Gunman kills 12 in Colorado Movie Theater

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yep, been following this all morning.

I can't wait for the metal detectors at the movie theatre now.
yep, been following this all morning.

I can't wait for the metal detectors at the movie theatre now.

I can't help but feel so much remorse for the victims. They're going to what they think is a safe place.
The world is not a safe place. That's why you should always be prepared to defend yourself with what ever means necessary.
The world is not a safe place. That's why you should always be prepared to defend yourself with what ever means necessary.

While I wish this where not true I have to agree. Every minute of every day something terrible can happen. Folks need to understand that we are all someone else to everyone else. Not to say absolutely every one needs to carry but folks sure as heck need to operate with the mentality that they are going to win. When seconds count help is min test away
I can't wait for the metal detectors at the movie theatre now.

Terrible event, but yes watch it turn out that we'll all have to take off our belts and shoes to get into a theater now.

Also, the premiere in Paris was cancelled because of this. I see the French have preemptively surrendered. :ph34r:
i wonder if that's really her or some hoax shit.

used shotgun, ar15, and a glock 40 cal.
was apprehended with 2 glock 40's

supposedly had painted red hair and claimed to be the joker a la hospital scene
THIS is why I carry, and THIS is why I will never have to think about shooting some dumbass that points a weapon at me. My life or his, and I'm going home at the end of it all. Praying for everyone that was involved when some inconsiderate asshole decided to play God. I hope he rots in hell.
THIS is why I carry, and THIS is why I will never have to think about shooting some dumbass that points a weapon at me. My life or his, and I'm going home at the end of it all. Praying for everyone that was involved when some inconsiderate asshole decided to play God. I hope he rots in hell.

Although I agree with you, its easy to insert, the " I am better prepared and this wouldn't happen to me menatlity because I'd stop it. blah blah rhetoric."

From the sounds of it, I don't think they realized they were being shot at.

The part that scares me is what society is going to do with this. They will always try and shift a blame on something outside of this sadistic evil person.

Guns, teachers, parents, bullying, drugs, you name it.

This person is the one responsible and should have swift justice dealt upon him.
the reporters kept asking what kind of guns and if he was legally allowed to own them...
this shit is just going to be a circus, with the actual victims just being used as political pawns...
what have we become
the reporters kept asking what kind of guns and if he was legally allowed to own them...
this shit is just going to be a circus, with the actual victims just being used as political pawns...
what have we become

One cannot allow a tragedy to go to waste. Who cares what tools where used. This time it was modern firearms, next time they could chain or bar the doors and detonate an incendiary device. Would we be having a discussion about limiting the availability of gasoline and Styrofoam? Hello no we wouldn't. This is a tragic situation because an individual decided that this was something that needed to happen. Mental health awareness is where the focus should be what's discussed. Even at that people will continue to do horrible things. It's one of the side effects of being blessed/cursed with free will.
The kicker for me in all this is the mom.... "i knew it was him"

bitch, if you knew your kid was a fucking psycho, you should have admitted him to a hospital for treatment years ago.
or at least called the city PD and warned them not to issue him a gun permit.
This shit just makes me sick. I have no connection what so ever, and it still upsets me like I lost someone close to me. Fucking senseless.

I wish it would have ended like so many others, where the gunman turns his weapon on himself. I mean, he will never be able to give any kind of logical reason for his actions. There isn't a snow balls chance in hell at rehabilitation. AND now he's gunna soak up more tax payer money getting free room and board while tying up court system time.

The fact that I have to raise my child in a world like this makes me wanna cry.
$20 says he won't get the death penalty for 12 counts of murder, 50+ counts of attempted murder, and whatever other crap the Da decides to lay out.