Getting modern warfare 2 this week!!!!!!!

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its cool i knew ya so i was just fuckin with ya.

Fucked me up is the correct phrase.. That first game i joined it was left and right you were kicking my ass lol and then I got eg6sir quite a few times with to tube :p
lol I hate it when I'm dead on guessing with a noob tube :p haha, just kidding

i've done that a few times.. launched my n00btube across the level in Afghan and got a headshot.. i soo wish it was the winning kill.. that would have been awesome

too bad there isnt replays either
haha, ill be on in like 10 minutes, I've been up since 7 this morning
I was just playing S&D on Afghan... I had just got in the game, and a teammate drops a care package...

It had a fucking NUKE IN IT?!?! What the fuck? Apparently Nukes in Care Packages are possible...
I always get a stupid uav or uav jamer when i get a care package if it wasnt for the fact that I normaly only get a 5 kill streak before dying i'd use something else
WTF.... I could have sworn that there was a 0% chance of rolling a nuke on care packages. Thats nuts.
Yeah I've had a few EMPs through Care Packages, but never have I ever seen a nuke, ever... until Saturday night.

Edit: I prestiged over to my 7th level last night, made it up to level 13 I think. I was playing a game with the default UMP and USP. I got promoted to 12 with one kill, the next kill with my USP I hit the 1000 kill mark with it, got 10k and got promoted to 13. lol I love the lower levels for doing stuff like that.

Ended up somehow getting my chopper gunner in that game too, It always seems to happen when I forget that I'm almost there.
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hey everyone before you download the new maps hold off, I downloaded it today and started the game and it went to update it and the update of the game failed, it also is happening to my buddies that have downloaded the stimulus package also