werent protecting his life

what if he did have a bomb like he said
what if they didnt kill him
what if he was able to detonate that bomb
what if several people did die
then what????

better yet
put yourself into that situation
you are a US Air Marshal
it is your job to protect the passengers on the plane and at the airport
someone jumps up screaming something about having a bomb
you draw your weapon, identify yourself and order him to the ground
he flees
you chase after him
(in the following commotion you may or may not have heard some lady screaming something about him being bipolar and not having his meds today... either way it isnt confirmed information, so how much stock can you really put in it)
now you see him reaching into his carry on bag where the alleged bomb is supposed to be
now quickly what would you do
this isnt a gun he is going for... he doesnt have to take it out of the bag and aim before he can do anything with it
this is a bomb... it can be detonated in any of a wide variety of ways some as simple as reacing into the bag and pressing a button, and for all you know right now he is atempting to detonate it
talking to him wont work... you have already tried that and he didnt listen... and right now he might be trying to detonate the bomb he claimed to have

so tell me... in your infinate wisdom... how would you handle this situation
They just blew up his luggage on the tarmac. Not overdoing it for something that was supposedly benign ?

Also, while we're at it CNN tells a tale of a great grandmother that was tasered, and then runs a full article about how after blowing up a picture they found a ring on one of the Bush Girl's fingers - sparking a rumor of engagement.

This world is falling apart.

Watch this luggage thing closely. Because what all of this is is an attempt to take your eyes off the REAL story.
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are you fucking kidding me
i know people who are diagnosed as bipolar
i even know a few people who are medicated to treat their condition
bipolar disorder means that you have drastic mood swings
it doesnt make you make bomb threats
it doesnt make you unable to comply with gun weilding air marshals
it doesnt make you make threatening motions twards others

i have plenty of respect for human life...
i have enought respect for human life to know that if you have to kill one person to save a gateway full of people it is perfectly justified

the marshals shot him because he posed a threat to the people at the airport
most people would say they were "protecting the lives" of the people in that terminal
i guess you are saying that they werent protecting his life

what if he did have a bomb like he said
what if they didnt kill him
what if he was able to detonate that bomb
what if several people did die
then what????

better yet
put yourself into that situation
you are a US Air Marshal
it is your job to protect the passengers on the plane and at the airport
someone jumps up screaming something about having a bomb
you draw your weapon, identify yourself and order him to the ground
he flees
you chase after him
(in the following commotion you may or may not have heard some lady screaming something about him being bipolar and not having his meds today... either way it isnt confirmed information, so how much stock can you really put in it)
now you see him reaching into his carry on bag where the alleged bomb is supposed to be
now quickly what would you do
this isnt a gun he is going for... he doesnt have to take it out of the bag and aim before he can do anything with it
this is a bomb... it can be detonated in any of a wide variety of ways some as simple as reacing into the bag and pressing a button, and for all you know right now he is atempting to detonate it
talking to him wont work... you have already tried that and he didnt listen... and right now he might be trying to detonate the bomb he claimed to have

so tell me... in your infinate wisdom... how would you handle this situation

:werd: +1
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It's really very simple, knee cap someone and the pain compliance makes it almost impossible for them to continue to struggle. Boy, that was hard...wasn't it?

How do you know the guy's wife wasnt in on the Bomb threat? She could have been screaming as a distraction to give him time to arm some explosive device.

If you were on that plane/around that guy you would have been praying to GOD that somebody would take him down quick.

The air marshall did the right thing. Scream "Bomb!" on a plane/in and airport/etc and see what happends (Darwinizm at its finest y0).

This is the best thing to happen to air security yet. Potential terrorists now know that the people on planes are not just there for show.

are you serious???

this person has their hand in a bag about to detonate a bomb and you are going to shoot them in the knee and HOPE that the pain is enough to keep him from detonating the bomb????? (im assumeing that you mean shoot them in the knee cap, and not some mad JDM kick to the knee)

remember setting off the bomb could be as easy as flipping a switch or pressing a button
its not like he has to type in a 18 digit alpha numeric case sensitive code

if that would honestly be your response then i must say i am VERY happy that you are not in a position to be responsible for my safety
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are you serious???

this person has their hand in a bag about to detonate a bomb and you are going to shoot them in the knee and HOPE that the pain is enough to keep him from detonating the bomb????? (im assumeing that you mean shoot them in the knee cap, and not some mad JDM kick to the knee)

remember setting off the bomb could be as easy as flipping a switch or pressing a button
its not like he has to type in a 18 digit alpha numeric case sensitive code

if that would honestly be your response then i must say i am VERY happy that you are not in a position to be responsible for my safety

Blanco, you are the true definition of a bleeding heart liberal. What if the guy did detonate a bomb? I'm sure you would be crying a different story then. This is why people pull this shit off because people like you "feel" for them. Give me a fucking break.
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You should both learn something about pain compliance. Getting shot in the knee will incapacitate someone long enough to run a few yards and cuff them. I'm fully confident in their abilty to accurately aim their weapons while not under fire.

Here's the point you guys seem to be missing. What if he didn't have a bomb? That's an innocent person killed. I believe we call that "murder/man slaughter/wrongful death" in this country...unless it's a member of law enforcement and then it's "justifiable" under pretty much any circumstances.

I made it through my bullshit past without killing anyone and I'll be damned if I kill someone when there were umpteen other possibilities. Why do they even have firearms on planes? Shouldn't they be using non-lethal means that don't stand the chance of depressurizing the plane or killing an innocent in case Murphy's Law kicks in? Hell, take a fully auto MP5 with dummy rounds and unload the clip into his balls, he's not going anywhere. I'll be damned if I look for a permament solution to a temporary problem when there are far better alternatives.
If the guy has a bomb, he's a suicide bomber. He doesn't care about his life. Why should anyone else?

Also, if he is endangering that many people, and there is suspision that he has a bomb, and wont listen to commands? I don't care if you have the final stages of Lou Gherigs disease, you're going down for good. There is no reason they should leave him with the ability to complete his task of blowing the place up, which he could do if he were shot in the nuts or whatever. That officer had to make a decision at that moment, he made the right decision.
Typical bleeding heart liberal response. lol
I hate it when you guys get into political debates... because I hate politics... but I (usually) can see both sides of the story. :)
Wait a sec... wait a sec... Did you say "Runs with killers, owns a gun, and is as aggressive as I am" ?

Wow. You're not a bleeding heart liberal, you're something else.
Everyone knows how much of a liberal I am, but in this instance I do believe that the marshall did the right thing. In many ways it was the only thing he could have done. If the person DID have a bomb and the marshall simply chased him, the bodycount would be substantially higher.

The loss of life is definitely bad but I would have probably done the exact same thing if I were that marshall.

Rules of flying... take your meds, don't say the word bomb and DO NOT say bomb and do something crazy like bolting out of the plane!
So... to cut back into this... what exactly is the definition of a liberal mindset? What's the opposite mindset anyway?
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You should both learn something about pain compliance. Getting shot in the knee will incapacitate someone long enough to run a few yards and cuff them. I'm fully confident in their abilty to accurately aim their weapons while not under fire.

Here's the point you guys seem to be missing. What if he didn't have a bomb? That's an innocent person killed. I believe we call that "murder/man slaughter/wrongful death" in this country...unless it's a member of law enforcement and then it's "justifiable" under pretty much any circumstances.

I made it through my bullshit past without killing anyone and I'll be damned if I kill someone when there were umpteen other possibilities. Why do they even have firearms on planes? Shouldn't they be using non-lethal means that don't stand the chance of depressurizing the plane or killing an innocent in case Murphy's Law kicks in? Hell, take a fully auto MP5 with dummy rounds and unload the clip into his balls, he's not going anywhere. I'll be damned if I look for a permament solution to a temporary problem when there are far better alternatives.

i know all about pain compliance... i take Judo Ju Jitsu and Aikido classes... most of what we do is joint locks and choke
i will admit that i have never been shot in the knee... but i can say confidently that in any of the arm bars, joint locks, most of the chokes, hell even when i had my shoulder dislocated, i could have still depressed the clakker for a claymore mine

its not the air marshals position to say "nah, he probly doesnt"... it is his job to identify and neutralize the threat... he did that
as soon as that person claimed to have a bomb he was no longer "innocent" regardless of whether or not he had one
if someone goes into a bank with their hand in their jacket pocket, points it at the teller and demands money, are they innocent because they dont really have a gun? how bout if you were to go up to a cop and do that... would the cop be wrong for thinking that you pose a threat to his life and shooting your ass?
claiming to have a bomb in an airport is a crime

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If the guy has a bomb, he's a suicide bomber. He doesn't care about his life. Why should anyone else?

Also, if he is endangering that many people, and there is suspision that he has a bomb, and wont listen to commands? I don't care if you have the final stages of Lou Gherigs disease, you're going down for good. There is no reason they should leave him with the ability to complete his task of blowing the place up, which he could do if he were shot in the nuts or whatever. That officer had to make a decision at that moment, he made the right decision.
i agree with this 100%
i am all for less lethal forms of action when the situation calls for them
i just dont feel that this situation did

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Which leads me back to this question, what is it about this country that makes us civilized, again?

I've never met a "bleeding heart liberal" who ran with killers, owns a gun, and is as aggressive as I am. :wink:

I can't wait until this is a wrongful death, to shut all of you gung-ho, trigger happy, idiots right the fuck up. You all can continue to live in fear of the word "bomb" and piss your panties every time a "terrorist" comes along, that's not me. :)

I'm pretty much talking to a brick wall at this point, I'll let you all continue your feeding frenzy. What was that you said Cash? Oh yeah, you just can't win with these people. But I'll raise you one, you can't talk any amount of sense into people when they're too afraid of fear to even live.

what is uncivilized about this situation????
some one made a threat to possibly kill a lot of people... he was killed.... no one else was harmed.... sounds good to me.... its not like he was shipped out to gitmo to be held without trial as an "enemy combatant" for the next 10 years or so

blah blah ran with gangs... yep ok... moving on

i dont see this ending up a "wrongful death" unless it is some how proven that he DIDNT claim to have a bomb and threaten to blow it up in the airport
if he didnt say any of that... ok fine wrongful death
fuck him

this is not at all a feeding frenzy... simply a disagreement on when deadly force is justified
if this guy was just running around the airport being a retard, then no o dont think that they should have killed him (even though it probably wouldnt be much of a loss) and i would agree with you that a less lethal or non lethal solution should have been found... under the circumstances i have no problem with the fact that he was killed

far from living in fear

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Everyone knows how much of a liberal I am, but in this instance I do believe that the marshall did the right thing. In many ways it was the only thing he could have done. If the person DID have a bomb and the marshall simply chased him, the bodycount would be substantially higher.

The loss of life is definitely bad but I would have probably done the exact same thing if I were that marshall.

Rules of flying... take your meds, don't say the word bomb and DO NOT say bomb and do something crazy like bolting out of the plane!

thats because you are realistic