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Originally posted by tab@May 9 2004, 03:49 PM
I have a criminal justice degree. The most important thing to know, is that during a regular search, cops cannot open any locked container. If they can just pull the hood popper and pop your hood, it's fair game. Same goes for the trunk.

I thought about this while I was working.

Say you're standing by your car and you have your trunk locked, you see the cop pull up so you lock your doors up...technically that SHOULD be considered a locked container, thereby forcing them to get a warrant or leave you be.
Originally posted by Tonyd0821@May 8 2004, 08:57 PM
if you are not white....and the cops were....

why dont you fuck with them back.

racism allegations seem to be the new rage nowadays :)

Thats cuz the cops I run into are assholes. Ive been asked if Ive stolen my car.... on two separate occasions. <_<
that's pretty much harassment... if there were any witnesses other than you and your friends that saw that happen, you might be able to take them to court for harassment because you weren't doing anything. Martine has a point, though, the gas station management may have rules against loitering and you might have broken them :shrug2:

a friend of mine (in jersey) was pulled over for turning his turn signal on and then off (it wasn't the street that he wanted, so he turned it off and kept going, nobody was behind him) for "delaying traffic"... even though there was no traffic to delay. then they pulled him out of his car, searched the whole thing, searched him, and interrogated him for like 20 minutes on whether he had drugs on him or not.

he took them to court and the judge laughed at the cops in front of everyone. it was thrown out.
Originally posted by revolution8k+May 10 2004, 08:31 AM-->
@May 9 2004, 03:49 PM
I have a criminal justice degree. The most important thing to know, is that during a regular search, cops cannot open any locked container. If they can just pull the hood popper and pop your hood, it's fair game. Same goes for the trunk.

I thought about this while I was working.

Say you're standing by your car and you have your trunk locked, you see the cop pull up so you lock your doors up...technically that SHOULD be considered a locked container, thereby forcing them to get a warrant or leave you be.

A friend of mine used to get out, lock the doors, throw his keys in and shut the door, when he had weed in his car. Then play stupid, and once the cop was gone use his hidden key to open it back up. Cops around here will only use "aternetive" methods to open a car if a child is locked inside, but you can beg for assistance till you turn blue in the face if you locked you keys in by accident, not going to happen. Too many lawsuits over damage to a vehicle when opening. Now if they see, a lb of buds sitting on your front seat, don't think they won't wait around for a warrant.
Originally posted by erebunicrx@May 8 2004, 08:38 PM
i got a ticket for wite turn signals(new is300's have them).

no they dont. IS300s have clear housings, but the bulbs are up amber and meet the DOT regulations necessary.

how do i know. my best friend has a 2003 IS300.

and chances are your 9.95 clear corner lenses were made by APC and are too cheap to go through DOT certification so they are in fact illegal.

I guess I should be getting a ticket here soon then... seeing as how my corner lamps are clear and all. <_<

I bet your buddy got the ticket because he had white bulbs in the clear corners.
Originally posted by revolution8k+May 10 2004, 02:31 AM-->
@May 9 2004, 03:49 PM
I have a criminal justice degree. The most important thing to know, is that during a regular search, cops cannot open any locked container. If they can just pull the hood popper and pop your hood, it's fair game. Same goes for the trunk.

I thought about this while I was working.

Say you're standing by your car and you have your trunk locked, you see the cop pull up so you lock your doors up...technically that SHOULD be considered a locked container, thereby forcing them to get a warrant or leave you be.

I have never been messed with while standing next to my car. Also, you better make damn sure that nothing is illegal on the outside of your car(corner lamps).

This is just a great way for everyone to fight bullshit. If everyone refused to open their trunks, glove compartments, hoods, etc-----even while doing or having nothing wrong-------that would slow down stupid ticket writing. I wouldn't pop any section of my car. I have full emissions, a fairly quiet exhaust and legal marker lights. Police should protect and serve. This is why I am not a police officer. I have been stolen from three times, and the cop bitched about having to fingerprint my truck. Two police reports filed from three incidents, and I even gave the cops the name of the teenager who broke into my truck. They are fucking worthless unless they are needed to direct traffic around an accident.
I've never been fucked with by a cop in the last year since I've had my license. I drove a multi colored rice burner, and was never pulled over.

It's kind of odd, my old car stood out like a sore thumb, everything busted, I ran it with a screwdriver for 6 months before I had my license even, and never got pulled over then for anything.

Worst thing ever to happen to me was I was followed for 20 miles, and the cop was on my ass the whole time. I didn't have a speedo at the time but he never pulled me over or anything, just turned off when I got to my destination.

Maybe you're putting out a persona to get pulled over :shrug2:
A gas station is private property. I'm pretty sure that the laws regarding the modified equipment are pretty clear that it applies to vehicles on public highways.

ALthough it could be aruged that you had to drive on public roads to get to the gas could've done the modifications once parked at the gas station.. <_<

just a thought.

I got a ticket once while parked at a store...fought it and won based on a similar argument.
Originally posted by sleepn_accord@May 11 2004, 11:44 PM
A gas station is private property. I'm pretty sure that the laws regarding the modified equipment are pretty clear that it applies to vehicles on public highways.

ALthough it could be aruged that you had to drive on public roads to get to the gas could've done the modifications once parked at the gas station.. <_<

just a thought.

I got a ticket once while parked at a store...fought it and won based on a similar argument.

the public roadway arguement SHOULDN'T work because the cop didn't pull you over on the road, they pulled up into a gas station to get out and interrogate/search/ticket in this instance.
my story goes like this. i was going to swing by my friends house after coming home from the dmv.In our town the train crosses the highway"were the cops hang out and wait for speeders"and of course the train comes, im the first in line then and just then my car gets a vacume leak,so it sounds like im reving on mr. 5-0 trying to show off and shit. he lights em up and follows me for a few blocks and tells me i was being stoped for a modified exhaust sytem,ok i give him license registration and i guess it wasnt good enough."pop the hood right now"not asking he gave a direct order.So i was not about to fuck around with a car the just illegally passed emisions and had not been in the comp yet.he asked were i got my motor? huh ? i couldnt tell him were it came from so he ran the #'s on the block he checked for my o2 sensors and my carb stickers.what a fucking piece of shit,he let me go after 30 minutes of all kinds of bizare"sp" questions. the cops in my town are really cool,ive met most of them on a personal level and they wont fuck with you for car shit.its the chp that get on my case because they know there shit about whats legal to modify and whats not. damn that was long... :o