Does anyone elses life suck as much as mine?

  • Thread starter Thread starter BlackFrog
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Neighborhood Lush
So its been a bad day, week, month, and year. Theres so much lousy shit going on for me, i just thought i'd list it for everyone, to cheer people up so you realize your life isnt that bad. So here goes.

1. My apt. Overpriced! Bills Bills Bills, and then a few more come. Cant leave till May 21, need i say more

2. Gotta wait until March 8th to fix car, cant stand driving it around looking like shit.

3. Car Maintance: need struts, tires, brakes, replace hood that isnt getting fixed, and should have been done a year ago, but wasnt due to rent downpayment (see #1)

4. the fact that i havent been able to buy a single goddamn part for my car in 8 months (with exception of rims, but i had the money on my dresser for a while) again, see #1

5. Did i mention my job sucks. 60 hours a week, oil changes and tires. Can i get a fuckin tuneup once in a while??? Oh yeah, my boss is an asshole, and just bought the CRX that he knew i wanted a long time ago, bastard.

6. Speaking of work, am i the only one here that spends more time with coworkers then family and girlfriend? Its true, i see those potatoe heads more then my girlfriend, AND I LIVE WITH HER!

7. When in doubt, refer to #1, thats the main reason of all my problems.

Well i think thats the end of my little rant. I get frustrated having lots of plans and things to do, and no $$$ to do it with. Now i know how M.C. Hammer must have felt after he lost all his money. Thanks guys.

1. my roomates moved out two months early on our house lease

2. need to find a place in under a week to move to

3. found a place all said and done 1120 to move in to.

4. after spending 1120 on apt last monday my civic breaks down

5. my spare car is broken so i had to wait till it was fixed on wednesday

6. had to stay at my moms so she can give me rides to work till we ( mom lives in a different town )

7. while moving out of my house my accord breaks down sunday

8. accord not working i missed 2 days of work

9. last night i got my car back and my fuicking cel light is on :(
atleast you have a second car ;) Im trying to swing one before the Frog goes in the shop so i have something to drive then, and next winter...
Originally posted by BlackFrog@Feb 5 2004, 07:40 PM
atleast you have a second car ;) Im trying to swing one before the Frog goes in the shop so i have something to drive then, and next winter...

I could rent you one of mine.....but if you hit a deer with it, then I keep the Delslow.
Originally posted by Airjockie@Feb 5 2004, 07:18 PM
Swing down for a beer anytime.....hehe...I show you how the real life is.

if i could find another (respectable) car to get down there in, id be there tomorrow! Until i get the tire replaced though, im trying not to go too far from home.

Come to think of it, i wouldnt mind seeing how the rex is coming along......
Originally posted by Airjockie@Feb 5 2004, 07:42 PM
I could rent you one of mine.....

which one did ya have in mind :D
The rex is still dead......still

But I got the Accord in the garage finally, for it's swap....

Right now it is down to the 3 motor mounts, and a few other things connected, then the engine is ready to come out. My buddy with the cherry picker is slightly useing it for his swap, I can only hope to get it tommorrow and use it all week-end. Then that would also meen a real HondaSwap BBQ/Party in my garage again......prolly planned for Sat night.

:drool: ....JDM Beef and Sake......
hmmm....the Z is out of the question, the Jeep is the canidate.....unless you think you can control the AE86......and that one I am still in the testing phase....hehe
not this saturday right?

about that jeep, it wouldnt happen to be F/S would it? im still looking for some kind of 4x4, though a Yota would be sweet
yup...this Saturday.....

And the Jeep is always for sale.... :lol:

plus I just put a new sterio in it, and replaced half the dash.....and thanks to this ice/snow crap, the hood got majorly scratched up, but plans are in the works to get it re-painted, along with the hood on the Z...if I can find one, and full Panda paint on the AE86, and I would like to see the paint redone on the CRX......but it needs a new engine first...

so this year I am busy as hell.

*contact Celerity....he has a 4Runner that would prolly fit your bill.
so is that a meet then for this saturday? i might be down for a lil if i could only find those directions...

Originally posted by BlackFrog@Feb 5 2004, 07:13 PM
So its been a bad day, week, month, and year. Theres so much lousy shit going on for me, i just thought i'd list it for everyone, to cheer people up so you realize your life isnt that bad. So here goes.

1. My apt. Overpriced! Bills Bills Bills, and then a few more come. Cant leave till May 21, need i say more

2. Gotta wait until March 8th to fix car, cant stand driving it around looking like shit.

3. Car Maintance: need struts, tires, brakes, replace hood that isnt getting fixed, and should have been done a year ago, but wasnt due to rent downpayment (see #1)

4. the fact that i havent been able to buy a single goddamn part for my car in 8 months (with exception of rims, but i had the money on my dresser for a while) again, see #1

5. Did i mention my job sucks. 60 hours a week, oil changes and tires. Can i get a fuckin tuneup once in a while??? Oh yeah, my boss is an asshole, and just bought the CRX that he knew i wanted a long time ago, bastard.

6. Speaking of work, am i the only one here that spends more time with coworkers then family and girlfriend? Its true, i see those potatoe heads more then my girlfriend, AND I LIVE WITH HER!

7. When in doubt, refer to #1, thats the main reason of all my problems.

Well i think thats the end of my little rant. I get frustrated having lots of plans and things to do, and no $$$ to do it with. Now i know how M.C. Hammer must have felt after he lost all his money. Thanks guys.


You'll stick it through man, just realize you're not the only one in this boat.

1. My dad wants to charge 400 for one room with no privacy at all which is in a cold basement and a bathroom that's upstairs by his room. If I'm not out by March 1st, I'm fucked.

2. Gotta wait till spring to remove the scratch I put on my car, unless I sell it but I doubt I'll sell it because I owe too much on it for being 4 years old now. Fuckin A.

3. I have no money for anything, let alone car maintenance. I have 200 in bills right now needing to be paid, but I only have 79 to my name.

4. I haven't been able to SELL my car shit. I rock bottomed all my prices and STILL no one wants this stuff.

5. Now, you got me beat right there...I love this job...I'm gettin extra hours and my boss is even checking into a 200/mo ALL utilities PAID apartment. that would rock.

6. No, you're not. I have 2 days off this week and I wish I only had the one day off. I want a saturday night off with some cash to take Amy out and show her a good time cause she's...well just so damn hot. But I don't have anymoney because of reason 1, 3 and 4.

7. When in doubt, refer to my opening statement.
give me a shout before you get parts and such for your car ... i have a few hookups :) ill help ya out where i can
I think that everyones life sucks, eveyrone has good and bad times. These aren't huge life changing issues. You wuill get through them with time. I went through shit 10 times worse than this two years ago. It will get better but you will still have little things that piss you off. Nothing has gone right for me this year and I am kind of stressed out from not knowing what I want to do with my life. Its funny how you notice the good things when thigns are looking up, but only notcie the bad when a few little or big things piss you off.
Post by drunken jeef
Originally posted by E_SolSi@Feb 5 2004, 09:44 PM
give me a shout before you get parts and such for your car ... i have a few hookups :) ill help ya out where i can

im seriously considering those tanabes we were talking about. autocarparts seems to have a really good price on the SS II.....but that wont be until the exterior is fixed. Other then that, i'll let ya know if i should strike gold.


P.S. you wouldnt happen to have a hook for CF hoods? I was supposed to have gotten one last winter...oops
yea... been a really bad year here too.

1) mother in law passed away...
2) father in law kicks us out
3) obligations to asshole named above
4) nowhere to go
5) no job
6) 2 kids who have moved around more than the oakland raiders

life does suck for everyone... and i'm glad i'm not the only one who goes thru shit.

my prayers are with you... i sure hope things start lookin up for ya bro!!