here we go again. bush sucks.

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New2TheCarScene, you're still not taking into account the fact that Bush STARTED this war. The argument that the current economy is not all his fault because he's a wartime president is completely invalidated by this fact.
Originally posted by New2TheCarScene@Nov 23 2004, 01:00 PM
If we're going to take that standpoint we might as well go for a socialist society which in theory is perfect.
[post=421053]Quoted post[/post]​

I don't believe in that system at all. Everyone is NOT equal. and there will ALWAYS be classes in society.

but fact is, is that i have had the same education (public schooling pretty much my whole life) that everyone on welfare in my city had.
why is it, that i came out ok, and am able to get a job, while they are fucking idiots, can't read, and mooch the system for a living.


if you're stupid- you're stupid. I know lots of stupid people. Hell, a lot of my friends didn't even finish high school. But ya know what- everyone is good at something. You don't have to be good at math or be able to read shakespeare to be a landscaper or something. And thats an honest, good-paying living. all you need is the desire to break your back every day.

in a socialist market, everything is even. I don't belive in that at all. In fact, my "party" is just the opposite. If you DONT make anything of yourself, its your own god damn fault. fuck you. can't get a job? GO LEARN SOMETHING and then try to get another one. Have 17 kids? better have a good gramma to help you out- get your ass to work to feed them, and close your fucking legs next time you whore. That's my party.

So if you work hard in life, you can make a shit load of money, or if you work normally, you can live comfortably. but if you're a slacker fuck, you might as well just off yourself. you do nothing but bring society down.

and as an aside, and probably what will be deemed racist- but im saying it anyway - I CANNOT STAND seeing half of my town's pourterican (yeah, i probably spelled it wrong) nationality members driving cars with banners of the PR flag, bumper stickers, mother land this, flag that. FUCK. GO THE FUCK BACK THERE IF YOU LOVE IT SO MUCH. But don't be coming here parading your shit.
if an islamic did that and started going around with his turban and shit all over his car and an "I LOVE OSAMA" bumper sticker, he'd be shot. But no, its ok for them to do it. What it ends up becoming is reverse racism. The white man has become the "nig__" because of the white man's pathetic methods to try to stop racism. While I agree that it needed to be done, i think they went about it all wrong.

EOEP's can eat a big fat dick. I don't want to have to hire the #3 man for the job because hes a minority. I want the best, most qualified guy. so what if hes white. but no, the state says i have to have X% of minorities working for my company. BULLSHIT. utter bullshit. If the minority guy thinks its racism- he simply needs to get his ass back to school, learn more, or try harder next time, so that next time around, he IS the top dog. But again, we appease it and push it. That's why a lot of minorites simply just don't give a shit. they are used to beating the system that was designed to give them a chance. The chance 50 years ago, wasn't there. Today, i think you'd be hard pressed to walk into an office and not hire the smartest dude because hes black. 50 years ago, sure... i agree. But, times have changed. Unfortunately, our laws haven't, and they've only gone the complete wrong direction.

Now, me, personally- I don't give a fuck if you're white, brown, spanish, black, green, or yellow like mike :D. I do not believe in hate based on skin color or race. I have black freinds, spanish friends, cuban friends, asian friends, english friends, and everythign else. I do however FIRMLY believe in giving a big fuck you to all the above bullshit that is stereo typical of lower class people- black, white, or anything in between. Stop bitching that your poor and "dat's how we do" and get your ass a skill and do something to support your self. Why the fuck should i have to pay for your ass to live because you're a fuck up and im not? FUCK THAT.

Vote B 2038

kill welfare
kill SS
kill EOEP's
kill 1950's esque race laws/update to modern way of life
reform and regulate health care and perscription drugs
abolish the war on drugs. regulate it. keep track of who buys it. add it to their database (come on, its 2038 :D)
enable 1gb/sec WiFi in all homes for a reasonable price each month.
get rid of 100 year old judges who don't have a fucking clue about the way of life. get some 30/40-something hot shot lawyers on there who actually know wtf they are doing
break up miscrosoft :D
:worthy: B

Add in "Get rid of Affirmative Action", and you've got a good chunk of my political and social views in there. Nominate me for a member of your cabinet!
Originally posted by Sabz5150+Nov 22 2004, 03:51 PM-->
@Nov 22 2004, 03:37 PM

she shouldn't have married the fuck in the first place.  she was stupid.  she shouldn't have had kids.  if it goes bad, whatever- not our problem.  go back and live with your mom.

That's kinda like saying it's your fault your chick cheated on you. You were stupid, shouldn't have dated her in the first place.

Unless you legalize murder, this will hit a brickwall at 200mph.

Oh, and bring back prohibition... alcohol makes for violent people and leads to situations like this. Doesn't matter if YOU don't act that way, some people do.
[post=420504]Quoted post[/post]​

understandable- but how in ANYWAY is it my fault? why shoudl i pay for that?

fact is- i shouldn't.

if she can't afford to raise her kids on her own after some dude leaves her- go back and live with mom, or a friend. its that simple.

if i move out, and i can't afford it anymore- im going back home. not on welfare.

i know a bunch of you probably already have moved out, and come back home after a year or so cuz it was too much money.
did you go on welfare? i doubt it. you went back to your family for their aid.
Originally posted by pissedoffsol
I don't believe in that system at all. Everyone is NOT equal. and there will ALWAYS be classes in society.

but fact is, is that i have had the same education (public schooling pretty much my whole life) that everyone on welfare in my city had.
why is it, that i came out ok, and am able to get a job, while they are fucking idiots, can't read, and mooch the system for a living.


if you're stupid- you're stupid. I know lots of stupid people. Hell, a lot of my friends didn't even finish high school. But ya know what- everyone is good at something. You don't have to be good at math or be able to read shakespeare to be a landscaper or something. And thats an honest, good-paying living. all you need is the desire to break your back every day.

in a socialist market, everything is even. I don't belive in that at all. In fact, my "party" is just the opposite. If you DONT make anything of yourself, its your own god damn fault. fuck you. can't get a job? GO LEARN SOMETHING and then try to get another one. Have 17 kids? better have a good gramma to help you out- get your ass to work to feed them, and close your fucking legs next time you whore. That's my party.

So if you work hard in life, you can make a shit load of money, or if you work normally, you can live comfortably. but if you're a slacker fuck, you might as well just off yourself. you do nothing but bring society down.

and as an aside, and probably what will be deemed racist- but im saying it anyway - I CANNOT STAND seeing half of my town's pourterican (yeah, i probably spelled it wrong) nationality members driving cars with banners of the PR flag, bumper stickers, mother land this, flag that. FUCK. GO THE FUCK BACK THERE IF YOU LOVE IT SO MUCH. But don't be coming here parading your shit.
if an islamic did that and started going around with his turban and shit all over his car and an "I LOVE OSAMA" bumper sticker, he'd be shot. But no, its ok for them to do it. What it ends up becoming is reverse racism. The white man has become the "nig__" because of the white man's pathetic methods to try to stop racism. While I agree that it needed to be done, i think they went about it all wrong.

EOEP's can eat a big fat dick. I don't want to have to hire the #3 man for the job because hes a minority. I want the best, most qualified guy. so what if hes white. but no, the state says i have to have X% of minorities working for my company. BULLSHIT. utter bullshit. If the minority guy thinks its racism- he simply needs to get his ass back to school, learn more, or try harder next time, so that next time around, he IS the top dog. But again, we appease it and push it. That's why a lot of minorites simply just don't give a shit. they are used to beating the system that was designed to give them a chance. The chance 50 years ago, wasn't there. Today, i think you'd be hard pressed to walk into an office and not hire the smartest dude because hes black. 50 years ago, sure... i agree. But, times have changed. Unfortunately, our laws haven't, and they've only gone the complete wrong direction.

Now, me, personally- I don't give a fuck if you're white, brown, spanish, black, green, or yellow like mike biggrin.gif. I do not believe in hate based on skin color or race. I have black freinds, spanish friends, cuban friends, asian friends, english friends, and everythign else. I do however FIRMLY believe in giving a big fuck you to all the above bullshit that is stereo typical of lower class people- black, white, or anything in between. Stop bitching that your poor and "dat's how we do" and get your ass a skill and do something to support your self. Why the fuck should i have to pay for your ass to live because you're a fuck up and im not? FUCK THAT.

Vote B 2038

kill welfare
kill SS
kill EOEP's
kill 1950's esque race laws/update to modern way of life
reform and regulate health care and perscription drugs
abolish the war on drugs. regulate it. keep track of who buys it. add it to their database (come on, its 2038 biggrin.gif)
enable 1gb/sec WiFi in all homes for a reasonable price each month.
get rid of 100 year old judges who don't have a fucking clue about the way of life. get some 30/40-something hot shot lawyers on there who actually know wtf they are doing
break up miscrosoft biggrin.gif

:worthy: :worthy:

That's worth another damn post of the bumper sticker:

Originally posted by dohcvtec_accord@Nov 23 2004, 01:47 PM
:worthy: B

Add in "Get rid of Affirmative Action", and you've got a good chunk of my political and social views in there. Nominate me for a member of your cabinet!
[post=421084]Quoted post[/post]​

I consider AA a part of EOEP's, and yes, disagree with the entire process.

fact is, i think the majority of the people here and in the USA think the same why i do. They don't want to pay for welfare, etc-- but the effects of the action is what the fear. oMG something new!

when shit first goes into plan, yeah it will be rough- all of a sudden crime will probably rise, and all that crap tat goes with it.

But, weeks before the first week of lessening rations of welfare goes around (i beleve in cutting it out slowly, 100 less a week or something) hold job fairs- hell hold them in the shittiest parts of town. offer public transportation to/from the event.

If still, they deny their god-given right to "life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness", then fuck them. evict them, do whatever you gotta do. they had a chance, passed it up. enjoy your life on the street.

bah, want to write more but i jsut got a work order.. :(
back to the grind....
Originally posted by DarkHand@Nov 23 2004, 01:31 PM
New2TheCarScene, you're still not taking into account the fact that Bush STARTED this war. The argument that the current economy is not all his fault because he's a wartime president is completely invalidated by this fact.
[post=421072]Quoted post[/post]​

And you fail to realize that we were beginning a recession at the end of Clinton's term. People don't look at the long term picture at all. It takes ATLEAST a year to see the real effects that a plan has on the marketplace. Fact is, the economy was going DOWNHILL before Bush got in. Just as for his father the economy was beginning to go DOWNHILL when he got into office and was just coming back up before Clinton came into office. No one acknowledges this fact and just thinks that it was all Clinton's work when infact he came into office when the economy was on good terms. Thats just a comparison about how people judge the economy by just looking at who's in office and not what happened in a year or prior to them taking office or putting a plan into effect.

I'm liking to believe that the economy is beginning on the up-and-up again, even if the effects aren't all that prominent now, I predict they will be in a year or two and we'll be thriving once again.

"I don't believe in that system at all. Everyone is NOT equal. and there will ALWAYS be classes in society"

Thats what its a utopian ideal, just as yours is. Thats the point I was trying to get across. Great in theory but could never work.

p.s. I find it very odd as I've always said that you tend to come from a republican standpoint but vote for liberal canidates for president. I side with basically all that shit you said because that is the ideal world to me, unfortunately as I keep stating not going to happen. Its especially not going to happen when everyone in large cities or expensive areas continue to vote liberal so they receive more aid or programs...thats the exact opposite direction of where you say you would head in office.
but i haven't even touched on aiding programs, foreign policy, or anything like that.

i'd be all for dumping a mil on a nice park.
i'd be all for promotoing world peace, and letting a country run them selves.
im all for removing the embargo on cuba. russia left them what, 40 years ago?

we're just stuck on all these old policies, and since they were made - and they were needed then -- things have changed.

its time our policies change with them
Originally posted by New2TheCarScene@Nov 23 2004, 02:40 PM
And you fail to realize that we were beginning a recession at the end of Clinton's term. People don't look at the long term picture at all. It takes ATLEAST a year to see the real effects that a plan has on the marketplace. Fact is, the economy was going DOWNHILL before Bush got in. Just as for his father the economy was beginning to go DOWNHILL when he got into office and was just coming back up before Clinton came into office. No one acknowledges this fact and just thinks that it was all Clinton's work when infact he came into office when the economy was on good terms. Thats just a comparison about how people judge the economy by just looking at who's in office and not what happened in a year or prior to them taking office or putting a plan into effect.

The recession began March 2001. Do the research.

I'm liking to believe that the economy is beginning on the up-and-up again, even if the effects aren't all that prominent now, I predict they will be in a year or two and we'll be thriving once again.

Bush said that this year, the year before that, the year before that, and wouldn't ya know it... the year before that!

I'm waiting.
Originally posted by Sabz5150@Nov 23 2004, 05:07 PM

The recession began March 2001. Do the research.

I'm liking to believe that the economy is beginning on the up-and-up again, even if the effects aren't all that prominent now, I predict they will be in a year or two and we'll be thriving once again.

Bush said that this year, the year before that, the year before that, and wouldn't ya know it... the year before that!

I'm waiting.
[post=421234]Quoted post[/post]​

The economy doesnt just drop off into a recession, do the research. As I said, it was going down leading into a recession BEFORE Bush got into office. Remember the basic fact of the economy and that the effects of a plan take atleast a year or two to be clearly shown in the marketplace. March 2001 is almost exactly a year after Bush got into office that you pinpoint the recession at. Wow...he must've completely fubar'd the system in a month or less of being in office to allow for such a dramatic change to occur so fast. *Cue the dramatic music here* I think that clearly illustrates my point that Bush didn't walk into the best environment and was unfortunately blamed ENTIRELY for any downfall in the economy that occured. Of course he's going to be blamed though, he's the easiest target, he's the most immediate person...any president in office would get blamed for something that happened while he was in there even if it wasn't his fault.

And you're a fool if you believe that any president would tell you that the economy WOULDN'T be good the next year, or the year after that. What president hasnt made claims such as that? I'm not quite sure that any have said "Hey, the people of America, look the economy sucks for now and well its going to suck until who knows when..." That would elicit great confidence in investors to just dump all their money into the economy. ///sarcasm. Actions speaks louder than words and I predict within the next year or two our economy will be flourishing again. Thats just my prediction.