Bush To Go On Tv At 8pm Est

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w00 w00 war!!! Actually.. i dont know. I doubt it. We still have to get the ships stuck in Turkey around to Kuwait and shit.
I missed it, what he say (anything inteligent?) I am sick of everyone making suck a big deal about iraq but no real coverage on North Korea. That coutry scares the hell out of me
:werd: :unsure: I am just afraid like a little kid because I am on the west coast near seattle.
Originally posted by gupta_p@Mar 6 2003, 09:28 PM
Damn, missed it.

You didn't miss much. He pulled his typical respond to every question, but answer none of them.
The way events have been unfolding,it seems as though a cleverly laid out plan not to invade is being worked out so everyone saves face.But it's still to early to say.The element of surprise is already gone,he is ready,not that it matters.And I agree we need to shift more eyes toward N.K.
Man i have to admit im getting sick and tired of Iraq this and Iraq that. Personally id like for us to go in there and get it over w/. Im not in the military but i have tons of friends that are in and are inlisting. Some have already been shipped out and some are soon to be. So id hate to lose some buddies over this shit. If nething we need to pay more attention to North Korea. But in all honestly i think america butts into everyone elses business just a little to much.
NK will get resolved without war. Too many countries around there that can blow them off the face of the earth if they dont stop. China, Russia, SK and Japan all hold a "vote" to see if NK has the right to make nukes.
as a boy in blue i really dont want to go to war that would suck dick i would not be allowed my 6 mounths of the year off i would lose four mounths that i have left to go shit dehydrated crap in brown unmarked boxes fuck if bush goes to war he will take canada with him and off i go so i pray we dont go but i know it is close becuase i have put on 7 days notice ie they gimmie 7 short days to say good bye to sex with the girl, good bye to good food and good bye to my baby my honda
no i need a new key board i fucked up the num pad and most of the right half
dont dink coke and type
Originally posted by hcivic.com@Mar 7 2003, 03:34 AM
no i need a new key board i fucked up the num pad and most of the right half
dont dink coke and type

try unplugging your keyboard, takin' the screws out from the back, rip it apart and if you're lucky there will just be a sheet of rubber with bumps on it, but if you're not, you'll have a single piece of rubber for each key which makes it a pain in the ass, but anyways... just take it a part, clean it all out with a damp paper towel, try it, and put it back together... good as new. i've done it about a million times, i always spill pepsi :P .