By-passing the resistor box for 88-91 CRX si

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Hey all you honda swap pros out there! I have a 88 CRX si turbo boosting 5 psi! I'm still running the stock injectors for the car! I want to run bigger injectors but I cant find any for my CRX! Its either I run aftermarket injectors for 92-up civics but I dont know how to convert it! From bypassing the fuel resistor box since the newer civics dont use them! Anyone out there can help me?? thanks!
99% of civics are the same size.. 240cc.

basically, get any peak/hold injector.

DSM (eclipse/talon) have 450cc that will plug right in (with a little pusign and shoving) and will run fine... but you'll need a vafc.

do a search for "vafc hack"