Bush won.

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Well......it's over...Bush is still your presedent, and now it's time to come together as a nation...and stop the bullshit about being on what half your on....dem or rep...were still Americans...and that's a fact.

yes, i am still an american, and i give a shit about the guys my age dying over there in iraq...

afganistan was necessary, iraq was not...

the country was mislead but everyone still keeps blowing smoke up bush's ass...
he lied to us... doesn;t anyone see that?
Originally posted by ktanaka@Nov 3 2004, 12:59 PM
I dont fucking care if he won. Hes still not, never was, and never will be my President.
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Sorry bro. As you as you call yourself a US citizen, he's your president. We've had to suffer through just as many horrible Democratic presidents.
No president is going to be perfect for everyone. However, there are some that aren't really perfect for anyone. IMO, this election was all about bandwagon patriotism and the advent of the reuniting of church and state. That's what scares me the most.
Originally posted by ktanaka@Nov 3 2004, 03:59 PM
I dont fucking care if he won. Hes still not, never was, and never will be my President.
[post=411355]Quoted post[/post]​

You may not reconized him as your leader, however, he is the one that sits in an oval office with a Pass or Veto stamp.
Ok everyone.... we're all still Americans (well, most of us). Even though I didn't vote for Bush, I still think we need to move on and try to make the best of it. That means getting together with your local political activist groups and fighting for what you believe in, and making your voice heard no matter what you believe. That's what makes us a democracy. If you don't like something, go out and try to change it.

I watched the concession and victory speeches, and both made me happy and sad. Well, watching old boss Dick just made me sad, but that's me.

Either way, the election is in the past, Dick and Bush are running the country for another four years, and we need to keep going forward- no matter how much we disagree with what's going on in the government.
Originally posted by DarkHand@Nov 3 2004, 02:59 PM
Exactly. If you think you're being patriotic because you're going follow the President no matter what he does just because he's the President, you're not. You're being a lemming. The founding fathers would agree.
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On top of that, your civic duty is to question the government. If you EXAMINE the issuse and agree with them, then thats great. To just follow exactly what the government says IMO is unpatriotic.

Were the Hippies of the 60's unpatriotic because they "bitch and whined" about the government's involement in Vietnam? Looking back at history, they were one of the most patriotic people. Strict division is NOT a bad thing IF both sides actually come to their conclusions baces on real reasons, instead of my mommy, daddy, and grandpa said its the way. Guess what, I bet most of either your parents or your grand parents say you should be driving an american car. Well why don't you? Is it because your unpatriotic, no its because there is a better alternative out there that gets better gas millage, holds it value, and will out handle an american compeditor car. (please, note that this was an example, I do not want to get this thread into an american vs import pissing match)
Originally posted by Battle Pope@Nov 3 2004, 04:17 PM
No president is going to be perfect for everyone. However, there are some that aren't really perfect for anyone. IMO, this election was all about bandwagon patriotism and the advent of the reuniting of church and state. That's what scares me the most.
[post=411435]Quoted post[/post]​

bandwagon patriot.
N. one who puts flags up and got into politics after september 2001.


I totally agree- no politician is pefect. it simply can't be done. hell, if i was president, im sure i'd have to do things i didn't want to do myself for the better good of the nation.
no matter who the president is the america people will find some reason to hate them. to think about it, just about all the american presidents were hated when they were in the office, its the american way it seems.
The whole thing becomes a little more humorous when you refer to them as slang terms for genitals. :chuckle:
if u had the choice clinton bush or kerry what then! lol.. id put clinton back if he would finish the war
Clinton was the man economically. Most anti-bill folks will tell you that all his improvements were designed to "self-destruct" within 10 years, but how do they know that when on the 9th year Bush ruined everything prematurely?
first off...this thread sucks ass. every Kerry supporter in this thread is bitching worse than a pack of women having their period because thats what you all sound like to me.

OK here we go...TPP gonna throw his 2 pennies in. i know everyone here is die-hard in who they believe is the better candidate and who should be president and who shouldnt be. the fact is, the election is OVER and Bush is President of this great land for another 4 years. deal with it because thats what you are going to have to do. saying your going to another country because you dont like the outcome of the election is bullshit. you get to vote in 4 more years. use your voice and be heard at that election just like you did in this one. wanna help in the next presidential election?? go volunteer at the party of choice. do something. dont just sit here on the damn internet and complain that you think we have a crappy leader...GET INVOLVED. be a helping hand and do what ya can. oh...and vote also. :)

Brian..i hate to say this, but you ARE a "bandwagon patriot" yourself. did you not have in your signature at ONE TIME to vote for Ralph Nader?? you also said that you didnt like either candidate. so why did you pull a John Kerry and flip-flop your decision that you made? after all...that IS what you did. please explain to us what changed your mind.

im glad Bush won in all honesty. Bush was dealt with a shitty hand when he came into office and he did and has done the best that HE can do for OUR country. be happy we are here and safe in the best country in the world and not living in some terrorist filled, third world, shit-hole country living in total anacrhy.
To respectfully disagree with TPP...

The only "shitty hands" I see GW being dealt are his having to bolster the military to invade Iraq, his obvious lack of experience running a broad based economy, and his lackluster grip on the english language.

Now, before you say I am bitching because I'm just another "Kerry Klown", let me say that I specifically supported neither candidate - I simply have less faith in Bush's ability to continue than Kerry's ability to take up the torch.

Look at the comparison. In 1999, at the end of Clinton's second term, our economy was doing great, most of the world liked us (relatively), and the only major news item was the Oval Office BJs. Sure it's not really fair to compare that to Bush's term, but even if nobody saw 9/11 coming, there had to have been something he could have done that would have stopped the economy's hitting the shitter.