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GWAR is coming here to Fort Wayne, Indiana with Lamb Of God on November 5th. im thinking about going to see them both. ive always wanted to see a GWAR concert and im sure this is the only opportunity i hear they put on a good show. anyone ever seen em? ive heard to not wear good clothes as there is LOTS of fake blood at their

anyone interested in going? if so, you can crash at my house on the couch after the show if you you are interested. oh tickets are only $25!
great audience interaction but too vulgar for me. especially when they brought out jitler (jesus and hitler).

good if you want to say you at least experienced them but i'm never going to another show again. entertainment numbs the loud riffs and annoying vocals
Wow, I can't believe that people would pay money to have a band scream incoherent vocals, and get pissed on.
Both of those bands suck. I saw Gwar at ozzfest, they put on an alright show. but you cant have much fun in 110 degree tx heat. if you're questioning it, then stay at home and listen to good music. it's a lot cheaper and you dont have to be covered in blood. and yes, I have paid hundreds of dollars to have someone yell at me.