For all you skinny guys out there.

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Wrong Whole!
If this doesn't fuel you to lift hard and eat eat eat, I don't know what will. Year and a half of hard work clearly paid off.

1.5 years later (125 anorexic to 165) - Forums



That's a lot of work though. 100% lifestyle commitment to fitness. Thank god I'm not that skinny, I don't have the time and energy to make a transformation like that.
You don't have 45 minutes 5 days a week?

That is far more than 4 hours of commitment per week. If you count workout time, travel, shower, cooking, eating, prepping, etc, you are at more than 45 minutes. But no, I don't have time to commit for a transformation like that.
well i already know that's not gonna be in the cards for me. my wife made a gag face (har har) when i showed her that pic.
I beg to differ, get some adjustable dumbbells and a bench. Workout at home on your time.
Eating... you gotta eat no matter what. Working out or not.

I'm up big time, and I normally spend 30-45 minutes a day on working out.

Sometimes I'll hit the 1 hour mark but only when I'm doing 2 body parts in one day due to not having time the rest of the week to fit everything in.
Any spare time I have I need to be studying. I'm normally a gym rat, but now working 50 hours a week and spending 3 nights a week until 10pm at school, it just doesn't work into the schedule. I can do 2 times a week, but not 5. And my diet definitely suffers.
Any spare time I have I need to be studying. I'm normally a gym rat, but now working 50 hours a week and spending 3 nights a week until 10pm at school, it just doesn't work into the schedule. I can do 2 times a week, but not 5. And my diet definitely suffers.

Yeah that's a pretty heavy load. Most people who talk about heavly loads don't do jack shit yet think they're working hard. Most who have no time still manage to get out drinking 2-3 times a week go figure....
Ive changed my style and so far is working.

I went from 190 ish and now at a steady 174ish.
Lifting all week for 1 hour followed by cardio from softball games or after workout biking,jump rope, etc.

In combination with eating I can now lift more, I'm more cut and of course have a flatter stomach. Still have some fat but I'm much better than last year. :lol:

If you dont have the make time.
the before or after? lol

the after. i'm 5'10 175 already. just walking a lot and watching my calorie intake. my wife and I both are doing about 1500-1800 calories a day right now. hope to be about 150 by the time summer comes around.

it's already 80 degrees in the day time in san antonio, so im getting kind of a late start.

The diet were running is really simple though:

Water/Propel Zero all day, and then a diet soda once a day for me.
8am Fruit or Smoothie (fresh fruit and a little vanilla yogurt or sherbert). 200-350 calories.
11am 100 Calorie snack pack, soy sauce boiled egg (80 cal) or fruit.
1pm A few pieces of lunch meat with mustard and very small portions of cheese. 300-500 calories.
3pm 100 Calorie snack pack or fruit.
7pm Light dinner of fish and or chicken + green veggies. 600-800 Calories.
10pm Ice cream sandwich (140 cal) or sherbert (120 cal).
12pm Bed time.

It's pretty simple and doesn't require a huge life style change. It's definitely better than the damn near 4000 Calories we were both eating before.

Before I was doing:
8am chill till noonish.
3x Coke Zero, 2x (160 cal) Root Beer
1pm-3pm Really heavy lunch of Pizza, Big Burrito, 20 Wings, or BBQ.
9pm Snickers Bar
12pm Heavy dinner of whatever the wife put in front of me.
3-4 Dark beers.

All the exercise i was getting was in the walk to the car and my desk at work.
2am bedtime.
he's still an anorexic bastard. he just has some muscle mass on him now. it's still not an 'attractive' build (no homo).
The 'before' guy still has me beat by a little bit. :o

I definitely have no desire to look like the 'after' pic whatsoever though. I'd be happy doubling every muscle I've got, not quadrupling (or so) like he did
you're skinier than THAT?

Seriously, go to hollywood. You will get a role every week for "extra: skinny polish/jewish looking people for wwII movie"

get to wear striped pajamas, walk around like a zombie, and sleep/lay down most the day. probably make a couple hundred-1000 bucks too.
he's still an anorexic bastard. he just has some muscle mass on him now. it's still not an 'attractive' build (no homo).

Look at the lines on his arms where the muscle is clearly cut between his shoulders and biceps and his chest. I think he did an awesome job. Over all he has a great body.
I call that genetics.

I have a few korean friends that made that transportation. He had no idea what a cut cycle was, or anything. ALL HE DID was eat and lift. He's missing the other 70% of the hardwork most people that aren't super skinny have to do. All he had to do was eat.

He's missing the other 70% of the hardwork most people that aren't super skinny have to do. All he had to do was eat.


Actually most skinny people struggle to gain mass. They have to do things like squats, bench, deadlifts, all heavy weight, pullups/dips weighted, etc. It takes a ton of hard work, just different hard work than that required of those who just want to tone up and lose weight.
Once I started eating right (enough balanced meals), I picked up 20 lbs of muscle, unfortunately I broke my leg and kept eating the same so I picked up a bit more bulk than I wanted. Now I'm back to 100% physically, I just need to cut. I've reintroduced caffeine into my diet, going to cut caloric intake, and I'm stopping jack3d for now.

Right now I'm 185-190, with about 15% body fat. Hopefully I can get down to 10% over the next month.