Got a question for you guitar players..

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Well.. guitar hero players.

Is 5 notes from 100% on "Laid to Rest", the hard level version, any good?

I play this game too damn much.
I agree that game is addicting. Which is the same reason I hate it. IT WILL CONSUME MY LIFE! Dunno the answer to that one so well, I can play most stuff on hard with little time on the game, now expert is a pain.
My opinion, nothing phenomenal.

I just have to pick up a real instrument and realize how boring that game is in comparison to the real thing. Find some tabs or sheet music online :ph34r:. Saxophone, and oboe are a tad more complicated, so a bit more interesting.
if you are doing that well on hard, jump up to expert :) im currently working on the last tier on expert, i cant finish any of them lol
I have beaten Beast and the Harlot and Institutionalized on the Face Melters portion on Expert.

I can't beat Misirlou, Hangar18, and Freebird? yeah. Right.

I can get 85% through Hangar18 and then it pwns me.

I need to learn how to play the triplet notes and then go back to 1/4 notes.
Um. I'm pretty sure you can learn to read tablature without knowing a goddamn thing about technical guitar. Just sayin'.
... I know how to read tablature, I'm saying I need to learn the notes on the frets so I don't have to keep looking up and down between the fret and tablature...

Done being a jackass yet? ;)
They're just acting cool....dont worry about it. Keep practicing and eventually you wont have to look at the fretboard.

...(as much)
... I know how to read tablature, I'm saying I need to learn the notes on the frets so I don't have to keep looking up and down between the fret and tablature...

Done being a jackass yet? ;)

My statement stands, and had you used the correct terminology I wouldn't have had to say it in the first place.

Done being an asshole yet? ;)
I'm sorry oh gods of the smartasses! I'll learn how to be godly like you, smartass. :p
Spend more time on your real guitar than you do on Guitar Hero and you might get somewhere. "OMGx0rz, I got 99% on Guitar Hero but I can't even tell you how to play an E5 and I've had my real guitar longer than the game!" You deserved that one.

Most internet tabs suck. Use real tab books and you'll learn something. Use Google to search for "how to read musical notation" and then compare the tab to the musical notation written above it...learning rhythmic notation will help even more. Above that you'll see what chord you're playing in. Here's a trick. Learn the note of each open string and then count the notes up the fret board. Using either E string as an example, E-F-F#/Gb-G-G#/Ab-A-A#/Bb-B-C-C#/Db-D-E and then the 12th fret is one octave higher than the open string. If you want to learn, learn. You have to actually pay attention and put forth some amount of effort. You'd be surprised what even 30 minutes of focused practice a day will do for you. The best way to learn where the frets are by feel is learning and playing scales. That teaches your fingers the muscle memory they need to perform the task. There's no substitute for spending hours with your instrument and taking it seriously. Oh that's right, being serious is for losers. Fun people are never serious about anything.

By the way, if you actually don't know, an E5 is the open 6th (low E, bottom) string and the 5th (A) string fretted at the second fret (B).

I actually haven't had my real guitar longer than the game. I've had GHII a week longer and spent more time playing it because I can get further in a shorter amount of time.

If I spent the time on my real guitar I'd probably be fairly decent at it...

Heaven forbid that I think a game is fun and I want to talk about it. I learned my lesson from you and Battle-Asshole now. :D

I'll just keep it to myself.

Thanks for the second paragraph though, when I start to get bored with GH, I'll pick up my real guitar, but for now I'm just picking it up every now and then to strum a few new chords.