Gay book ban

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i think everyone has said their arguements now and no one is going to change one anothers opinion. lock time?
Originally posted by Prowler@Dec 4 2004, 04:19 PM
i think everyone has said their arguements now and no one is going to change one anothers opinion. lock time?
[post=426296]Quoted post[/post]​

not yet

there is 1 basic reason for sex. reproduction. that is why we all have sexual organs.

man + man = no reproduction
woman + woman = no reproduction
man + woman = reproduction

No. Humans and dolphins are the only mamals that get pleasure from sex. The reason most people under the age of 25 or so have sex is not for reproduction, its because it feels great.
Originally posted by asmallsol@Dec 4 2004, 04:48 PM
No. Humans and dolphins are the only mamals that get pleasure from sex. The reason most people under the age of 25 or so have sex is not for reproduction, its because it feels great.
[post=426319]Quoted post[/post]​

Remember that picture posted the other day of one monkey giving the other a bj? Oral sex, gay sex, orgies, etc are not at all uncommon in some types of primates (specifically bonobos). I wont bother with a link in this case but point those interested to a book called "Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity" by Bruce Bagemihl which details numerous instances of animal sexual behavior that is contrary to what we consider normal.
Alot of you are missing the point. Weather you think the concept of homosexuality is wrong or not, they are still pissing on the first ammenment in 2 ways. Not only are you forcing a christian veiw on the topic, they are also pissing on the right of freedom of the press. How will banning of books "stop the spread" of homosexuality? Guess what, it won't. Were does it stop. First, ban the gay books. Next, ban the books that have terroism in them. Next anything with Islam in it because it might be linked with terroism, next, anything that is not "patriotic" Finally we end up in a fasicist land.
Originally posted by Guy+Dec 4 2004, 04:48 PM-->
@Dec 4 2004, 04:48 PM
No. Humans and dolphins are the only mamals that get pleasure from sex. The reason most people under the age of 25 or so have sex is not for reproduction, its because it feels great.
[post=426319]Quoted post[/post]​

Remember that picture posted the other day of one monkey giving the other a bj? Oral sex, gay sex, orgies, etc are not at all uncommon in some types of primates (specifically bonobos). I wont bother with a link in this case but point those interested to a book called "Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity" by Bruce Bagemihl which details numerous instances of animal sexual behavior that is contrary to what we consider normal.
[post=426340]Quoted post[/post]​

so does a dog humping your leg make it ok for you to have sex with it? it's just natural instinct.
there are other reasons reasons for something to be genetic aside from heredity.
Originally posted by Prowler@Dec 5 2004, 03:49 PM
so does a dog humping your leg make it ok for you to have sex with it? it's just natural instinct.
[post=426580]Quoted post[/post]​

No, just because something is natural does not make it moral or ethically correct. The simple fact is that they are born as a homosexual, or at least with homosexual tendencies, and have no more or less choice in the matter than any heterosexual. Can you provide anyone one put forth any empirical scientific data that states otherwise?

But asmallsol has it right. The idea that these fundamentalists can censure public libraries simply on the basis their religion is blasphemy given the context of the American Constitution and the precedence that has been set my the supreme court's interpretation.

Honestly, have any of you guys seen the 'bama rep that is supporting the bill? I had the misfortune of seeing him on Hannity and Colmes yesterday, and he genuinly is an idiot. I mean he couldnt even answer a douchecrab like sean hannity questions (in reference to whether or not works by tenessee williams and whitman would be included in the ban as well). His only response to all questions, stuttered in mangled enlish, was that homosexuality is contrary to the values that our nation holds, or at least something to that effect. Really, the idea that a bill like this would even be presented with any kind of seriousness is an affront to the civil liberties and Christian athiest gay straight or animal lover, we all should be offended.