Getting modern warfare 2 this week!!!!!!!

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got a new fav assault class

Tar-21 FMJ
Striker GRIP
marathon pro
cold blooded pro
commando pro

i fuck people up w/ the Striker.. lol

just went 26-5 on Highrise.. next best score was 12 kill, on my team.. other teams best score was 9 kills... i got my predator like 3 times and my attack heli twice.. lol
got a new fav assault class

Tar-21 FMJ
Striker GRIP
marathon pro
cold blooded pro
commando pro

i fuck people up w/ the Striker.. lol

just went 26-5 on Highrise.. next best score was 12 kill, on my team.. other teams best score was 9 kills... i got my predator like 3 times and my attack heli twice.. lol
the automatic shotgun is nice with scavenger.
Yeah but with only 8 rounds chambered, you run through them quick which makes reloading a PITA. The Striker has 16 rounds before its needed to be reloaded.
does fine for me... gotta have a quick trigger finger.. i can fire the m16 like its fully automatic.. lol
yes but it does not mow people down near as fast.

Sure it does. I've nailed 10 people in a row one round each, and still didn't have to reload, on the AA12 without sleight of hand, I wouldn't be able to do that.

Of course I also never silence my shotguns. The range sucks, you basically have to stand next to the guy.
Yeah, I'm really starting to hate Fuel. It's just too damned big. For a game like Battlefield that might work, but CoD is a little more fast-paced, arcade type action. It's mostly just a camp fest whenever I play that map. At least you can always count on some chode being inside the rock...
90 more headshots and i finished the Barrett completely ..
other than prestige kills because i havent prestiged on the new account.. not even there yet, i think i'm a 62.. lol.. probably wont anyways
Yeah, I'm really starting to hate Fuel. It's just too damned big. For a game like Battlefield that might work, but CoD is a little more fast-paced, arcade type action. It's mostly just a camp fest whenever I play that map. At least you can always count on some chode being inside the rock...

I never did like Fuel, or Carnival. From the first couple times I played it until now. Don't care for them.

Give me rust and a Javelin. lol
I never did like Fuel, or Carnival. From the first couple times I played it until now. Don't care for them.

Give me rust and a Javelin. lol

I like Rust a lot too. Too bad it only comes up like once in a blue moon for me, lol. And yeah, I'm not huge on Carnival either. Trailer Park I think is pretty decent, and Vacant and Strike are win...
agree on the fuel and carnival. I do like trailer park though.
when i said i had 90 headshots to go, i was wrong.. needed 115.. now i only need 66 and the Barrett is finished
when i said i had 90 headshots to go, i was wrong.. needed 115.. now i only need 66 and the Barrett is finished

How the fuck do people do this? I have been working on my intervention and I get one headshot with it every like 10 games.
How the fuck do people do this? I have been working on my intervention and I get one headshot with it every like 10 games.

It seems like I do better with headshots when I'm not trying. If I try, I usually end up dying a lot. If I just play, I usually end up getting them, sometimes from recoil bouncing the gun from their chest to their head...
I only need about 400 more headshots to max out the g18. I've gotten fairly good with them. I can mow people down consistently at 50 yds