get off your ass and go vote.

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If you think they actually count the votes to decide who goes into office, you're pretty fuckin gullible.
It's all decided by people who have much more money/power/political influence than any of us common citizens.
Voting is a waste of time. It's a smokescreen to make you feel like you're makin a difference.
You're not.

who ate your brain?
Those who vote decide nothing.
Those who count the votes decide everything.
America is so full of election fraud and vote count manipulation that it's pointless to vote.
Whoever has the most money/influence wins every time.
I know you guy's still believe in American government, but capitalism means money=power, poor people and minority groups have little to no say. Greed rules the day. Americans are so focused on promoting their own agenda that they will destroy anyone and anything in their way, including the rights of other human beings, and the principles their own country was founded on.
I lost faith in America a long time ago. Politicians don't care about the people they represent. They're representing whoever gives them the best kickbacks.
I wish Alaska would secede from the union and become an independent oil-state. We have more natural resources in our state than the majority of other nations. Screw America, I vote Alaskan Independence! :fuckyou3:

That is all.