Graveyard Shift

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compared to rit or add... this stuff is completely diff. rif and add..increases heart rate...this just turns off the section of the brain that tells your body you need sleep somehow. Makes your thinking clearly...with no hypertension at all. Not cheap. 30 tabs is $700 for 200mg...$20 if you have insurance.
Yeah you'll definitely need a routine. I used to come home, eat, flip channels for a bit, and then crash. Might wanna look into some room darkening shades if the sunlight will prevent you from sleeping, although I was usually so tired it didn't matter.
Good lord do I need darkening shades. I currently have some super thin roll down white shades. I swear they amplify the fucking light lol. I wrapped a sheet over my eyes just so I could fall asleep this morning.

I use to go to the gym to wind down after the night shift. By the time I was home I was beat. The only thing is, I would stay in bed for like 9+ hours since I didn't really have to get up even after a healthy 8 hours of sleep. I was effectively shortening my time to do other things. But I was going to the gym every day.
I've always got something in my to-do list, staying in bed for too long wont be an issue for me. My issue with the morning is that the sun is almost coming up at 7am, so if I do anything I'll be fucking wired.

I've been 3rd shift now for 9 years.... I couldn't handle 1st or 2nd shift now. 12am-6:30am...6-7 days a week. I used to break it half for sleep, pass out when I got home, and wake up around 11---screw around in the garage...then go back to bed around 6-7...wake up at 10:30. Or, just stay awake all day, and pass out around 3-4....

The new one for PROVIGIL® (modafinil) – Home ...for those days I want to fish right after work...and get home around 4pm... it works. Just go to your doctor and give him a story that your on shift work, and need a little boost to adjust to the new schedule. 100mg is too much to start, but break it in half and do 50mg at first. don't do 200mg.... you'll be figuring out pi to the 100,000 decibel. :ph34r:

I wish I worked a 6 hour shift, that would be awesome! I still don't know how sleeping will be, but I'm pretty sure it'll be all over the place as well.

I'm not typically one to take medication, but it really might not be a bad idea to pick that stuff up. I'll put some thought into it.
When i was working 3rd, i found it best to come home and unwind for a few... do whatever/errands. try to get to bed by 10am-ish. Wake up around dinner time.

Sleeping 6pm-ish to work time is crap, cuz you miss out on life.
sleeping right when you get home until say 2 or 3 sucks cuz then you're tired around 4am and makes 1/2 of your shift hard to stay awake for, especially if its slow paced.
The things that suck on 3rd shifts.
Gets kinda lonely when most things are a normal during morning and afternoon time periods.
Your body is gonna get confused if you don't stay in a routine.
Social life kinda goes down. But that's pretty much like anyone else these days.
24-hours place are your 2nd home. 7-ll, Walmart,etc. Thank goodness for Online shopping huh.
Have to prepare your meals since take-out places closes.

The good thing is that you pretty much can save alot of money if you are too busy.
You are in another world and get to see stuff in many different perspectives.
Fall/Winter tends to be your fav due to less light hours. but sucky cold temps.
usually less work, better pay, and better learning experience.
There are always people online. LOL
you become a night driver.

I would like to have Long shifts on 4 days and 3 days off.
Fuck this shift. Nick, I took your advice and scheduled night classes that start at 5:30pm. I fucking sleep through them involuntarily sometimes lol. I can't sleep at all when I get home. Total counterproductive shift. I'm doing worse than ever in school, I'm always tired, and I'm getting 5+ hour migraines. If it weren't for 4 classes, this would be cake, but school is more important than this job.

Gonna have a talk with my boss this morning. If no compromises are made, it's off to the doctor. I can deal with everything except for it screwing up school.
You need to wind down after your shift. At one point I had a 3rd shift job, 10pm-7am. Then another time I had a 7a-4p job, school from 5p-9p, then a remote working thing from 10p-3a. If you don't find some way to chill out and relax and get your mind working slowly, you're fucked.

Set alarms. Live by them. If the alarm says you go to bed at 10am, then fucking do it. Also try changing your diet to give your body enough time to get everything digested, if you're still digesting, you won't sleep well or easily. Minimum of 90 minutes between eating and sleep. Do you do anything else other than sleep in your bedroom? The only things that should be done in your bedroom should be sex and sleep. Keep the rooms separate, and your mind will understand that once you enter that room, it's either sleep or sex -- if you're me a combination, lol.

If you'd like to talk further about it (the work/sleep, not the sex), hit me up on fb or aim.
Fuck this shift. Nick, I took your advice and scheduled night classes that start at 5:30pm. I fucking sleep through them involuntarily sometimes lol. I can't sleep at all when I get home. Total counterproductive shift. I'm doing worse than ever in school, I'm always tired, and I'm getting 5+ hour migraines. If it weren't for 4 classes, this would be cake, but school is more important than this job.

Gonna have a talk with my boss this morning. If no compromises are made, it's off to the doctor. I can deal with everything except for it screwing up school.

so what was your schedule like? were you staying up after work for a bit or going to sleep right after you got off?
Get good blackout curtains and completely block light out of your room. going to bed at 8/9/10 am is always the hardest part.
Get good blackout curtains and completely block light out of your room. going to bed at 8/9/10 am is always the hardest part.
Other than that I guess its like changing timezone to India.. Didn't take me too long to get accustom to being 13.5 hours ahead. :) Coming back again was a little rough.. I wanted to go to bed at 6p.m. for 4 days.
I used to work 11p-7a I would pick up a 12 pack and get drunk and play battlefield 2.. then go to bed around 11..
You need to wind down after your shift. At one point I had a 3rd shift job, 10pm-7am. Then another time I had a 7a-4p job, school from 5p-9p, then a remote working thing from 10p-3a. If you don't find some way to chill out and relax and get your mind working slowly, you're fucked.

Set alarms. Live by them. If the alarm says you go to bed at 10am, then fucking do it. Also try changing your diet to give your body enough time to get everything digested, if you're still digesting, you won't sleep well or easily. Minimum of 90 minutes between eating and sleep. Do you do anything else other than sleep in your bedroom? The only things that should be done in your bedroom should be sex and sleep. Keep the rooms separate, and your mind will understand that once you enter that room, it's either sleep or sex -- if you're me a combination, lol.

If you'd like to talk further about it (the work/sleep, not the sex), hit me up on fb or aim.
I can wind down, but it takes me a while. My schedule has always been get off work, do something physically productive, go to school, eat, play some video games, then go to sleep. I've always gone to sleep at the end of my day, thus waking up just before work. For me to get enough sleep now, I have to be asleep nearly 45 minutes after getting home. That doesn't work for me. On days I don't have school, I go to sleep at noon and get 9 hours of sleep, but I'm so mentally exhausted that I can't focus on doing homework for the first part of my day.

My eating habits are fine in that department, I've got my eat-to-sleep ratio down lol. I have the master bedroom and a slob of a roommate, so I keep and do everything in my room. You're absolutely correct that it is full of distractions, but I can't put that entirely to blame.

so what was your schedule like? were you staying up after work for a bit or going to sleep right after you got off?
What was it like on graveyard before school started? I was staying up for almost the entire day and sleeping right before work. Going to bed at noon at the earliest.

Get good blackout curtains and completely block light out of your room. going to bed at 8/9/10 am is always the hardest part.
My room is dark AND I wrap a shirt around my face. Definitely pitch black then lol.

I used to work 11p-7a I would pick up a 12 pack and get drunk and play battlefield 2.. then go to bed around 11..
Sounds awesome, but not my cup of tea.
personally, i dont need to unwind. i get off at 6:30ish am and drive home (about 45 min drive), get home and go right to bed. im out by like 7:30-7:45 tops. light doesnt even phase me, i have cheap thin blinds and no curtains. its fairly bright in my bedroom in the morning (no direct light through the window though). and ill sleep til about 2-3pm. get up, work out, go back to work.

everyone's different i guess.
Lucky bastard. I'm glad it works for you, though.

I suppose awp is right, I'm just constantly stressing/thinking bout something, which is why I stay up till I'm exhausted. That plan works better for first shift lol. I think this shift would be ridiculously awesome if I weren't in school and put more efforts into adjusting to it.
find yourself some sleep music. Back in college, I had a big communal room with 4 dudes living in it. Needless, it was always the hang out and getting anything done there, including sleeping, was a tough battle.

I soon turned to a slimline set of headphones (no, not ear buds) that I could be comfortable sleeping in and with a low enough volume on my discman (dating myself here....) so that it wouldn't keep me awake/startle me, yet killing all room noise.

these found heavy rotation in my player:
Pink Floyd - Division Bell
Alice in Chains - Jar of Flies
Zakk Wylde - Book of Shadows

Find your if none of that appeals to you. Softer rock that isn't dentist/elevator material.
Get good blackout curtains and completely block light out of your room. going to bed at 8/9/10 am is always the hardest part.

If you've worked 16 hours straight, it's not hard to go to bed at anytime at all. I really miss those days. Made way too much money and never had any time to spend any of it.