Do you have friends at work?

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These snozzberries taste like snozzberries...
i've been here about 5 weeks and i love the job. it just sucks nobody is cool. my 3 closest people i work with are girls. i work while they chat and get coffee or go get lunch together. there are a couple guys i work with, but they don't have any similar interests whatsoever.

so do you guys have friends at work? how do you make the time pass?
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my company is really small. there are 4 of us in the office today, max of 6 or 7 on any given day.
thus, we usually all go out to lunch together, or grab a pizza or something.

I probably wouldn't hang out with any of them outside of work... maybe one or two of them, but in general, we all kinda do our own thing.
not only do i have friends at work, but a bunch of the account managers want me to go out with them for drinks :)
I hired a few friends, this place is like a hangout. I kinda regret it now, I have to be a dick to my friends cause they take advantage of it BIG time :( Still fun though :)
:werd: i can be a real dick at the office when shit doesn't get done, or i'm working my ass off and other people are slacking.
I work with my brother, a philipino that is 10 years older than me, a naggy 50 year old woman, a 31 year old hot chic, and my dad.

My work environment sucks, but luckily I get to be out on teh road all day, alone.
that's why you gotta stick with your crew.

even just in the past 5 years or so, the amount i hang out with my friends has dropped significantly.

mostly, because of them..... and well, their sig. others. i guess they'd rather hang out with them instead of me. :X
I have some friends from work in CT... When I travel to customer sites, I have many friends that I hang out with there...

I just lost one of my best friends about a month ago... She worked 3rd shift, and fell asleep behind the wheel on her way home from work, hitting a crane truck head on... :( She was 30, and had an 11 year old son.
I guess im lucky im the only male Nurse in the entire floor there are about 14 female nurses and only 1 male (me) some are married but most are single and some are interns.....:D the Dr.s are cool as hell is like having my own (grey's anatomy)
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that's why you gotta stick with your crew.

even just in the past 5 years or so, the amount i hang out with my friends has dropped significantly.

mostly, because of them..... and well, their sig. others. i guess they'd rather hang out with them instead of me. :X

yes and some of us have one eye now and can't go do anything so sometimes people should come visit. hint hint
ive made a few friends where i work. some of em hang out with outside of work, but they arent into cars or anything like me but they are still cool to hang out with.
There is one guy I work with that is my age. He's hardcore christian or something, so besides skiing, he's not allowed to hang out with me.

often I'm asked to go out with the guys to the bars but A. I'm 20. B. They're like 30 atleast and not cool. C. They laugh at their own jokes before anyone else laughs. D. They all dat hideous girls. Only one has a friend that is remotely good looking.
Yar! that's awful matey. Hope they get that fixed.
yeah me too this sucks seein everything through one eye. but i got a cool pirate eye patch out of the deal
i was at work doin a remote starter and was tuggin on a wire with my pick tool and it slipped off the wire and well went into my eye and did some major damage. had 3 surgeories already and still can't see.

Damn... dude, hope everything works out for you.
im friends with most the people i work with, i dont hang out with them other than at work, every now and then.