Getting modern warfare 2 this week!!!!!!!

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I was on invasion, I walked into the video store. Saw the guy i was behind him, was in the process pushing the thumb stick to knife his ass. And the dude whipped around and capped my ass......i was like wtf how is that even possible

Well there are several ways he did that.

First though were you using Ninja pro (silent footsteps)? If not, he could have heard you, especially if he had sitrep pro (louder enemy footsteps) on.

Or he just flat out heard you and spun around firing.

I am the absolute MASTER at drop-shotting. Its my way of getting back at halo hopping assfuckers. If I run by someone, I'll duck to the ground and spin around firing. I did that to the same guy in a match 5 times and he never caught on. After the game he told me how good I was at it.
i still can't hit shit when i shoot. lol

did any of you guys adjust your controller sensitivity?

I always turn mine up to 5-6. I can't play when its below 4... it feels like I'm spinning in slow motion ALL the time.
if i turned mine up to 5-6 it'd miss everything i shot at.. lol
eg'sforlife if you want to get better online then play the storyline on veteran it helped my game.

jams is good at flopping to the ground and shooting he gets me when he does that shit.

also some people are just bad ass at the game, one of my buddy's is a kick ass player. when hes on with our group he all tell him where the other teams are hes just a monster. he gets usually a 25 to 3 kill/death rate on hard core.
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Ive destroyed it on veteran 4 times..... im still new to xbl but i have made it to level 22 so im proud of myself lol but I have learned a few things. I think i still just got to get some noobness out before i get better
I am the absolute MASTER at drop-shotting. Its my way of getting back at halo hopping assfuckers. If I run by someone, I'll duck to the ground and spin around firing. I did that to the same guy in a match 5 times and he never caught on. After the game he told me how good I was at it.

Used to work on me when I had a smg(UMP) or shotgun. Now, I usually aim for the legs/ankles so people who drop just get shot anyways.
my new avatar on xbl .. hahah.. tried to give him a murder face

Are any of you guys good at no-scoping or quick-scoping with sniper rifles? That's probably one of the most frustrating things for me when playing these games, when I've got some a-hole with a sniper rifle just running around the map killing me from long range AND close range and I'm using an AR or SMG and should have the drop on him from medium to close range. That's pretty much the only time I'm tempted to rage quit, lol...
i suck w/ sniper rifles.. lol.. even if i'm camped
i suck w/ sniper rifles.. lol.. even if i'm camped

I'm alright with a sniper rifle when I'm just camped somewhere, but I've got NO idea how these guys are able to be so accurate with hip fires and quick scopes. I've looked at all the YouTube tutorials and tried the tips but I've never been able to get good at it... :shrug2:
I'm alright sniping. I just get bored easily and start moving around. Then I get picked off constantly.
i hate waiting too. i would rather have 15 kills and 15 deaths than 7 kills and 2 deaths. it's much more fun.

oh, and fuck campers. god damn they piss me off.