drug testing

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Originally posted by 92b16vx@Jun 19 2004, 05:18 PM
Not doing drugs is the best household remedy out there.

:thumbsup: that's all I was going to say.
just do the natural drugs. remember moderation. theres nothing wrong with a little herb now and then. as far as the drug test goes, just crotch a friends clean piss. if you don't have a lot of body fat your better off to just stop and drink a lot of water in the next few weeks or how ever long you have before the test, because the THC stores itself in your fat cells. skinny people can smoke herb all day long. don't be a square like some of these other guys. oh don't do drugs, just drink smirnoffs.
or just don't do any drugs at all. What is the big freaking deal about getting high? drunk i can understand it's fun and it's legal...
how about stop preaching the man, and help him answer his question. he can make his own decisions for himself.

i cleaned my system in less than 2 weeks by drinking about 128 oz (16 cups) of water and cranberry juice a day. i weigh about 170 pounds, so compare your weight to mine and give or take a few glasses a day. that's the only thing that I can think of.

i wouldn't rely on any GNC products because most of my friends have tried that and failed.

your best bet would to get a friends piss and put it in a blunt tube and tape it to your leg underneath your pants.

best of luck.
I'm not preaching to him, I'm telling him the best way to pass a test is to just NOT TAKE DRUGS. I mean is it really that important in your life if it's frowned upon enough by big name high dollar companies so they have to resort to testing their employees? It's all about trust, and bending the rules so you can get a head in life is just a waste of everyone's time.
then why the fuck would you tell him to not take drugs when you obviously already know that he has taken them. all you do is blabber your mouth and cause fuckin' problems around here. :blah:

so do everyone else a favor and STFU.

that's all im gonna say.
He asked for opinions, I gave him mine. if that causes a problem then it's NOT because of me.
welp yeah the best way to pass a drug test is to not take drugs


but seeing that he has done some, that info doesnt exactly do him any good now does it???

IF he is taking the piss test for a job interview...then let him fail it.

Last thing we need is a school bus driver on the road with drugs going thru his system and him smashing into other cars and drivers, while he is driving a bus load of kids to school....


Beer=good....but only at home, or unless I have a driver....

IF the test is for like the probation officer...then tell him the answers....so he can pass and stay out of jail.

<--------Passed every piss test I took....and I didn't have to even study :lol:

If you don't do drugs...then you don't have to worry ;)
Originally posted by Airjockie@Jun 20 2004, 02:30 PM

IF he is taking the piss test for a job interview...then let him fail it.

Last thing we need is a school bus driver on the road with drugs going thru his system and him smashing into other cars and drivers, while he is driving a bus load of kids to school....


Beer=good....but only at home, or unless I have a driver....

IF the test is for like the probation officer...then tell him the answers....so he can pass and stay out of jail.

<--------Passed every piss test I took....and I didn't have to even study :lol:

If you don't do drugs...then you don't have to worry ;)

:werd: and fucking :werd: Thank you Clayton.
well i barely ever smoke and i myself have never spent a cent on weed. Usual at partys i supply a few cases of bacardi o3 and people smoke me up. I don't see how token is any worst than drinking. All the sites i saw told me not to drink alot of water untill the day of the test. oh and i am supposed to give the sample mid-piss.
the only problem i have with toking is it's illegal. if it was legal i'd say more power to you. but beer is legal, grass aint.
Originally posted by Airjockie@Jun 20 2004, 02:30 PM

Beer=good....but only at home, or unless I have a driver....

like me... :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by tylonalsnifnfool@Jun 20 2004, 08:43 PM
All the sites i saw told me not to drink alot of water untill the day of the test. oh and i am supposed to give the sample mid-piss.

Well the reason they say don't worry about drinking water till the test is because it doesn't matter if you drink a ton of water all week, you need to be fully loaded on the test so that your urine is diluted. There is a certain percentage that if they find isn't even going to be considered, and the half stream thing is because a lot of the impurities they don't care about are in the first part that has settled in your bladder.
I just farted.

I've pissed for at least a dozen people before. Have a clean friend piss in a container no sooner than the night before your test. Warm it up on the defroster of your car on the way to the test. Pack it in as close to your body as possible, to keep it at body temp. Pour it into the sample container and piss in the toilet. Stow away your transport device and walk out. Make sure your "donor" is of the same gender, as they can tell if a boy or a girl pissed.

My brother was tested once a month for two years on a possession charge(empty container with residue of Mary Jane). I never let him down........Piece of cake.

And quit the drugs. I'm with Tony. I did a lot of things, once. Acid, Shrooms, cocaine, weed, Ketamine(one of my favorites), speed, morphine, and maybe even a few other things, I did them all at least once. But I never allowed myself to go back and keep liking them. Each experience was great, but if you keep going back to enjoy it again, that becomes a problem.
Originally posted by tab@Jun 20 2004, 05:01 PM
I just farted.

And quit the drugs. I did a lot of things, once. Acid, Shrooms, cocaine, weed, Ketamine(one of my favorites), speed, morphine, and maybe even a few other things, I did them all at least once. But I never allowed myself to go back and keep liking them. Each experience was great, but if you keep going back to enjoy it again, that becomes a problem.

Best thing I've seen you write. :thumbsup:

+1000 AJ points ;)
Originally posted by dveit@Jun 20 2004, 02:03 PM

your best bet would to get a friends piss and put it in a blunt tube and tape it to your leg underneath your pants.

Just stick that tube up your ass and then you know for sure that the temp would be juuuussttttt right =)

just remember to wash your hands...
Originally posted by jeffie7+Jun 20 2004, 06:36 PM-->
@Jun 20 2004, 02:03 PM

your best bet would to get a friends piss and put it in a blunt tube and tape it to your leg underneath your pants.

Just stick that tube up your ass and then you know for sure that the temp would be juuuussttttt right =)

just remember to wash your hands...

and don't ride a motor cycle to the piss test building............

OUCH........ :P
Originally posted by pheonixb16aguy@Jun 21 2004, 01:01 AM
ok well first off there is a difference between pissin for a probation officer and pissing for a job .. at your probation officer's they just stand behind you and dont even really see you physically pee'n.... for a job they have a doctor phyically watch the urine exiting your pee hole ..

Actually, it depends on the company that the test is given through, and as far as your PO, it depends on him too.