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Long story short- I didnt drive my car for about a week and it did have close to zero gas in it, but it started right up. I drove it to the gas station about 2 miles down the road, after i filled the tank it would not start again! Had it towed home....
I put some "dry gas" in the tank and i got it started yesterday, but i had to jump it first. But it died again.
Whenever i try to start it it almost turns on but just wont turn over, and sometimes it putts out the back.. (i know i am not using the right words but i hope someone can understand what i am saying and help me with ideas!!!)

Did you put the right grade of gas in it? I remember a few years ago this dumb ass accidently filled his car up with diesel fuel, and the car broke down when he drove off from the gas station:beat:
got to start with the basics, any check lights on that stay on ? can you hear the fuel pump cut on with the switch ? and is the plugs getting fire ?
Yes, i do have a prelude. No check engine lights on or anything at all. And my car calls for premium and that's what i always put in it. And i know i didnt put Diesel in it... that would suuuuck! Sediments from the bottom of the tank?>... nooo idea, how would i go about checking that?. My dad said to try buing a ne fuel filter..??
it pump its self maybe trying to go out just got to lisn and see if you hear it humm a few seconds when you turn the key to the on position.
well it will be loud enough to hear lol, just make sure like the fan and radion and door chime and all that isnt going. you should be able to hear it if its working
Cold weather and low fuel is hard on the pump, could have burnt the pump up.
Well i suppose i will try with the cheaper possible fix (filter) then the pump, which i hope to god it isn't cause they range form $86-$304 depending if i get the kit with the hanger assembly, and strainer.. which i have no idea what that means either... ugh. If you have any more ideas PLEASE let me know! I need my car pretty bad.
It ran just fine before right?

I would start with the filter. If that doesn't work check each injector to see if they are plugged.
Hm, that will be interesting for me to do cause i honestly don't know what i woul be looking for. I will have one of my friends take a look at it and i will let him know what you said- then i will get back to ya... Thank you very much!
Ok now where in god's name is the fuel filter located? The guy at the shop told me it would be right under the hood on the passanger side...


damn..should be mounted right on the firewall..just follow the fuel line like clint said..should go right to it..