COD: Black ops

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Got on... Played ONE game that was actually fun last night, people were actually doing what they were supposed to. Next game.... started 0-7 because of the spawn camping, nobody went after the HQ on my team. One guy wasn't even playing at all. Just sitting there... doing nothing.

I miss COD4 when people actually played to play, not rank up or get massive kills... I miss those days.
how did you not mean to? they asked like 2304923842 questions when i went into it on PC...

it aked a few it even asked me are you sure? of course i wasnt paying attention to what i was doing........... oh well..... i never prestiged on i have been level 70 for a dam year.......haha.
Started my second prestige last night. I like how they have the liftime achievement challenges that go from prestige to prestige, but I find myself missing the individual prestige weapons challenges from MW2. It was always nice with MW2 that at least SOMETHING weapons-wise carried over from prestige to prestige rather then just starting from scratch every time.

Oh well...
prestige pisses me off.. i hate losing all of my classes and guns. ill prestige once, and call it good. i dont have any more time to put into this game anywayhaha
Is there any way to access our emblems and post them up online, aside from just taking a picture of them? Like maybe through or something? It would be fun if we could all post our emblems up in here for each other to see...
What did it do?

Reduced knife lunge range, fixed some issues with flak-jacket (apparently the pro version didn't always protect from fire and it's supposed to), made it so you can only re-roll care packages with hardline pro and not SAM turrets and sentry guns, tweaked the snipers a bit (people are saying you can somewhat quick-scope now), and attempted to fix the connection issues (we'll see how effective that is).

Probably some other stuff too, but that's the gist of it. Oh, and it also added a few things to the PS3 version that were previously 360 only (the setting to where you can launch multiplayer automatically by default for example)...
so basically it didn't fix the biggest issue everybody has with online play.
i'm talking about the shit ass fucking spawn spots.

Ah, okay. Yeah, this supposedly addresses that issue as well. Although, didn't they fix that once already? I remember it was AWFUL when the game first came out, but it doesn't seem so bad lately...

Here's the complete list of what they did: Call of Duty: Black Ops Patch 1.04 is Live

It says "PS3" in the title, but it's the same for both...

There was supposed to be 3 updates

Added a negative influencer to all spawn points to decrease the chances of spawning near an enemy. This will further improve spawning protection on top of previous updates.

fucking finally
I ran into a guy this morning and his emblem was a horse fucking a pig, no joke. There was even white stuff exploding inside the pig. I shit you not.